Fate Zero is the best Fate work to date, why do people get so mad about that fact? because Nasu didn't write it? lol

Fate Zero is the best Fate work to date, why do people get so mad about that fact? because Nasu didn't write it? lol

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Their waifu is from another installment.

Type-Moon as a whole is shite.

>best Fate work
Yeah, it is the only passable Fate work after all.

Some autists just are mad that secondaries can finally appreciate their super secret club visual novel because it finally got a good anime.



>no porn
Pick 2.

>muh urobuchi
You'll get over it when you're older than 14.

The anime itself is great, the secondary fanbase of F/Z is extremely cancerous. Ok, we get it, you ONLY like dark and edgy stories. Stop whining about being able to fuck King Arthur in her pussy already.