Are there any Poles here who aren't brainwashed about Hitler and Nazi Germany?

Are there any Poles here who aren't brainwashed about Hitler and Nazi Germany?

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Are you fucking retarded ? Brainwashed how?

It's stormfags that are brainwashed and apparently know Polish history better than Poles themselves do.

It's fun (and sad) watching the Poles try to both say the jewish propaganda "The Holocaust is real" and then try and defend themselves when the Jews expand the fiction to say the Poles did it to the Jews.
I applaud the Polish for keeping their ethnostate, but they're still a bit of a "Polish Joke" when it comes to holding their conflicting irrational beliefs.

>It's stormfags that are brainwashed
This one's too far gone, lads

>Brainwashed how?
If you were brainwashed, how could you know?

Germans and Jews are the same people. Degenerate savage monkeys.
Fuck off retard.

My question is, did Hitler "Invade" Poland or did Hitler Expand into Poland and met resistance?

The only thing I disagree with Nazi Germany is their hate for slavs desu.

You're about to get "REDPILLED DURR XDDD" by clueless stormfag imbeciles with IQ of a pencil, that Nazis didn't hate slavs.

Just build your lebensraum around it, who cares.

Start building businesses you broke niggers, you'll need money to fly over guns to Duetchsland when we start killing the primitive subhumans.

I pull 7 figures from my KFC, right in the jungle.

>there are retards here who actually think Hitler wasn't intent on the genocide of half of Poles and the enslavement of the rest

Hitler took back what was German soil after the Poles started slaughtering German's what were given to Poland as war booty.

Is that a chadified Sam Hyde?

Adolf Hitler was a Jewish agent you idiots.
Hell, his entire ideology was very based on Zionism and Judaism.
Literally the god's chosen people.

Which is why he took all of the Czech lands AFTER being given the Sudetenland? Face it, he used "muh German unity" as an excuse to conquer the Slavs.
Also, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not know about Lebensraum? His demonisation of the Slavs? Aren't you a neo-Nazi?

how come genetic testing can distinguish a german from a jew?
Again, how do you know you're not brainwashed? Hint: Your being triggered is a sign of cognitive dissonance - meaning you have a deeply held belief that you can't let go in the face of reality that conflicts with it.

A lot of the Nazis are in denial or ignore the Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost. Hitler was very brutal to the Poles, ganging up with the Bolsheviks on them, then he invades the Soviet Union, fails, and half of Europe falls to communism. The Nazis were mean sons of bitches and the karma caught up with them. Then they repivoted from China towards Japan for muh military capacity, Japan spergs out and bombs us, and drags us into the war. The Nazis made a lot of cold, Realpolitik decisions that caught up with them, and overconfidence was also a factor of course.

I know we all want a hero, but even for a full 1488 type, it's hard to really get behind the Nazis with your heart in it when you look at the full picture. Was it worth putting his Reich on the line, along with Western Civilization and the Jewish Question, just because Sudetenland and half of Poland wasn't enough Slavic clay for him?

fucking stupid Poles why can't you appreciate Austrian failed painter who turned your capital into ghetto
I just don't understand them...

>the absolute state of burger education
Cognitive dissonance is holding two conflicting ideas at the same time

>Is that a chadified Sam Hyde?
i think it is bong

It can't because kikes mixed with krauts for centuries. Jewish is a Germanic language and Zionism was born from a German Jew, Theodor Herzl.



Easy, you got GERM'D.

>Adolf Hitler was a Jewish agent you idiots.
Possibly a Rothschild, yes.
>Hell, his entire ideology was very based on Zionism and Judaism.
No, that's a Jewish meme. Hitler never said "Master Race". He said he would reunite the German people - That meant he was going to take back the German territory that was given as war booty in WW 1 - and that meant half of the current state of Poland.
>Literally the god's chosen people.
Yep. Jewish meme based on Jewish belief.
But Hitler specifically said he did not want to Rule the world. Stalin said it. Jews said it. Hitler didn't

No reply to this?

>Hitler never said "Master Race

Hans-apologists deserve the rope. Germanic people are drone like barbarians, Rome had it right

>Poles started slaughtering German's

Sudetenland was ethnic German.
The Slovaks had enough of Czech shit and wanted to join the Reich. Hitler was conflicted - they weren't German, but because the UK & Soviet Union was Jew controlled, he needed all the help he could get. Czech saw Germany on both sides, threw in with the Germans as well.

>are there any stupid poles who worship a guy who wanted them dead?!

Cognitive bias is holding two conflicting ideas at the same time.
Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort one feels when the person with cognitive bias is faced with the conflict - ie thinking you're not brainwashed but finding out you are.

Not much longer.

Well, prove he did say "master race". Quote Him.
I searched Mein Kampf, Table Talk, and all his speeches.
Show us where Hitler said "Master race" or admit you were brainwashed by the Jewish meme out of London.

Any concrete evidence for this? That source from 1997 doesn't look very good

I replied to that. Have a nice day.


I know the Sudetenland was German, but the rest of the Czech Republic wasn't.
>wanted to join the Reich
The Slovaks never joined the Reich.
>he needed all the help he could get
By invading a country that was weak and had no intent on attacking him after it had already surrendered a vast amount of its territory, leading to a hostile population that leads an insurgency against him?
>Czech saw Germany on both sides
I'll remember that when Mexico claims America.
>Hitler was conflicted
No, you're a retard.
Still haven't mentioned lebensraum or his clear dehumanisation of the Slavs.

I'm pretty sure the Pole would know about the Nazis better than anyone. Better than any stormfag thats for sure.

If you didn't spout "LE KIKE JOO" everywhere like a retard I would actually comitt to the pseudo discusion with you brainlets. But from the begining of the thread I can't see anything more than Naziturd apologists.

You follow your Lord Rothschild master well, and the Chutzpah is great in you.
Maybe not Chutzpah - that would require that you know you're being ironic.

Damn, Sammy Hyde looking fine as fuck


I thought you were ridiculing "burger education". You think Polish schools are going to tell Poles about how the slaughtered ethnic Germans? No, you're a fucking VICTIM! You love being a victim. Being a victim is kewl!
Your own leader was crying about how Poland is a victim and shouldn't have to pay the shekels. Funny as hell.

Yet to see the source. Are you perhaps refering to 'Danzig massacre' ?

Nazis literally didn't hate Slavs or Jews. Do you know what the word hate means?
Of course not, you're a low IQ Mongoloid

Is that Sam Hyde? Kek

Ethnic Germans were slaughtered after the invasion of Poland by Germany.
>Poland is a victim
It was. The city of Warsaw was levelled by Hitler and millions of Poles were enslaved and died.

Apparently that child was not "Aryan" enough for Germans and was killed.
Oh the irony.

Pic related. The perfect example of an Aryan as Hitler claimed.

This looks like Sam Hyde but it can't be him because he has given up on life and become deranged.

Not true Hitler wanted an alliance with Poland.

Is that the guy who posted piss bottles,a jug of gasoline,and secret codes last night?

>I'm Muh own Polish Joke
Don't do that. My kid's half Polish.

No, he didn't. They made a list of Polish elites that need to be exterminated as early as in 1937. Anything other is just a stormfag wet dream. Hitler wasn't sane and his thoughts changed like a fucking clockwork.
Only half human then.

>Muh Jew written history.
Just pay Israel the Shekels

That is what Poles get for having Aushwitz as a tourist attraction. Jews eventually stab everyone in the back.

You're clearly retarded. Clinically. Please kill your child and wife. I don't want half-polack mutts runing around in America with parents like you.

>I believe my own relatives over random faggots from the internet
>I'm brainwashed
top notch stormfag logic

>Hitler's birthplace determines his views
Hitler was Austrian, but sucked German cock
>German-Polish non-aggression pact (which Hitler violated when he invaded Poland with the USSR) means that Hitler loved Poland
Surely that means Hitler loved the USSR, right?
Doesn't matter. He viewed Slavs, including Poles, as subhuman.
>uses propaganda as a valid source
I'm done.
Not only can you justify your bullshit opinions yourself, but you use the most retarded pics to argue for you.

>Muh commies got whacked for starting a war and genociding Germans in Poland.
Well, there you go.

Muh shekels, muh Holocaust.

>Muh commies got whacked for starting a war and genociding Germans in Poland.

Ex-Pollak here.

Grandma says she remembers the Germans when they started their Barbarossa campaign. Miles-long convoys of vehicles heading east.

Says the officers treated her family well. Though her house was strafed by a German cunt aircraft during the 1939 campaign.

When the Russians came, they looted anything not bolted down and wanted to have their way with her.

You're clearly triggered and lack the discipline to contain yourself.

It gets better. They actually launched a number of false flag attacks to create the narrative of Polish aggression. Heard of the Gleiwitz Incident?

The day before the invasion the SS hand-picked a group of Polish-speaking troops, dressed them up in Polish uniforms and had them storm a German radio station near the border, which they used to broadcast messages saying fuck the Germans.

Ever notice this? 100% of the time any leftists or those brainwashed into leftist beliefs, when confronted immediately chimp out and always this:

>fuck you retard
>shut up retard
>you're retarded

They say it over and over and over and over without fail. At about a 90% consistency in every 'argument'.

what do they mean by this?

It's a rendering of what Sam Hyde would look like if he had been born before the spread of the virus that causes CFLS, or Child-for-Life Syndrome, which results in an underdeveloped facial structure.

Pic related: typical 21-year-old male in the 1980s.

Why do you spew Jewish lies and refuse to go to original sources? I mean, you brits always do that. You're being REPLACED even today and you still do that.

There were no communists in Poland, you fuckface. Poland defeated Bolsheviks in 1920, do you honestly think Commies would be allowed to roam Poland?

Do you fucking think that some "POLISH COMMUNISTS" would be allowed to murder Germans in 98% German city governed by German officials?

Fuck off, you make me sick with your retardation. Thanks for polluting Polish genes, your child will be a braindead monkey as well. And posting le funny meme piktures, won't save your face. You outed yourself an imbecile and will remain so.

I'm glad your "country" is a mixed hellhole. I'm enjoying my kraut-free, nigger-free, arab-free Poland.

>Muh German false flags!
yes, yes. It was all false flags. Yet, to this day Clinton's hero Saul Alinsky advocated false flags and they're still doing it. "Double agent" is what the commies at Antifa call it in their trolling guide.

Yeah, after your country gets invaded and after a 5-year war and you finally manage to drive them out of their country, in the meantime seeing all your friends get killed violently in front of you, knowing you may not even have a home or family to return to, see how nice and friendly you are then.

I think we should be allies with Germans in '39. We had a retarded gov after PiƂsudski' s death.

Funny because you felt a victim to Jewish propaganda. Thinking only Jews were supposed to be the victims and that the other 25-30 million people in the country were somehow tricked by them. No, we were dying in the same way.

>spew Jewish lies
Such as? And say how they are lies. You are using Nazi propaganda (google the definition of propaganda) to justify your stance as truth. This is nonsense.
What country I am from is absolutely irrelevant and the fact that you brought it up is a pretty good indicator of where you yourself suspect this "argument" is going.
BTW we aren't being replaced, this is nonsense akin to the BLM notion that whites in America are Nazis and are holding blacks down.

feels good man, pic related gonna hate

Is that one of those skull face reconstruction sculptures?


Yeah well... Cognitive dissonance, like I said, how do you know you weren't brainwashed.
Indeed you are! Now, take the Mudslimes like Merkel told you to take, or else.

>Are there any Poles here who aren't brainwashed about Hitler and Nazi Germany?
I feel like this viewpoint is a problem, when you learn that national socialists didn't want to 'kill every non Nordic/Germanic, take over the world and do super evil things' and then you see that they weren't just the sole reason for the war you tend to hate the fact that you've been lied to, afterwards you look into it deeper and end up in a modern Nazi propaganda and believe stupid things.
War is complex and it's horrible how people are taught about it
>WW1 happened solely because of nationalism, nationalism is bad
>WW2 happened solely because of Hitler who was the most EVIL man in history!, he was a nationalist. What have you learned?
Murdering Slavs is not pro-European. I wouldn't have minded Nazi Germany taking some of their land back since the German Empire but trying to genocide Poles away from central Europe for your ideal lebensraum is insane and stupid.
When will the Kali Yuga be over?

>gets proven wrong
>le more memes XD
Shut up gypsy.

That's a reconstruction based on DNA of the first King of Wakanda

>I wouldn't have minded Nazi Germany taking some of their land back since the German Empire
Oh but I would. Because they had no rights to majority Polish lands such as Corridor and Greater Poland.

More truth than usual Sup Forums bullshit but still with several problems. Hitler really didn't like us but he was ready to have us in his sphere of influence at least for some time while he deals with USSR.

I know polish history better then pols do

I am French, educated, not free loader and ready to work hard and I have the fuck full of my country. Would I be welcome in Poland?

I am.

I think the thing about Germans and Soviets killing our citizens as a part of official government programs and doing other horrible stuff made us a bit skeptical about them.

>I know polish history better then pols do

It's a damn shame Hitler was so kind to you subhuman filth.

Yeah yeah. He was an angel of peace. Now get the fuck out mongoloid, back to your Asian homeland.

damn, Sup Forums getting btfo hard by polacks in this thread

I think alliance with Hitler would've been better for Poland but only if Stalin's government fell first and then Hitler's afterwards. Any other configuration would've ended up horribly for us.

Are you a polish kike by any chance?

>polish kike

Is that Sammy?

Is that Chad Hyde?

I like this poster, saved/10

>start a war together with Stalin
>blame other countries for it

I thought I was the only one who saw the resemblance

Yayyyy Hitler awooooo

>Germans purposefully starve the people of Eastern Europe, destroy their towns, villages, and cities
>Murder the Polish intelligentsia (Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, AB-Aktion)
>Subject Soviet POWs to starvation, forced labor, and brutality that results in over 3 million of them perishing
>Begin "Germanization" of Poland by suppressing and trying to erase any trace of their history and culture, which included plans to completely restructure Warsaw.
>Enslave millions of innocent Soviet citizens to prop up the German war machine.
>Use propaganda to portray Russians as being inferior subhumans
>"Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." - Gauleiter Erich koch
>"We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here." - Gauleiter Erich koch
>Stormfags still claim the Nazis loved slavs and Generalplan Ost was a myth.

You can't reason with stormfags. Their Greatest Story Never Told has trashed their little minds already.