New vid from 1791L "What the Alt Right really is"

New vid from 1791L "What the Alt Right really is"

Imo it's not a good one. Great example of a vid with poor research.

So Sup Forums do you agree with 1791L's portrayal of the alt right?

Other urls found in this thread:

The alt right is a cuck's version of national socialism

Shameless bump, I'd really like to know what you guys thought about it. It's an absolute shitstorm in the comments.

This dumb spic is presenting a false equivalency

This is disingenuous for several reasons.
Shitskins and women receive entitlements via wealth redistribution, their SAT scores are bolstered, and quotas are created to appease them.
Whites have none of these advantages in their own country, let alone someone else's..
The truth will come to light, and these charlatans will regret their choices.

>It's yet another muh horseshoe video that completely misses the point about jews and what Jared Taylor, Spencer or any of the supposed leaders are actually saying

Is it really? Ffs this is disappointing, these guys have good videos sometimes.

Just heard the Jooz bit. Of course the spergs define us, don't listen to serious voices.

The worst part is he missed out the entire point of the alt right, that it's just a movement based on surviving as a white person. That's the only real binding force deep down but nope just label alt right as virgin NEETs.

I recommend this vid also:

"I'm not alt right but soon will be"
Great summary of how just being accepting of science and factual information somehow pushes you to be "the enemy".

I'm not saying this is bad nor I'm a anti semite or anything but...

Is 1791L jewish a chance? he does sound like a little ben shapiro.

Wow vid just got unlisted.


Reason given as:
>We understand that if something said is "misinterpreted" by a majority of people, it's more often the fault of us for not having communicated sufficiently clearly than with the audience for not having understood. Far too much confusion has ensued as a consequence of including Milo. Understandably. Firstly, that is how he described himself, and it is clearly to indicate the sympathy he has for the movement. Secondarily it was intended to show how muddled the idea of the Alt-Right is in terms of coherence. We'll be re-uploading to adjust the Milo portion.

I like 1791L but this was just not a very good video. However, I don't fault them completely. I think the Alt-Right is a very difficult thing to define and quantify. Lots of people have different definitions for it, they don't have a definitive leadership really.

>just label alt right as virgin NEETs
I mean, it's very true. Most alt right turbonerds and actual natsoc people are basement dwelling troglodites, or in the case of the trash over at Stormfront literal closet cases or people dealing with tfwnogf or tfwnopurposeinlife by finding a convinent cause and scapegoat for their problems in everyone who is not white.

>le horseshoe theory
>giving smarmy dishonest faggots views
Let's hooktube that.

Do you have literally any evidence for this?

Sort of. The old national socialism has a tarnished name from a mislead regime. I don't agree with the old Nazi ideals due to Lebrensraum, viewing the Slavic people as inferior and meant to be colonized by Germanics.
No more brother wars. We can get back to sibling rivalry after the invaders are cast out.
In result we need a "cucked" version of national socialism to unite the collective European peoples.

>conjecture with zero evidence
>an ad hominem fallacy regardless
You're better off addressing the truth of their claims rather than using SJW-tier shaming tactics.

Just look at footage of the Charleston march, half of those guys were overweight neckbeards

>an anecdotal example
>implying half of US citizens aren't the same regardless
You've yet to make an argument.

t. Ademwaffen Satanist

Being fat and having a neckbeard doesn't automatically make someone basement dwelling nor does it make them a closet case. Sure there may be correlation there but that's not evidence is it.
I ask again, do you have literally any evidence for your claims?

Why does every critique always focus on collectivism and always make the claim that people who are drawn to these movements are because they have failed to be a successful individual and are looking for a scape goat.
They never have any evidence for this claim but just state it as a matter of fact. I guess that is all they can say when they don't take the time to understand the thoughts that underpin the movement.

The alt-right isn’t a real movement, it’s just some bullshit Hillary and CNN made up to try to frame trump as a nazi. Anyone here who believes it’s a real movement that existed before then is probably just a newfag

The annoying thing to me is calling the alt-right collectivist to begin with. I don't want to collectivize and share in the achievements of others, I just don't want to see the best civilization in the history of humanity destroyed forever by invading third world hordes. It has nothing to do with collectivism.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

>he doesn't know how burden of proof works
>thinking his ad hominem attempt is a relevant argument anyway


>can you prove unicorns dont exist?

>I have zero proof that alt righters are actually functioning members of society

Can you prove you're not a faggot?

I'll wait.

>he STILL doesn't know how burden of proof works
>he STILL doesn't realize that even if his claim (which he has yet to prove) were true, it still wouldn't debunk the truth of alt-right claims
Please read the sticky and/or take a basic logic course before embarrassing yourself in the future.

>posts anime picture
The question is, can you prove you aren't one?


You are correct that the author fails to distinguish between the collectivism and equality of the left and the desire of the right to make use of hierarchy. You can't just label the two the same because they are both not hyper-individualistic. What is even ore troublesome is that near the end he talks about how both are the same because they both reject enlightenment ideals but he does not explain why those ideals should be of any concern. They were the ideas of the dreamers of their day, the radicals that wanted to destroy the system of tradition that has served our society for ages to construct something new.
Taken to their extreme in people like Adam Weishaupt they become truly horrifying systems of control. For example he took systems devised by the Jesuits for societal control and removed them from their framework of the religion and used them instead to try and bring about some type of utopia on earth. The easiest place to see this is in sexual liberation where "freedom" is really slavery repacked. In him you can see the foundations of using sex as a means of control. The left and the enlightenment bring about slavery under the guise of freedom and are not worth defending.

It's a faggoty shill video anyway.

National Socialist larping faggots are the cancer killing our movement.

Sure, ask your mother.

Apparently they're revising the part where they said Milo was alt right, posted their reason here:

seems like Everyone is an expert on the Alt Right these days

The only people who have not been given agency and platform to protest any wild accusations and any form of libel is the Alt Right itself.

Yeah I mean I usually like his content but I am well aware that he is a bit of a civic cuck.

>They are collective because they are not sufficient to be individuals.
Nice psychoanalysis bud

Do most of us agree that we are h'white advocates?

The alt right is just any right leaning person who doesn’t like political correctness or pointless international conflicts. That’s why libertarians, populists, traditionalists, and nationalists have all been lumped into one catch all

Because it’s not a real movement

the "alt-right" is a label the MSM adopted to lump anyone young and on the right into the same group.
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire

Maybe they think the 50%+ dislikes are because they included Milo and not because of the obvious JIDF shilling

Okay I've finished the video now and I have to say its bad. Not close to the level of insight he usually provides.
It almost feels like he only takes the week meme arguments against jews so he can compare "us" better to the left.
And jesus this individualism cock sucking is getting really annoying. Does he really think that in the current system you could archive anything by not being part of a group.

As so, so many people have pointed out "muh individualism" doesn't save you when racial groups with a natural disposition to collectivism and in-group preference become the majority. This is why the individualist types get so much flak but you guys know what I mean.
I like individualism as in rights and freedom to get people to fuck off and leave you alone but I know you have to balance it with collective effort to ensure group survival.
These people seem naive to believe that the world will naturally favour these kinds of views when in reality they've only been earnt through the blood of many millions for at least a little while.

Little bit ironic considering where you're posting.

I don't think he's totally wrong, he's right in his assumptions about it being a form of collectivism for huwhite people, obviously his character attacks and horshoe theory are just irrelevant. He seems to understand the idea of in-group preference, as well as the over representation of certain people in media, finance, and government institutions. It would logically follow, then, that most of those people in those powerful positions will collectivise and make decisions to, whether they realize it or not, help their in-group over others when they come into conflict. If that collective actively works against the interests of huwhite people, why is irrational for huwhites to form a collective to combat that?

>he's right in his assumptions about it being a form of collectivism for huwhite people
Nope. see

So do I and I used to be very extreme about individualism, but rights are only worth something if you can defend them. I've came to realize that my beloved property rights have the best chance of surviving in homogeneous societies, the white ones to be precise.

I mean by definition collectivism doesn't imply that you are taking credit for someone else work right? It's just that you archive your goals in a group rather than each by him self.

I understand that people get turned off by words like "collective" but as I see the AR right now it certainly meets that definition. It's a group of people who have a general vision about particular problems, and have similar ideas about solutions to those problems. If you don't want to collectivize and share in the achievements of others that's fine, but in order to do what you claim to want to do, it will take a certain form of organization and collecting different ideas together. Radical individualism is what has brought us to this point where we see our culture degrading around us.

This "anti-identity politics" shit really needs to stop. Other groups practice identity politics against us. And it works. If you keep trying to play the game without "cheating", and they cheat, you WILL lose.

There is zero evidence you will ever convince these groups to ever be conservatives or even Americans.

The antisemitism point he makes his whole video rest on is very bad. Not only does he provide no evidence or argument against antisemitism. But not everyone on the altright is even antisemitic.

It is and it isn't a collective
It's a collective insofar as it wants to ensure that the specific genes found in Whites may survive
It's individualist in that each should succeed by their own merits
Quite simply, we could restrict voting rights to White male landownders and their wives. This will incentivize people to get & stay married, become self-sufficient, and start caring about the well-being of their community by owning their land instead of existing as rootless cosmopolitans.
It's really not very difficult to understand, but intentionally obtuse useful idiots and talmudic pilpul have obfuscated the discussion.
The aforementioned proposition on voting would even grant entry to non-Whites because they can never outvote and thus overpower the native population.
We could also enact laws regarding how many non-Whites are permitted to live in a given region (i.e. city block, neighborhood, etc.) to prevent ghettoization
Others can indulge in our presence and the fruits of our labor, but they must never be permitted to subvert what we have created

Very well put, people are too quick to force themselves into the false dichotomy of individualism vs collectivism. It is certainly a spectrum, and most political ideologies contain facets of both.

That's not how Sargon et al uses it to deride the alt right. He thinks it requires having group identity and sharing accomplishments.

The alt right is a modern American version
We /aesthetic/ now

Oh look another Trump supporter makes himself look like a retard by trying to distance himself from the nebulous organisation known as "The Alt Right". This totally isn't divide & conquer, now be a good goy and distance yourself from those ebil natsees.