This faggot is coming to my school next week, trips decides what I ask him

This faggot is coming to my school next week, trips decides what I ask him.

Why does Ben Shapiro where that hat and Jews like yourself opt not to?

obv why did he appoint Mueller when he obviously has severe conflicts of interest

Did he get make a deal or is he going to be locked up with the rest?

“Do you still beat your wife?”

Ask him if he can smell the ovens approaching.

Ask him
How can he act as an AG when his wife prepresents Clinton and Obama?

“Did you appoint mueller knowing the investigation was built on a lie?0

Are you a traitor by choice, or are you being blackmailed?

MAGA or nah?

Why do kikes lie about the holocaust

ask him whether he'll have enough honor to commit suicide, or if he'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the traitor gallows

do you know the wei?
did loretta lynch blow clinton?

Ask if the Jews are going to back off from their plan to ethnically cleanse us or do we really have to kill them all


What a flamer.

Look at his face. He's being blackmailed by choice. It excites him.

Where can I buy some zyklon b

This flyer design looks suspiciously familiar...

Fordham School of Law?

Ask him how Soros' cock tastes like

Rollin for this

Yell Hitler did nothing wrong

Bet you wont faggot

Ask him how much the Mossad pays him.

Call him a CIA nigger

Ask him if you can fuck his wife

Do you like the color prussian blue

Are you gay?

Would you fuck ivanka?

Can i gas upur family

FBI nigger

Ask him ;

"Why is a Woman with a bachelor's in the Art of History running the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Department?"

Did Hitler really something wrong?

"How did Soros' penis taste?"

Can I fuck your wife? I'll beat her too, for free.

Do you hate white people?

"What is your advice for a non-jew looking for a good career trajectory in your area of work?"


Why haven't you fled to Israel, Rod? You really missed your window about a month ago...

Why did the kikes start two world wars

This is dumb. Ben is a conservative jew, and he's super out there and jewwy about it. Rosenstein's probably reform or conservative but doesn't go all out with a yarmulke day in and day out.

will u eat my poopoo


WUSTL? Why would he go there of all places

Ask him if he is ready for kristallnacht: part 2- the reckoning.

Ask him what they do to traitors.

>This faggot is coming to my school next week, trips decides what I ask him.
Slap him across the face with your cock.

^^ not trips, but a magical number better than trips

OP must slap RR in the face, with his cock.

Do you masturbate to pregnant Anne Frank hentai?

Who came up with the name Fusion GPS?

why do jews hate white people

israel or america?

“First off, thank you for coming to speak to us Deputy Attorney Rosenstein. I think I speak for all of us when I say, ‘FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY!’”

For the good of the country, did you tell trump to fire comey so you could start a special council?

TELL him one thing. 1488

Spend a command point for a reroll

What is the name of the mohel who sucked the blood from your mangled cock at your brit milah?

Did you really threaten to doxx Congress?

Where do you think you will be one year from now?

Bond numerals.


There was no intent.

You ever grabbed a woman by the Pussy?

You still go to school?

What really happened in vegas

Did you fuck Lisa page too?

Wear* you mongoloid

How big is Michael Obama’s hog?

Gonna shut it down?

Are traps gay

That’s not a question faggot

Why were there not more recusals with the various Hillary investigations if the DOJ prefers to avoid appearances of conflicts of interest (e.g, McCabe’s wife), and why were so many immunities granted if no charges were ever filed?

>jew doing a fireside chat


what will you do to save yourself for the upcoming DOTR?
>Whats DOTR?
Tell him about DOTR

Will you cry when Hillary and Obonobo are arrested?

Why did Joan Rivers need to be killed? Michelle’s tranny dick is hardly a secret.

“Are you gay?”

"Why are you such a faggot?"

Ask him when they will shit it down seeing as the goym knows his tricks

Why has your kind been expelled from every nation-state you've ever inhabited? How long do you have left here?

So close

>"I'm jewish too"


>tfw I am

Is the way that business is conducted at your institution and the bureau it oversees, as shown by recent reports in the media, what you would consider typical? If not, then why should we not look into these allegations of bias and political cronyism seeking to subvert elections on the part of the political party, if yes, then why shouldn't we string up everyone in the top eschalons of the federal government?

who does he want to look after his family after he and his wife are hanged?

>tfw me too.

do you remember the exact age you sold your soul?


Ask him when will he appoint a special council to investigate & prosecute the falsifying of the FISA warrant for Carter Page ie. Strzok & all involved since it is clear he cannot investigate himself.

have you ever noticed you have a large nose?

will you be my ai gf?

"If the punishment for sedition and rebellion would be (as it should) a death penalty, what method of exeuction would you prefer for yourself?"

Kek and so close...

My new question is just to Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee like an autist

ayy lmao?

This is actually a good question. Rolling for it.

i actually know what will roll trips.
Is OP a faggot?

If he knows how fucked he is

did oj do it?

Close, roll for this

is it true jews don't like to bathe?


How can the American people work free from the grasp of the Uniparty?