Was Brexit the biggest "Fuck you" to Germany since Dresden?

Was Brexit the biggest "Fuck you" to Germany since Dresden?

They don't want your muslims stop bothering them

More like that scene were guts chops off his own arm to esacape from the demon.

Unpictured is the brown horde behind euro-chap

It was a fuck you to Britain

la creatura..

We fucked ourselves.

Brexit makes me ashamed to be British, and the leave voters still pretend our collapsing country is better off as a result

el cosa prohibida

Go away Owen


The Uk is offering to pay to stay in the customs union, follow the rules and be outside of deciding those rules.

A little less than half the UK population as well as all their politicians, hate the people that voted for brexit.
Thanks for those businesses that have relocated here Englanders.



The Uk establishment is promising to replace all the Poles with Pakis and africans. Lmao. Or North americans would do too. You are niggers after all.

Unpictured is the hooknosed gentleman rubbing his hands together behind euro-chap.

There are two blocks in europe: the disaffected like Poland, Hungary, England and south europe and Krauts and their satellites, including nordfags.
Problem is France is part of the later. While this maintains the balance is in their favor.

>That nose

LITERALLY paying to stay in the EU. Cucks.


*Should France ever shift sides, oh boy.... the Krauts would be so fucked!


make that 100 bn

It wasn't a fuck you to Germany, it was a big 'fuck you' to Merkel.

It might come as a surprise but most people here love the Europeans. Go on any building site, and you'll find Poles, Brits and other Euro guys getting along fine.

Merkel opening the door to millions of non European people, really put the wind up a lot of people, and consequently Brexit hapened.

I really like Germans, but fuck me, Merkel seems horrible. That video where she shys away from holding the German flag is shameful.

The Immigration into their Country was going on before the EU was a Thing and after they left it still wont stop

I wish them the best

Perfidious Albion strikes again at Germany. All the way back to Kaiser Wilhelm britian spurns Germany’s attempts at friendship.

Merkle doesnt want to share Syrians with the UK. She wants to keep them in Germany. She wants to dump the rejects into Eastern Europe so that French and German pensioners dont flee to the East with their money to feel safe from predatory brown people.

Martin Schulz has more pull now since Merkel got weakened in the election.
Hint: hes worse.

If it all goes tits up, I can get Irish citizenship through me mum, so make room mate, I might be bringing my fat man-titted balding self into your neighbourhood.

I promise you I am not lying. A brit slut told me she left the UK for Ireland because of muslim racism.

Aye I'm not at all surprised.

Lol. We never wanted to be members of your shit club. Fuk off.

>It wasn't a fuck you to Germany, it was a big 'fuck you' to Merkel.
Finally someone who understands.

>Was Brexit the biggest "Fuck you" to Germany since Dresden?
Brexit was Brexit
All Countries should save themselves by means of EU Exit.
The ones who doesn't cant complain about immigration and rapefugees because that is what EU is ALL about.

It is only personal for the EU lovers because their tiny brain is incapable of comprehending that there is a world outside their your shitty union that desperately tries to break free of the chains of EU sympathy/tortureporn before its fucking too late

Merkle doesnt want to share Syrians with the UK. She wants to keep them in Germa-

Are you that same fucking Irish guy that is a massive EUcuck? Once those migrants get German citizenship they'll get European citizenship. Once they have that, they have free movement of people.

Voted leave, don't hate germans, hate the eu and merkel

>that nose

>collapsing country
Just got a semi. Race war when?