By seducing my assaulter, I was reclaiming the control I'd lost over my body and identity

>By seducing my assaulter, I was reclaiming the control I'd lost over my body and identity.

>Everything was black, until it wasn't.

>I'll never forget my flatmate's blasé response when I told her that I'd come to during intercourse with a relative stranger.

WTF is wrong with people

Jesus take me home, my body is ready

what a fuckin WHORE hahaha WOW lol.

Rape was probably the first time intercourse didn't mean grinding an uninterested soy boy's soft pud, so she went back for seconds and claimed "muh empowerment."

They did a study on this

Something like 30% of rape victims maintain neutral or semi-positive relations with their rapists

You do realize women are nearly a thousand times more likely to orgasm from rape than from regular sex, don't you?

It's just something in the female psyche. The idea of being so wanted that a man would 'commit a crime' simply to have them makes them feel 'valued' in some twisted way. Women are actually more likely to report orgasms after rape than under consensual sex.

It's perfectly understandable why she would do anything to get her rapist's cock again. The article is simple rationalization. She wanted that cock again. That's all there is to it.

that entire article is top tier comedy

Isn't it just soul-crushing once you realize the true nature of women?

Go ahead bro, get your 7/10 qt virgin christian gril. It won't make fuck all for difference when the chips are down though, she'll still turn into a raging whore at a moments notice.

I'm saving this article so I can disregard all roasties getting raped in the future

And? So what?

It's their nature

Are you butthurt at dogs for naturally wanting to hump stuff and piss on them?

Women are women

So you try your best to keep their biology from interfering with your happiness

I'm always ready 24/7 to walk away from a woman without further fuss if she acts goofy and shit, and they respect me for it

It's time. I'm ready to die and leave this world behind.

Always white girls


>tfw you realize all feminists really just want to be raped and are mad that they aren't being raped

Had this thread last night. Probably demoralize shilling.


because everyone lurks 24/7/365

prob cause dat was her 1st taste of BBC

Fucking racist, assuming her rapist was a nog. Although it was probs a nog.

notice most of them are fat and disgusting

Fucking duh? Who didn't know this? 90% of feminists are just ugly or dried up chicks who can't get the dick they want so they take it out on the betas. 10% are normal chicks who just wanna bandwagon their social group or reap the benefits of no responsibility.

It's one massive shit test by women as a whole. Like when your woman pushes you to the edge of physically attacking her with her insane female bullshit and then you have the best hot angry violent sex ever that day.

Remember, when your wife/gf is raped, get rid of her. She is wasted goods.

Attachement is suffering.

What will our society become now that good man (those who want to work and dedicate themselves to their spouse and children, build a happy family) are giving up on society, and only those that are either blue pilled betas or disgusting chads reproduce? How long, brothers? How long can we last this way?

It was just deleted on Sup Forums so OP tries it here. I'm not demorilized, it's just stating the objective truth.

>WTF is wrong with people
WTF is wrong with women you mean

There is no way this is an accurate account of her internal decision process.

>that rape was hot
>go back for more

Literally it. Her post-hoc rationalization is horse shit.

get rid of the bitch. find a new one. done.

>WTF is wrong with people
women aren't people, they are objects.

But it was the cucks brother, are you implying that
kangs can be cucks too or what

I'm not even mad anymore that's just funny

Women are sub-children IQ holy fuck shit

So she
>gets drunk and fucks a guy
>Thinks this was rape
>gets a bf
>gets drunk and cheats on bf with the same guy
Shes clearly just a roastie trying to excuse her roastie behavior

1.2 million followers, yet most posts have about 15 likes. That is some low level shit, and the fact they still post garbage daily is just embarrassing for them, and you for looking at it OP.

Because most women think having sex while blackout drunk is rape.

Aside from all being crazy

Getting raped/molested transforms a woman into the ultimate alpha widow

Like, how do you even TOP raping a bitch? Ignoring her texts sure as hell doesn't

A dude who violated the rules of modern society under pain of imprisonment or execution literally seized her reproductive system and used it to his heart's content like it was his own orgasm machine in a state of nature would be none other than the dominant male in a band of humans

I've alpha widowed nice girls with relatively tame shit like cheating or manipulating them, but I'm personally too moral to do the REALLY psycho shit

> tfw when Im dating the girl you described but she hasn’t turn yet.

Wish me luck user, although I do in enjoy the sex and she gives a mean blowjob.

I think it is
>she gets drunk and fucks bf's brother
>does it again on a later date
>years later goes to therapy for whatever reason
>the beta cuck says she got raped instead of dumping her on the spot

>WTF is wrong with people

Females are not people. They are not worth even calling "women"

Women don't think with that level of self awareness and abstraction

>I was raped
>Everything was black


>WTF is wrong with people
Jews (also known collectively as 'Satan' to Christians).

Oh for fucks sake. My body is ready and so is my soul.

mah heart
mah soul-

It was the brother of her female friend you literal monkey. Learn to read stupid nigger.

>WTF is wrong with people

Let me guess, whoever wrote this is a Jew.

Serious question: Did the man know that it wasn't consensual? If he didn't, then is it still rape?

Kill yourself you delusional faggot. Only weak women would let you control them

These fucked up sex articles always have stock photos of beautiful models to make you think these are the trends the elite youth of society are setting but if you look up the actual photos of the writers they are always fat/hideous tumblr bitches.

yep ready to die

>he believes the strong womyn meme

Cant wait until white sharia bros. It will be glorius putting female subhumans in their place

Must have been hell of a rape if she goes back for more.


Western useless meats.
Julius Evola was totally right. Women deserve no rights because they are not humans.

There is no excuse for cheating that women won't make.

>making broad generalizations about the direction society is headed based on clickbait you didn't even read

>implying his statement is based solely on the article

Why are you all so mad about this

If I was being killed in betrayal, there would be literally nothing better than to make my betrayer know I enjoyed it or planned on it. Cant relate something else to rape, but yeh, this sounds like a pretty strong thing to do.

Nigger are you serious? This is some Trudeau level cuckery.

If i come over and fuck you up the ass and rape you, you would get back at me by coming over and letting me fuck you up the ass again?

Let's be accurate. He didn't like read the full article. But his notions are drawn from Evola based on his assumption grouping this instance with the other normalized instance of modern women operating outside of traditional norms and resonating a repugnant, decadent spirit that is undesirable for any self-respecting man.

This coming from a man who six years with and married to a single mom.

stop shilling these fabricated articles, you dumb goyniggers

All women are weak. They're eternally 12 years old.

What do you think they need men for?

The turkish blood is strong in this one

What do you mean clickbate?
Have you ever open a book filthy subhuman? Do you know who Evola was? Show your flag pest.


>get outskilled
>sucks to suck
>oh wait I'll just pretend I had the upper hand all along
>all according to keikaku


Wow, this is some Stockholm Syndrome shit right there. Also, archive it, faggot.

>Fidelity is less important then my fee fees
Remember what your dad and pop told 'ya
Don't. Trust. Women.

Xena is Lesbian wannabe fiction. In real life, women wilt like fragile flowers at the first sign of physical danger, if their minds don't break first.

Your "strong" mother was only strong because you let her manipulate you. Once you start making smarter career decisions than her, you will see her revert back to a child without a trace of the dominant influence she raised you on.

Raping women is nigger behavior. If you were white you would understand you can get women because you are a decent human being. No raping necessary.

Wait until your daughter meet Tyron

>WTF is wrong with people
i now think unironically Hitler should have won

>being killed
How would you be able to do anything at all? You're dead...

It’s always rape.
Sometimes a womyn lets you get away with it.

Pic related

A reformed White society would not allow her to go to college at all, but stop all education at age 16 and have her married off. Then, have it illegal for her to be in public without either her husband or a close male relative. Also, make physical discipline acceptable within the spousal relationship. It seems this is more in line with what women really want: firm guidance with clear boundaries. For love to be shown by caring enough to get physical when necessary. And, if uneducated past 16, the woman will have no options to escape because she will be unemployable. This will strengthen the family unit as divorce will be a horrible option for the woman. As an added bonus, we'll have more White children, as pairing off when 16 and married will lead to a higher birthrate.

Women were a mistake.

In all honesty I didnt open the article I just thought she managed to get over a rape while it was happeninng

So. Much. This. Even masculine women with high testosterone want to feel soft, delicate, and comforted by the intense masculinity of their lovers. Women cannot be strong and do not WANT to be strong. They want to be the lover of a strong man.

Just so you know...
The US Army gives a woman 14 days to file a sexual assault/rape charge. If she doesn't report it, it wasn't rape.
Same principle should be applied here. She got drunk and let a near-stranger fuck her, but decided at a later date that it was "rape" to absolve herself of the stigma for being a whore.

14 days, or not rape.

>you can get women by being a decent human being
my sides = breaking the light barrier

Eu entendi que o cara tá usando essa imagem pra chamar as minas de roastie, mas bateu uma vontade de comer um bife agora...

Raping women was a European tradition. ENEMY women were fair game. Women are prizes for the prevailing army.

You're a faggot out of touch with humanity. In-group rape has always been seen as bad because you can't have a civilization if you're stealing each other's women 24/7. Out-group rape is fine.

The issue we have NOW is that women still have the urge to be raped from prehistory.

200,000 years of evolution > 300 years of neo-liberal "rape is always bad in all contexts"

...porque que você falou isso em português?

hue salabim


>every girl is the same.
Itt. Ugly fat old guy no woman likes.
Can you be more pathetic?


>Jesus take me home, my body is ready

> cheats on bf

> OMG I was raped

> does it again

The other colors arent prone to writing naval gazing articles about why their actions are really ok. The just feel shame, acknoledge it, cope, and move on.

>My leaden brain, slowly grinding back to full consciousness, struggled to push away unwanted questions: How did I get here? Did I say yes to this?

The fact that she's questioning whether or not she's consented to this at this moment is just a subconscious give away that she views the situation in both lights. One because it's reality and the second is the story she's spewing right here.

Out of the endless possibilities of things she could have said, she limited herself to just these two. Last time I got into a fight as a boy, I didn't find myself questioning whether or not I asked for this, because it wasn't one of the possibilities I was considering. Why would "waking up with a man on top of you forcing himself into you" even provoke the idea of "did I say I wanted this?" if it was that terrifying? Oh I know, it's cause you're full of shit.

Basically whore cheated her boyfriend, decided it was rape but kept fucking him because muh strong whymen

Beta mentality. I know people like you in real life. You're that person that thinks they "got back" at someone after they owned you in front of everybody because somehow you convinced yourself that looking down at the ground and pissing yourself really "showed them"...

That isn't true at all. The commander has 14 days to deal with the rape complaint from the time he gets it. There is no time limit for a female to report a SHARP violation...

This will be good for the couple, don't worry

Isn't this the kind of thing that brought Hitler to power? A feeling of things being so out of whack due to Weimar permissiveness that it creates a desire for order?

>I told her that I'd come to during intercourse
What? That's not english.

That's not true though. Virgins who were raised well make for great partners. They're practically unicorns at this point unfortunately. Read Real-Time Relationships by Stefan Molyneux, it explains a lot about where this behavior comes from in a scarily logical way. I've been recognizing these patterns and I've asked dozens of people so far, and it's not been wrong yet.

On the one hand this knowledge feels like a burden, because I can't NOT see people's dysfunctions, but in the end it will allow me to the pick the least damaged female.

Would you be ok with your daughter getting raped by an "outsider"?
Then shut the fuck up you fucking hypocrite. Go be a degenerate sonewhere else.

How did she get into such a situation anyway?

it even had the same first post.

This. Whenever you talk shit about women, think at least about your mother, wife and daughter. Would stop the edgy teenagers epidemic