Could someone please care to remind me why she's phrased as "The evil" in english?

Could someone please care to remind me why she's phrased as "The evil" in english?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because she's a murderous sociopath.

Leftist translators

It would not be localized if they had not done that because we're never supposed to sympathize with the german side of history.

She's incredibly callous. It's hardly surprising that she would earn such an epithet.

Would Major Durgechaff have gotten on with THE Major?

idk, but it makes her sound like some badass WoW raid boss so I don't care. She is best girl anyway so it doesn't really matter.


Crunchyroll/Funimation have a strict liberal outlook. Just look at how many people refer to her as "a nazi" despite the show being based in alt-WWI.

Well ofcourse they have. They're just appealing to the majority.


Only problem here is your shit taste

She's German, that's enough reason to call her evil.

T. pole
Germans have literally done nothing wrong, ever

t. German

Self-identify as Beninese actually

>Tanya is a MtF transsexual Japanese salaryman who self-identifies as German
Why don't SJW like this show more?

There's so much wrong with your post i dont even know where to begin

Realistically speaking, aren't they pretty much the only girls in the anime? What other candidates for best girl even are there?

Well, i mean, there's that one guy's wife and their daughter, but that's the only other females if you dont count background characters.

Because he relies on societal structure to define right and wrong, rather than an intrinsic moral compass.
If he deemed it beneficial for his career to recommend the deployment weapons of mass destruction against the major population centers of the world, he would recommend it.

To him, the only value a human life has is the tangible value he can attach to it.
Any human that doesn't meet his standards has no actual value to him as he cannot use them and thus he is perfectly ok with discarding them.
He acts out of self interest in all things, there is no shred of altruism in him and all his motives are ulterior.

This is why he's seen as evil.

Why are they laughing while making that gripping motion with their hands? What is this expression trying to convey?


Because nongerman wasn't edgy enough.

Youjo Senki: The Saga of Tanya the Evil is the original Japanese title, just FYI.

Other than being slightly sociopathic she didn't really show the "evil" part in the anime.

She is evil in the eyes of her enemies.

[citation needed]

No it's The War Chronicles of a Little Girl

Sauce? I just took pic related from the sub I've been watching.

evil because she doesn't want my bbc
so i have to force it tru

The original Japanese title is "Youjo Senki"

That doesn't sound like japanese.

Still can't wait for the Dies Irae anime to air, there's going to be so much Sup Forums posting in the threads it's gonna be amazing.

The opening and ending songs have great lyrics. It's like the main character herself singing her thoughts.

Because Crunchyroll do not believe in the principle of the free market, and want to rule the anime market like a cartel.

The official subtitle is Saga of Tanya the Evil. Check the jp anime site.

what does youjo senki even mean ?

kill yourself retard


It's a translation you fuck tards and a rough one at that.

If they are giving it saga in the title this thing better have more seasons instead of being a 12 episode ad for light novels.

Yeah, and we're talking about the original japanese title, not its translation, baka.

>we're never supposed to sympathize with the german side of history.

Yeah, that's why All Quiet on the Western Front and Downfall are so unpopular in the US and Britain.

The ending is a huge cliffhanger and the LN was and I think still is on the top 10 top 5 while the show was airing.
The hell you where.

Youjo means young girl and senki means war if my weeb is right.

Fucking moron

The fucking post that guy was quoting gave the original title and that what the whole discussion has been about. Granted, most sources ommit the subtitle of "Saga of Tanya the Evil", but if it's important enough to put it in the anime it might as well be official.

"sen" is war, "ki" is something like "story", like in "diary" - "nikki".

But he's not. Saga of Tanya the Evil (in English) is the official subtitle in Japanese.

>but if it's important enough to put it in the anime it might as well be official.
It's because the original Japanese focus on the little girl being a little girl, and the English title try to walk away from that. Entirely a marketing decision.

>But he's not. Saga of Tanya the Evil (in English) is the official subtitle in Japanese.
In the ANIME. I don't see that anywhere in the novels.

Why did they fuck up badly when drawing her?

who the fuck reads books

I literally only care about the books, I haven't watched a adaptation all the way to the end in years because there's no point.

That's great, but that's not what's being discussed. People are insisting it's the work of translators re-titling the show and not from the japanese themselves. It's not the first time a series has had a less than fitting subtitle with no one on the english side being involved.

>People are insisting it's the work of translators re-titling the show and not from the japanese themselves
No, what is being claimed is that the english subtitle is made after decisions discussed with marketing.

They're lewd lolis

Literally no one said that.

No idea.

If the German Empire won WWI:

>Monarchies would still stand in Continental Europe = good thing
Which would mean:
>No Weimar Republic degeneracy
Which is a good thing and would also mean:
>No Nazi Germany
Which is a good thing and would also mean:
Which is obviously a good thing and would also mean:
>No Cultural Marxism
Which is a good thing

Also, maybe this would help stabilize the Ottoman Empire, which would mean:
>A stable middle East

It should be called "Tanya, the Good". Tanya wins WWI means no Nazi Germany and no Cold War.

Correction: one guy said that, after the other posts complaining about crunchyroll and translators.

According to SJWs, it's fine if you chop your dick off and suck on African American/Middle Eastern men's cocks, but it's not fine if you actually want to BE a cute Aryan loli, because that gives you more privilege and makes you cuter than them, especially so if you join a fantasy version of the Reichswehr (which, as you know, are LITERALLY NAZIS, according to antifa SJWs).

The modern looking tanks near the end of the anime put me off.
Love everything else though.

Wrong board, Sup Forumstards.


it's just german efficiency

She reminds me of those famous aces.
Nobody calls any of them evil, I think.

You forgot
>no Poland
Which is arguably the biggest plus of them all.

>The modern looking tanks near the end of the anime put me off.
Given how fast warfare accelerates technological development (the last war prior to WW1 still featured heavy cavalry charges, without WW2 we wouldn't have modern rocket technology or the internet) is it really beyond belief that WW1 lasting at least twice as long would further tank development? The tank was invented somewhere around 1917 with the Renault FT-1 being the most advanced model. Do you seriously think that seven more years of warfare would pass without modifications being made to it?

Germany still loses though.

Tanks probably developed more in the six years of WWII than in the 20 years of peace before it, didn't they? You got to have that arms race going so your engineers don't get too bored.

Talking in terms of aesthetics, the tanks in the anime just doesn't look like they should be there.
I would feel weird if the smg Tanya got look like a Mac 10 or P90 too. It's like that with the tanks.

>Talking in terms of aesthetics, the tanks in the anime just doesn't look like they should be there.
Probably because they're crashing through lines of Frenchmen wearing bright red pants, a uniform they abandoned in the first year of the war. I don't blame the animators for this though, that uniform is a lot more iconic of France compared to the unnoteworthy horizon blue trenchcoats. It really gets the "this is supposed to be France but we're not going to call it France" vibe across.

Not totally sure, but they looked like they were either Pz.IIIs or Pz.IVs.

He is a Jew.

Them using the rocket to transport is similar to some western comic called Uber.
They had manufactured supermen instead of magic in that story though.

From amazon I got 幼女戦記 1巻 which is Young girl warfare 1 volume according to Google translate. the evil thing is tumblr nazis are bad translation

I read that author wanted animators to make her less cute.

Also looks strangely familiar to the V1, the only exception is that the real life variant was unmanned and only had 1 booster

>implying Poles would give up trying to get freedom so easily

Is Manhattan Project equivalent there in this alternate world?
Or do they have wizard lolis who can suicide nuke?

Dont think so, doesnt seem like there's any need to develop nukes

They don't like bigger and bigger boom boom?

When you have living nukes why bother.

But i mean like, it seems like the only reason the manhattan project was started anyways was because a straight up invasion of japan would be too risky and/or expensive, for lack of a better term

Because not everyone is magical and tanya is the only one that powerful

>Just look at how many people refer to her as "a nazi" despite the show being based in alt-WWI
That's due to Sup Forumsposters being complete idiots.

Do they round up jews in concentration camps in not Germany?

The show mixes up things from both world wars probably.

She's a psychopath with no qualms about what she does to get what she wants. This was even true for her previous life

Sounds like management material!

but they do research magic support tools, few of the prototypes exploded on tanya, did you even watch it or came here just to Sup Forumspost?

If Tanya had sex with a man would it be straight or gay?

No, it was started because they were afraid that the 3rd Reich will finish their nuclear program before them.

But didnt the americans start before germany?

More like definitely. It literally takes place inbetween both world wars.

If you can fap to it, it can't be gay.

Germany's nuclear weapons would've been completed if Einstein and a bunch of other scientists didn't fuck off to America.

>he thinks the average Sup Forumsnon has read anything longer than a ln.

Your expectations are too great.

They fucked off because they were Jews, though.

It can't take place in the Interwar period, if there were no WW1 to begin with.

The Germans began their nuclear program in 1939. The US only started it in 1942. They've done a pretty good job getting it done before the war ended.