This is the big one, subsequently multiple bubbles will burst.

The education bubble.

The housing bubble.

The debt bubble.

This was foreseen by a lot of aware people. As more exposure was being made to those in power they prepared for this. Decades ago. They knew this was an inevitability, they prepared for it. I'm telling you this because I've been following every economist from Jews to Aaron Clarey for decades. I knew it would happen before 2020 which is why I moved rural and began self sufficient living. I know it's hard to conceive but this is it. Buy extra gas and prepare to leave major cities. You've been warned. By the end of the week half of the country will be unemployed and Jews made off like bandits as they do every time.

Other urls found in this thread:á'í

No, it was fear mongers calling it a crash every time it ticked down. The sky was falling every other day with you people. You've been alarmist for 4-5 years now.

>Aaron Clarey


Nice shilling.

“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” - Warren Buffet


>le pepe russian viral marketing mascot isnt subversive

No shit another crash will happen. Nothing was changed after 2008, same game, same result.

More bailouts....more crashes, still 0 regulation and policing of corrupt practices. Rating agencies corrupt af...they keep the shit from popping until the people that are in on it can position themselves for the win off the backs of the middle class

>does not know about the 6-9 year crash cycle in the world economy

>doesn't know about the everything bubble
>doesn't know were minuets to midnight

We've got AI trading bots that are picking up on MSM chicken little stories about how "Trump will be impeached!", so of course the markets are shaky, when they're peddling that shit to obfuscate very damning evidence against the DNC

thanks I just bought 100k!

implying the news that were a banana republic isn't scaring anyone

>I want it to be a crash so I'll keep putting out the idea that it's a crash.

It's not even in the realm of correction yet you twat

It's fucking not, because it's mostly right-wing oriented news outlets, because left-wing oriented MSM outlets are withholding that for when justice is served to the criminals of the previous administrations, if that happens—so they can claim that a coup is happening, and leftards should pick up arms to "reclaim" the US

I usually recommend that people such as yourself watch the big short 2 or 3 times to understand just 10% of the true picture. If you understand that movie, the underlying message, then you can start doing actual research and start seeing the true picture

Fucking scary.
Let me explain in a simplistic way: I sell you a bicycle, tell you it is the same bike Lance Armstrong used (LOL) buy it, the price of the bike skyrockets, you keep it cause you will see for a serious profit. One day, the chickens come home to roost, the ratings agencies can no longer hide the reality that your bike is absolute dog shit. You try to sell it, nobody will give you a fucking dime.

Mostly a correction to get all the plebs to sell out and the strong can make another wave of gains later this year.

I'm holding all of my investments.

Q didn't see this coming.

no shit. were still facing all those problems were just in a worse state now then wee were in 2007. we never recovered from the recession. the recovery has just been massive bubbles forming in the wake of global recession, now there starting to pop. it'll be beautiful.

Unfortunately no serious crash will happen.
If it does facism will return with furious vengeance.
The Jews in power would never survive a complete worldwide crash.

Their power is based on getting other people to do all the work while they reap the benefits.
If they ended this situation they would be fucked.

Keeping the goyim from killing them requires keeping the goyim fat and entertained with brainless crap.

I agree, maybe when people have had enough a better system can be rebuilt.

me on the left


you know, i see where your coming from and i think your stuck on a misunderstanding,. don't get me wrong your mostly right but your mistaking influence for control.

>On October 6, 1976, heavily armed security forces shot up University campus and killed scores of students, while right-wing vigilantes captured would-be escapees, subjecting them to ghoulish lynchings.

Even Thai's hate commies.

my only debt is the roof over my head, I owe to nobody else. I've built dozens of properties (work construction) but still not able to have my own(without strings attached to the bank after six figures paid over the past 11 years, and the 08 crash draining all equity I had). despite having no debt and living frugal and them being bailed out by government accruing all they lost from other people they still wont adjust appraisal value to new market.
let that mother fucker crash and burn.

I fucking wish.

Just remember...It's all part of the plan. Rothchild Magazine told us 2018 is the year back in 1988. Rothchilds recently dumped their shit. All lights are green and we are are all prepared and ready.

so my buttcoins have a one-way ticket to the moon?

said this last week.. not trolling, just need more evidence user.

bitcoin doesn't rise. the dollar drops.

yes. Well done for getting into cryptos,

This guy gets it.

>The education bubble.

It will never BURST just because of defaults. They're guaranteed by the federal government.


who guarantees the federal government

Universal Settlement Coin. USC

Crash ready
General -
Analyst -
Pull out -

>implying they will allow goyim to buy their share and reduce their share
Bubbles exist because goyim has to work forever, prices can't be reduced if you got a lot of property in hands of very few. Competition has failed long time ago.

will btc be the usc?

the general is dead. this is the new general.

Was this shot of Corgan used because his head looks like a fucking bubble?

>Universal Settlement Coin
You mean
Utility Settlement Coin right ? Available to public ?

What does Billy Corgan have to do with this?

Let's meme this into existence

sell all your stocks
stop paying you mortgages
quit you jobs
and start homeschooling your white children

Here's hoping.


can someone please explain this to me. so right now they are worried about interest rates rising, no? but wasn't that going to happen anyways? I mean how can the dow be at near 25K while there is still that on the horizon, something which they know themselves will come. Won't the dow just plunge back to whatever once they raise rates? and wouldnt that also mean that the growth people "experienced" was not backed by much? It's as if there is no tomorrow for these people. i mean how can you expect the dow to continue to rise from where it is now once you turn it upside down. makes no sense to me.

its a bubble. a

and has been a bubble since the "recovery" started.

Big names there, but its sort of bitcoin for the banks only and used for different thing - offset risk.

New additions have included Barclays, Credit Suisse, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, HSBC, MUFG and State Street, joining the original network of UBS, BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank, Icap and Santander.

>By the end of the week half of the country will be unemployed

Nahh, too soon and too quick, stocks will adjust slowly, but what worrying is the effect is worldwide. I expect end of the year.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this kinda fear mongering has been around for years. God tell me what products I should invest in now

It won't happen until Q1 2019. 2018 is going to be a year of volatility both within equities and between investments as people move their money around looking for a safe haven. There is money to be made in bear Traps as markets test new lows and rebound.

2019 is going to bring a very deep recession.

maybe not that slow but your right. not by the end of the week.

The GDP you retard,

So lets just say they do raise interest rates ,causing the dow to go back to around 12-15k, what would that have meant? who would be responsible for such an event because even though i have zero knowledge with stocks and markets, i do know that this 25K dow or whatever it is, isn't going to be that high anymore.

The drop was in relation to the dollar getting stronger on good economic data.

Other markets get hit as the USD is the world trade currency meaning its strength is other markets weakness. Ours is dropping because bond yields spiked and the conditions for a federal rate increase are apparent.

This fluctuation is us escaping from QE and 0% interest for 8 fucking years.

>By the end of the week
So by tomorrow? Tomorrow is the end of the week, wisefag.

so what your saying is is if the economy is doing well its guaranteed but otherwise not. sounds about right,

Nononono fuck I am ONE MONTH away from investing into a new crypto where I'm putting 75% of my savings

Yeah just like the big happening hyped up for months on September 23rd right? Don’t lie to me

>so right now they are worried about interest rates rising, no? but wasn't that going to happen anyways?

The Fed is backed into a corner so it cant lower interest rates, nor can they print money cause that would cause hyperinflation. So what the central bank been doing since Monday is anonymously buying stocks:

The fed is caught between a rock and a hard place. lowering interest would inflate the bubble further increasing interest is gonna start to pop it. basically money is about lost in yuge amounts and theres no winning move.

Dude, the collapse of 92 was pushed onto 2006, which was pushed onto obama ~2010 who printed his way through like the guys before him. Notice that pattern? Every 8 or so years, economical bubbles are about to pop but get propagated again.

>FED can't print money cause that would cause hyperinflation
>Injects money into circulation by buying stocks causing inflation.

If the economy is producing wealth, then its good. If not, then we have bigger problems.

Rothschild pull out money from central banks
Central banks need people to buy their bonds, raise the interest rate
Which result stock will go down, I also dont get it why, but thats what analyst say. For now the stock havent go down much yet because China is still handling it to control the dollar.

The problem will arise when China has done their stuff - supporting the stocks and dollar. Once dollar go down, most country will be affected because dollar is the world default currency.

Blame it on (((Rothchild and Soros))), they already doing the pull out.

You forgot one crucial bubble:

The Trumpist bubble.

The Big Blue Wave was already coming to drown you, skinhead babydicks. After the economy crashes it will literally be an extinction-level tsunami.

Republicunts won't even have 50 seats in the House after November, and every single Senate seat up for grabs goes blue.

Of course, you know this means impeachment.

For Asshole.

And Vice Asshole.

And then we're swearing in President Pelosi.

Fuck your First Amendment. It's been asking for a nice, swift socialistic kick in the balls, and once you're gagged we will be coming for your guns, too.

This isn't a normal election or a normal economic crash or a normal "pendulum swing." When Dems win power back, we will fucking keep it.

We will never allow this racist fuckshit to happen ever again. Repubicunts will only be allowed impotent fuckboys like Paul Ryan and nationalist shitfucks will be banned outright from future elections.

Those big red lines as the market collapses thanks to your stupid fucking tax cut aren't just an economic indicator.

They're how White America dies.

The only wave you should be prepared for is the wave of lynchings coming for registered democrats.


>Market crash 4days in the making
That's not how it fucking works. That's not how any of this shit works. It's a slump or a dip; a crash would be +$12% drop in hours.

Awwww crap

Just typed it and saw this....

No matter what numbers on charts say the world has the same production potential tomorrow as it did yesterday. At this point money is causing more problems than its solving, if civilization collapses because the markets collapse it is only due to a flaw in humans.

yeah, but the dollar is close to dead. how much wealth are we really producing?

>president pelosi

this has to be bait

I have convinced the parents to build an off grid basement for me. Collected my NEETbux. Have all the top airsoft in my arsenal. Already adjusted to a diet of mountain dew and ramen.
Let's do this!

>due to a flaw in humans
Let me repost the agenda, wear your tinfoil hat guys.

Fact:With the spacex, 12000 satellites will hover us.
Fact:Most central bank all over the world have little assets.
Fact:Rothchild the kraken pull out some of his money, Soros too.
Fact:Financial bubble everywhere, ready to collapse.

I assume the fiat money will be gone soon, Great Depression now not limited to US, now it will be worldwide.
With financial sector gone the drain, government probably will collapse or struggle.
>Execute worldwide crypto money program!"
...but but we dont have the infrastructure ?
>12000 satellite ready in place, its taken care already, bank now do trade crypto already, need simple adjustments,
enter border less world, where global money roams free. Israel and few others (NK) rejects and isolated.
Everyone will be tagged with chip, show your hand for easier trade or else you are on your own and die hungry!
Borderless economy, country, sex, single human race, a One World Goverment needed, UN no more!, it require One World Leader (OWL). We should elect one,
Zionist cabals prepare candidate, all theirs, ready to be blackmailed with pedo stuff they recorded earlier.
Everyone listen and tied through the chip, fight and you will go hungry, be free to roam the world, liberty at last (fake)
Zionist rule through the OWL, must act to plan, blackmailed.
Some are revolting!
>No worr...look in the sky, aliens (fake)! Everyone, get together to fight the "outside invader"!
Everyone submit, for human race, under OWL, we fight! Israel said its not kosher, wont do.
Aliens shot down, turned out to be alien drone. All human listen to the OWL and obey.
>"Aliens coming soon, need to prepare,"
Transhumanism said "technology ready", limbs now cyborg, implant everyone with comm in the head, chip inside head to control drone/robots,we need to fight aliens after all!
Everyone agreed, plant chip except that guy who said its not kosher, entire planet now subdued.

Agree ?

The problem isn't specifically money, it's that value is based on human perception, and the global economy has been slowly turned into one gigantic interdependent monolith.

Now that's a bubble alright

You are pure 100% distilled essence of retardation. Bend over, here it comes!

The level of shilling in this thread. Lol. We’ve known that the collapse has been coming for about 5 years. I don’t even watch out for it any more because who knows how long the money printing can go on before it finally falls apart? All I know is that when it does, and it will, your dollars and pounds won’t mean shit.

The plan slowly executed

General -
In progress -
Handbook -

New Religion for us all (One World Religion)á'í Faith

Transhumanism - now come with its own religion!
General -
Brain -

The plan was mentioned in the 70s and I watch it slowly executed. I dont know when the plan started, what worrying is the cashless thingy is being push - fast, sort of in a rush, why ? I dont know, I expect it to be another 15-20 years but now it being done.

Yes, this is a big damn pill to swallow. I know, but, I see doom for our grandchildren.

ugh just fucking happen already im tired of waiting

>wages go up
>market falls
>real estate prices go down
>market falls

This kind of thing is why people believe in world banking conspiracy theories. Stock markets have become market perverters, allowing people to rent out their money to make the economy worse and leverage it until anything that actually improves the economy will ruin them.

Yes, when people buy, smart money sell, vice versa.
Nowdays, money is being created out of thin air.
With the Jews "I want the world and 5%" mentality,
USA is under trillions of debt that can never be paid.
Reset button is needed.
All bad news today, cant they wait for me to short sell ? dang

>The debt bubble.
nigger, what?

What ever happened to the Shemitah? Sup Forums LARPed that one hard for over a year and it was a huge nothingburger, as always.

This looks like fun and that looks like a college (even more fun). Can anyone provide some more info on this event?

>always a nothingburger
>printing money and usuriously extracting taxes and interest from an ever more unproductive working class who have to subsidise leeching from above and below has no consequences

Yes, but remember.....
Trump win, Hillary lost
Trump dismantling their grip, if you wasted lots of money on Hillary (like them),
what would you do ?

He means consumer credit bubble.

there's more to it than that. but that is part of it.

I can't wait for this to happen. I completely believe everything this user says will come true. White men have lost control of literally everything that matters and their dumb response is to crowd into shitty, powerless trade jobs. The demographic shift in American and now Europe is unstoppable. You'll turn in your guns like obedient dogs just like the Australians did. And when they're gone and your numbers dwindle you'll just die off or be replaced, along with all of your history. You'll scream and cry on the internet and that will be the sum of your response to the white genocide, just like the cucked white men in South Africa who've done nothing in 30 years.

You allowed 15 million Jews and a few of their helpers to defeat 800 million whites without so much as firing a shot. You are to blame for this epic failure. In the end, it will be the future you chose. My only hope is that I live long enough to witness the hell on Earth that life will be when the white race is gone.

Quick question on topic;

I have 17k in savings should I buy gold or guns/ammo

just zoom out more

Jews are losing so many shekels this past week! I love it.

guns, ammo, food, gasoline
Tangible things with real value, not gold.

I asked you about the Shemitah. Why are you confused?