Yankees go home, death to US imperialism!

Yankees out, Yankees out, we are millions and yell it out!!!!! never forget the US crimes! We will no longer tolerate American occupation! Solidarity to all anti imperialists from all over the world who are against American hegemony.

AMI mach dich heim oder du wirst Heim gebprügelt!



>no longer tolerate

You will not laugh soon enough

its obviously a troll thread but troll is right. we dont want the ZOG-US army here. Dont go into the us army burger bro. you will die for jews only.

Stop making this thread every day, you autistic fuck.

Do something about it then

Go ahead. I'm waiting

the united states are our greatest ally in these days of peril

fuck off you mongrel piece of fake nationalist scum

ooooh, ahmed is threatening us
kys faggot
>in all fields

Make the first move Mohammed. I dare you.


>months later

wrong board, faggot

You're really into the whips and chains are you Jerry, you want us to come over there and kick your ass a third time? Is that why you let refugees in, you miss being invaded. Well be prepared, we'll bring bigger bombs this time. We'll go LeMay on your ass.

Are you happy a foreign army is keeping you subdued?

Calm down Ahmed, America is already experienced in bombing sandniggers, don't think we won't do it again.

I'm happy that there is a based power on this planet to keep us safe.
Wanna see how your pathetic army is trying to secure earth
does your country even HAVE an army?

you are either a kike a or a american

Häng dich auf, Imp.

You're a dead man walking, kike.

How about your own army keeps your country safe? A foreign one in your country is nothing more and nothing less than an occupation. If god forbid Germans actually got an actual change in politics, NATO would take control and install a government adhering to American value (multiculturalism, liberalism,...) at once.
>secure earth
Globalists pls go.

Le based hue

not every army can be this strong what this creates we saw in the cold war dumbass
be proud that someone even CARES about you and your shithole country

>country is being pillaged and raped by Muhammedans and negroids

Fuck you Muhammah. Go eat a bag of dicks wrapped in bacon you islamist scum.

Shut up and get back to work, Kraut.

Oh yeah we're plotting to invade you as soon as americans leave.
>be proud that someone else CONTROLS you and your shithole country

Oh look, Germany trying to sow strife again. I'm sure THIS TIME it won't lead to hundreds of thousands of white Europeans dead.

>has a large army
>controls everyone

yeah no

>Yankees out, Yankees out, we are millions and yell it out!!!!!
>rhyming "out" with "out"
The absolute state of German wit

Anyways if you want us out feel free to uncuck yourselves and then help us do the same

>keeping peace

Dude u serious?
The US have created this refugee invasion in order to further undermine and weaken europe to be able to take us all over one day.

What the fuck are you even implying?
Yeah a foreign army in your area is effectively in control of it.
You're talking like our collaborrants used to, "nazis keep us safe from soviets", "soviets keep us safe from americans". It's nothing but cuckoldry every time.

>spamming this thread every single day
You're a persistent little faggot aren't you.

For that to work the EU would need it's own defense force stronger then any single state. The sad truth behind Europe is dispite how cultured and sophsicated they pretent to be, the minute they rearm they will start chimping out and killing each other.

Fucking this
>America out of EU
>new superpower EU army
>EU colonize Mars
>EU base on the moon
Can't wait anymore, EU army when?


>she isn't wearing a burka
That's not legal in the Islamic caliphate of germanistan

the EU army will only be used to subdue natives and enforce their replacement by niggers

Why do you need an EU army to get to a Mars colony?

Wouldn't the increased cost of having a standing armed force detract from your total wealth and make it harder to fund space exploration and colonization?

EU army will make EU #1 superpower on the planet, that's why you Americans are shilling so hard against it.

Because we need to protect ourselves from the Americans when they try to invade us, our army is needed to protect us against American imperialism.

>Its another LARPing german that claims "GERMUHNY STONK EUROPE SERVES US"

Pathetic. The Americans are our closest non european allies, and that will not change.

Last time I checked the size didn't force you to take any refugees

Look at Poland for example. They're not taking rapefugees and America isn't forcing them

The Martian caliphate

When do you think they will try and invade and for what reason? Wouldn't it be better to dump your money into a space program from the start rather than start an arms race with a nation that spends 600 billion a year on it's own military?

lol wut? its not our fault europe's military is weak AF and you rely on us for mid east foreign policy and the intimidation of superpowers (if nothing else)

go ahead. protest faggot. honestly, we don't want to be there unless you're paying us to protect you.

Germany fucking sucks and so do germans.


Fixed your pick, OP.

>we don't want to be there
Maybe you don't, but your leaders absolutely do.
And please stop pretending it's about anything else than control.

Missed her left hand.

>italian americans are anglo

little faggots like you don't give orders.

Digits confirm

How will yanks ever recover?


ich wünschte diese Ablehnung würde mal kommen wenns um unsere Nordafrikanischen Besatzer gehen würde.

>er glaubt dies wirklich

Genau, weil die Amis bei uns ein paar Flugplätze benutzen, wird unsere Bundesregierung und die EU gezwungen Flüchtlinge über geltendes Recht hinaus aufzunehmen.

Jetzt fehlt nur noch das einer hier Propaganda für die EU-Armee postet.

Czechs could unironically defeat Germany in a military conflict.

We seriously just need to annex all of Europe and force them to become states. Then we won't have to go anywhere.