Fuck your asian gf (((shit))) white men have white gfs REEEEEEE

I mean well, wow, those cherrypicked asian woman looks good, but, hm, I thought we are here for fighting for white women and the right to have white children against all (((odds)))
>inb4 news article about a degenerate white woman
Remember: The Jew corrupted our women with ... literally everything. Unironically everything.

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you will never talk sense into some of these retards they're actual spastics


The funny thing is the girl in the OP probably has an Asian boyfriend

Find this girl's instagram and see this



God in heaven, even I can photoshop this better wtf and I only have GIMP

Exactly what's gonna happen. Such a waste of a perfect white girl.

Whoever that bitch is need an unirinical punch in her face

Also, in all aspects, I can't understand niggers and white women, but why fucking gooks? Just how