"Western men are god-like figures in China"
Is this the solution to the entitled White roastie problem?
"Western men are god-like figures in China"
Is this the solution to the entitled White roastie problem?
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No way, white girls in china must be rare and im sure every chang is thirsty for their ass.
Why not? White roasties get a culture shock in Asian countries because they don't get any attention by White men. Also the astonishing entitlement of those whores is unbelievable
desu going to some random country and parading around as le white man is just a dick move. Let them have their own women
this reads exactly like the same stuff BLACKED cucks post desu
Are you seriously comparing White men to niggers you subhuman mutt?
>Chang is used to subservient women
>meets western woman
>slaps the shit out of her or simply walks away
Chinese hate niggers and I’ll behaved females, western women have zero chance there, ever
Let us have ours then Chang. Get the hell out of my continent.
>In turn, it would also be interesting to watch Western men finally get a reality check and discover that most of them are hardly “God’s gift to women” and could never get this much action back in their home countries.
Holy fucking shit the absolute irony
White women experience that in he West, she is super salty that white men are the top of the totem pole somewhere because she isn’t considered hot shit in China
women are fucking retarded, if you go to asia obviously white men there want nothing to do with you
I think you're responding to a female.
Who actually wants a white roastie besides foreign asians?
Those disgusting roasties don't even consider dating the local Chinese men. Their entitlement and bitchiness is mind blowing. We need to do something about those filthy whores.
North America belongs to canada you rebellious scum
(Yellow Fever Intensifies)
Race mixing is degenerate.
If you're white, not a manlet and somewhat attractive Asians get wet momentarily
Check out this dude
He's really tall though, like 2m tall
Are you sure you want to say that? With your PM? I'll give you an opportunity to consider your statement, because I'm a nice guy.
We're going to invade Canada and sack your pathetic government. Your military no longer exists.
That's cute. You think your country is relevant.
>t. Mahmoud le Pierre Zheng
Most Asian men i ever met don't like white women.
Cause they act too bitchy and unfeminine.
Also i guess because they have their own beauty standard that we call cute.
i highly doubt that. chinese are probably more racist as Sup Forums even dares to LARP. you gullible goys believe everything
you deserted the empire and made a heathen swamp of degeneracy that has polluted all the world
>Is this the solution to the entitled White roastie problem?
bitch it might be.
White sexpats are pathetic. Unfortunately, the majority of this board sympathize with them.
Everybody here gets their Asian fetish from their anime addiction, it's just sad
What does he look like
They don't look like that. The majority of Chinese women are hideous.
>Marie Curie
A Slav, and therefore, not white.
I'm here to help remove the pollution. If we find among ourselves, we're losing this war. Don't start shit with the country that has and will always have your back. You have your pollution to deal with and we have ours, and when we get our shit in order, we need to cleanse everywhere else.
I'd love to find my white sweetheart and walk down a Chinese streets, asian whores jealously gawping at this anglo-aryan couple.
This might be true off the grid, in which case the girls DEFINITELY don't look like that.
Absolutely not true in any Asian city.
find -> fight
Don't associate anime with gook fuckers Faggot
because of those sexpats I don't want to visit east asia. I would really want to visit there, but I don't want to be mistaken for some yellow fever fag
Where do you get your sources? The most naturally beautiful Asians are the Northern Chinese.
How much plastic surgery have these women had?
Bitch is racist as fuck tbqh.
>koreans have plastic surgery
>asking about chinese
You know china is poor as shit, calm down, roastie.
Jesus have mercy.
>White sexpats are pathetic
objectively true. Thankfully, most of the big cities have wised up to them and now have quarantine districts so the same couple hundred whores fuck the sexpats over and over again.
They can't date local Asian men because Asian men don't want to date them. I've noticed that this happens a lot even with Asians in the west. They value cute over sexy and submissiveness.
They often go hand in hand bud
Don't blame you. My local bartender and I have great banter about British betas who come to Hong Kong for Asian pussy. He tells me all the time how much of a laughing stock they are.
>only Koreans have plastic surgery
Oh my sweet summer child.
That's ironic indeed. As men we're expected to accept the unfairness of the dating market in the West lest we get thrown ad hominems at us. But the minute these women experience something similar, we're expected to sympathize with them. kek.
Chinese on the left
i'm pretty sure it's an epidemic all over asia for bitches who can afford it, south korea is just the worst for it.
This reads like something an African woman would write about Sweeden
pic-related will never sit on my face after 2 hours at the gym
are you chink, britbong or else?
>summer child
Get the fuck off my board newfag. If you're going to read up 'how to not look like a nufag on 4chin' on whatever fucking meme site exists, at least use some critical thinking. Now get out of here roastie, men are talking.
Gooks are the slaves that make my Chinese cartoons, they suck when the gooks try to make them resemble themselves
The girl's quotes read exactly like the incoherent rantings of some incel from a MGTOW youtube channel.
Burger expat
Abloo bloo bloo, this salty over your perfect Asian waifu fantasy being broken by the sad fact that plastic surgery is a serious problem among Asian women.
Lots of exchange students come to Hong Kong every year and the guys are disappointed that girls are not giving them default worship because they are white. We call those types of people "foreign trash."
It's the same disappointment and shock shitskins have when they arrive to Europe only to discover that white girls are not the desperate cock hungry coal burning sluts that was expected.
thats disappointing. azn qts are great without it.
They are number 1 per capita speaking, though.
Fucking chinese goverment, stop spamming these articles and start sending whyfus
>cute fat faces supposed to cute yellow fever
how exactly?
So you never nail that pussy if it gets offered?
not really, i got an aryan wife.
Woah mein nigger don't write off cool places because you think you'll be pumped in. If you have a woman with you you could just be a tourist looking for a cheap beach town, those actually outnumber sexpats. If single, bring a slr camera (buy a used for your equivalent of a couple days pay, learn how to use it), dangle it from your neck, and take cool pictures all over the (ancient aryan) old temples and statues to be found in the region. Also bonus points for learning the flora and fauna to nature spot.
People will respect you for not giving off the sexpat vibe, and will go out of their way to get your business for liking what they see as the classy side of their country's culture.
OP is mostly makeup
Second pic is mostly photoshop
That's not how it works at all. Look at plastic surgery rates globally. Korean do it a lot because of their broader jaws.
Isn't the male to female ration 1.3 : 1 in China? How are these odds against them?
I will if I get desperate, but Asian women aren't my preference.
chinese men are weak soyboys and their women are bigger whores than ours
>already have a wife
>defending Asian women as if you're a thirsty orbiter
Sad state you're in.
Fuck women.
Read that shit, she is angry because she does not get to play her little games.
to be honest 1 and 3 were significantly cuter with their hair back
> Stephanie describes Chinese men as “effeminate” and “small-sized” people who don’t have the capability to have a relationship with a foreign woman.
What and absolute cunt!
bitch, I'm in the United States. The best states. I can do what I want.
If I had a child like that, I swear I would properly treat her like the only girl in the world. She'd be spoiled rotten.
I don't see the issue bar maybe the second? They still look pretty. First has a gorgous smile.
Every human is thirsty for them
My fat, ugly loser brother-in-law went to China, taught English as a second language, got dates aplenty, and is now engaged to a sweet and pretty Chinese woman. He is treated better there than he would here in the USA. And he finally lost weight, developed a good personality, became a better person all around. Although I am against race mixing, I cannot blame any white man for wanting out of SJW-poisoned Western society.
Lord almighty, why they so round
what is this picture from? do you use it as your steam profile icon
Stop talking like niggers you goys.
Come on man.. raise the bar.
>caring about fugly chinks when MEDITERRANEAN women exist
So whats your preference?
Being in Honkong must be difficult.
You know being full of Asians.
There a lot of white women there to choose from?
How can roasties even compete?
99% of the female variant in the Chink species is utterly disgusting. Of course you'll be like a "god-like figure" to shit. Run off to China while baboons are inseminating your very own women in your very own country.
How many matches do you get in the West unless you are a 10/10 Chad?
Same is for expand women in moskow
Would you date a black roastie over a European girl for a long term relationship in hopes for eventual marriage?
Sex before marriage is degenerate.
Also checked
>expat men looking for eye candy
>expat women looking for someone that isn't a leech
yea but do you think average white women wants to fuck 170 cm tall moon faced chink?
The female cries as she strikes you
Lots of Taiwan women have these rounded features.
How is polygyny viewed in China? California sucks politically, but no one bats an eye when it comes to sex it seems. Faggots walk each other like dogs in San Francisco.
I wouldn't mind a Chinese second waifu.
>pumped in
is that slang for being beaten up? Because I fought for my entire life, multiple people sometimes, I'm not afraid of physical confrotation. And it's not liie I could go there, I'm just engineering student
>(ancient aryan) old temples and statues
I said east asia, aryans are poos and persians
There is a humongous expat community in Hong Kong. In Central and LKF, it is sometimes easy for foreigners to forget that they are in an Asian city.