Good Goy
Plz be fake...
this. i don't wanna check
Fuck Drumpf and fuck Jewish people.
>strangles Kissinger on live television while nukes rain on Israel
>assassination attempt
Kek, I beseech you!
Well there goes his second term
At 2:15 I will have a bowel movement
At 3:30 I will take a break to watch the gorilla channel
At 4:19 I’ll sneak out to the west lawn for some dank.
His tweets are so crazy and sometimes so pointless
fucking WHY?!!!
trump meets his master
Trump sold out a long time ago, he might be in charge at home, but the (((generals))) are running the show in the middle east.
Ever wondered why Republican Rinos suddenly let him do as he wish?
Is that dastardly kike not senile yet
Who's Kissinger?
Soros wont die, Kissinger wont die, Mccain wont die despite having cancer, getting real tired of God's bullshit
Old kike who rimmed Nixon and became secretary of state. He officially made us an Israeli puppet, destroyed Rhodesia, tried to start wars with sand niggers, and somehow isn't fucking dead yet despite being like 300 years old.
Kissinger betrayed Rhodesia
Kissinger betrayed the Kurds (3x)
Kissinger will again betray Christian Whites
So what are the implications of Trump's meeting with him?
gonna be Iron like a Lion in Zion
God is punishing us with these evil immortal fucking monsters.
Why would he tweet that he is watching BET?
must be so because he doesnt seem to want to take these fucks any time soon
Congratulations you're the one millionth person to make that tired ass joke
Why would Trump try to harm his greatest ally?
Shills gonna shill.
Kissinger is the epitome of Deep State. I don't understand...
>announcing when and where your meetings are
wew lad, someone wants the ol'kennedy
gestalt on kissinger?
What was the joke?
He's already met with him before.
Ohh boy. Meeting with King Kike Ehh? TRUMP still /ourguy/? HAHAHA
Trump is going to get us involved in a war in Syria to distract from the ongoing investigation into the Democratic party.
It was never meant to go this far.
iTT we come up with every possible delusion to make it seem like this really isn't happening. I'll start.
>>Trump has to meet with Kissinger to MAKE IT LOOK like he's going along with the kikes plan... HE WILL TURN
>>Posts link to Video Of Trump saying "An Ally can Turn"
He met with him during his campaign as well.
Pretty much what BLUMPF thinks about em aswell... considering he resigned exec orders that turn them into terrorists once they're home
don't worry guys
isn't kissinger like 100 years old? does his brain even work still?
Hidden message in Presidential request:
Its true though. Anyone stupid enough to volunteer for israel's wars is a retard.
>over here, kiddo
>A battle between Zionists jews and non-zionist liberal jews.
You know the left hates Kissinger right? And he was the exception to the rule of the (((bastards))) you can't trust named by Nixon.
It not black and white. Y do u brainlets think just because Someone dislike BLUMP they automatically like Hilldawg or even BERNBOY for that matter. THEYRE ALL GODDAMN KIKES WITH DIRT ON THEM AND THEY ALL NEED TO GO. FROM THE TOP KIKE DOWN
Kushner isnt a zionist.
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a KIKE
EVERYONE hates Kissinger
wrong. You can't outjew the jew without jews on your side.
Your time has expired, drumpfskin
We're in the decade of Hildawg now
Time to dust off the ol' uniform americans
This Right/Left bs needs to stop. If you still believe that these faggots aren't all working toward a common goal while giving the optics of arguing for/against things to achieve that goal. Your fuggin retarded and part of the problem
Not likely. Trump will pic of and take the demoshits out. 2018 red wave. Uniparty.
I assure you that you can. You just need the balls.
>>No one has the brains to kike a Jew at his own game...
ha. Yea OK. Don't worry goy, Trumps fighting kikes JUST FOR YOU. He needs Jews on his side to do it tho, REMEMBER there's some good Jews"
>>Was just going to post this
Safe to say that no one will be getting jailed....
>>Can't be treasonous if nobody believes in "Treason"
Sup Forums you guys are so fucking autistic. Oh a relatively normie politician isn't fucking crying "JEEEEW" constantly. WHAT A SHOCK!
Trump is a step. He shifted the overton window further to the right than anything you faggots have been doing in the past 12 years.
Kushner directly funded illegal Zionist settlements in the west bank. Netanyahu slept over Kushner house before
trump is what """""""""""""""""""""""""""""the far righ"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" wants but he is close enough. but get off the goy shit, Donnie.
Why don't you go fucking dust off your uniform. Go die for your own interests, leave us the hell alone
If Trump doesn't stab lil Henry in the face with a soldering iron then he's a pussy
Kissinger is probably trying to save Netanyahu
"we need a friend in the middle East, and Israel is that friend" every Republican I've talked to. please Donnie, your supposed to gas the news. Fuck!
Makes me miss Nixon.
Bring him back. The greatest president.
>supporting the dude who fucked over Rhodesia and South Africa
>lmao if the soviets do it eh fuck it
>but if those germans do it we better fucking nuke japan.
I agree with the darkie for once
this, the liberal jews are trying to take him down for corruption. if they succeed then a lot of the bullshit they are pulling in syria ends and they will not get along with the neocons here. that basically ends our involvement in the middle east. for the first time im actually rooting for the liberal kikes.
Your mistaken. the culture has gone SO FAR LEFT that it's making anything Trump does look like a hero, and it's pushing people behind government again. What about states rights? This dude is HARDLY right wing. He's just carrying on the bullshit in a different way. Politics hasn't changed. We have.
zionism dies in 2018.
Good one lmao.
Why does America need a "FRIEND" in the Mideast? Why is most of Europe not good enuf? Why does anyone need friends? None of you have friends... can't we be self sufficient?
drumpf is a fat, bald and dumb kike lover. his juden son in law is his top (((adviser))). his daughter is a kike too
why is this bad
Cool story. Netanyahu is going to die this year.
So BIBI isn't goin down for "Champagne And Cigars"? It's the Zionist Jews the ones who have Hollywood, MSM, and Gov all under heavy influence.. those ones are trying to take BIBI out? Lol sounds good. Make a Q vid about it.
because "kissinger is jewish".
because drumpf has no agency and is corrupted by jews every single time he looks at one.
It isn't. Pointless fear-mongering.
Bibi is directly connected to Arnon Milchan. This is gonna be a great happening and a massive purge of corruption
It's not fear mongering. It's truth you don't want to see. You can clearly see the far left Agenda continuing, and no one trying to do anything to change it...
He's speaking from a globalist standpoint, it's not just America's concern it's the world's concern.
Dumb nigger
Who's Henry Kissinger?
Hope so... i see way to much disinfo, and way too many bad actors online trying to derail, and sway opinion, so OBVIOUSLY something is goin on, but the censorship, suspending, banning, doxxing, people losing jobs, is all still happening and it's getting worse.
Netanyahu and Milchan go all the way back to JFK. John Kerry is fucked too.
heres an article on the bibi situation
>has Jewish daughters
>prayed at the western wall wearing a jew skull cap
>"I will be the most pro-Israel President ever"
Democrats are for states' rights now.
Sanctuaries, legal weed, etc.
People hate the federal government right now, libshits are waking up to the dangers trying to govern the whole country the same.
(((They))) are taking people's most radical views right and left and throwing them in each other's faces. Everything is way to polarizing. Which leads to nobody agreeing even on the simplest issue they maybe could have agreed on previously. And this is now happening on the right