Sup Forums humour thread

Sup Forums humour thread

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thats racist


oh ye of little faith






> obey manayiti

who the fuck is manayiti and what did he mean by this?


Obviously fake but I lol'd pretty hard



>Abraham Lincoln was an authoritarian leftist
what the fuck?

He stole and redistributed everyone’s niggers while pretending to be a moral authority. Sounds like authoritarian left to me

he was going to deport the niggers to Africa before some southern hick chimped out and shot him



That's his bloody name. The humour in the picture is that the PM's daughter was praising her affy rapist. Nonsense.

Good OC. Cheers m8 one to your health.


We should really ship all the niggers to their precious homeland

Cry more faggot





Even the dog is fat.



This man is a genius at creating pasta how do we hire him

can you fellow wagecucks imagine being forced to go to a meeting like this? working for google must be so tiresom






This might win.




This has to be someone trolling.

Speaking of which, I wonder how moot is doing.


Do not say that name.


that faggot works for google now?



someone post wakeywakey.jpg



Lol this is real


The fat coal burner with the little nog, lmfao



holy shit this kills me everytime


My boss tried to make me go to Mexico with the rest of the firm because one of higher level staff here is Mexican is literally goes all Doritos locos tacos all day using her fake accent. I declined and said, “I don’t travel abroad anymore and I don’t like Mexico.”

The spicy Latina in my office shit a brick and called me racist, since then she’s tried to get half a dozen Mexican girls hired here but they’re all been incompetent during the interview process.


He was though. He suspended the constitution

This was never funny


Always with the sandals


l work for a classical music venue. my staff is 99% liberals. we did a catalog of upcoming performances with an asian woman on the cover. several of them complained that "the first 10 pages were white dudes." i pointed out that it was 4 pages, from 6-10 and that there was an asian woman on the cover. they shut up, but continued similar shenanigans later in the week.