
Black Panther is a glorification of ethno nationalism. This could not be more perfect for us to co-opt. Get on Rotten Tomatoes and other sites and give it great reviews saying how it is a nationalist masterpiece. Go on about how independence is the future or black Americans and just push nationalism. You can use it as a conversation starter. "It's what Malcom X always wanted! Haven't you seen Black Panther!? Blacks can't be free until they have independence!". It's so fucking perfect. These idiots have done us the greatest favor they ever could have with this film.

Other urls found in this thread:



alt-right means white nationalism.

Nationalism is nationalism.

>Get on Rotten Tomatoes
lmao, good luck

JONESwave music is the rallying cry the Black man needs!!!

Thread theme!!!!


I literally didn't see anything on Sup Forums about sabotaging the ratings for the film before the articles started coming out. Since then I've seen a few threads that really didn't go anywhere. Certainly it doesn't seem like Sup Forumsacks are are very interested in it other than a few false flaggers and newfaggots.

I for one support the movie because as you said, it's basically ethno-nationalism. And although the chance is extremely slim I hope it at least it plants the seed of a black exodus to Africa in the heads of blacks, since they seem incredibly susceptible to media coercion.


Sit down, be humble

Do it! Do it! Do it! Pleeeeeeease do it!

BLACK people ruling their BLACK country on their BLACK continent minding there BLACK business thriving with there BLACK dollars and BLACK resources.

And this Black fantasy is Jewish owned and profitable to Jews.

The irony of the afrocentrism of this movie is that its profits go to the Jews who see and push niggers into a never ending poverty cycle.

>first time she's seen black people succeed at running a country on their own
>it's in a fictional universe



The BBC is really excited.


>Divide and Conquer
What a fresh concept OP...
What's next..."""shifting the Overton window"""?


So.. fantasy?

Their black dollars.

No, they'll simply throw in their vote for a democrat in the USA to have it happen here instead. If anything it's whitey that will be persecuted and exiled when the demographics overrun them.

>79 KB JPG(OP)
>I literally didn't see anything on Sup Forums about sabotaging the ratings for the film before the articles started coming out
It wasn't from Sup Forums it was from Sup Forums and the DC cucks, they believed there was a grand conspiracy that made DC movies shit and marvel movies profitable and critically acclaimed.

>niggers are only successful in fiction and fantasy
who woulda thunk

Is it blaxploitation movie?

>I literally didn't see anything on Sup Forums about sabotaging the ratings for the film before the articles started coming out.
It came from Sup Forums (or reddit version of Sup Forums, technically) where a bunch of DC cucks felt like victims and wanted to lash out at Disney. They are the ones threatening to ratings bomb Black Panther. Race was never a motive here and Black Panther just happened o be the next marvel film in line to target.

DC cucks felt that there was a grand conspiracy to punish WB/DC films by RT (who is owned by WB) and that it was all Disneys fault that their movies were shit and that marvels always made money and earned crtical acclaim.

PROTIP: Muammar Gaddafis Lybia was going to become the real life Wakanda but the White Man didn't let him have it.

I wished he kept his nukes. Fuck you Americans and fuck NATO.

Gaddafi should of launched nukes at Washington DC and Paris for your invasion. The white man can't let Africa be great, we must kill you all

Are they aware of Africa? How are they doing over there?

We Wuz Supra Hedoes


What an amazing coincidence that suddenly people are trying to get everyone to pay attention to a shit-tier movie when no one here cares- and that there are articles written everywhere about how much everyone here cares, and THATS why the movie is going to bomb.

Disgusting development

Isn't Black Panther /ourfilm/ though?

I know he's black, but hes essentially an ethno nationalist who protects his nation, people and way of life from invaders. Wakanda is mono-cultural afterall

>still using dollar as a currency
>appropriating european royal titles
>stealing the idea of ethnostate from whites

This is the truly shocking thing:
>Online ticketing service Fandango is reporting that presales for Disney-Marvel’s “Black Panther” are now outpacing advance sales for all other first-quarter releases in the company’s 18-year history.

>Fandango reported Wednesday that at the same point in the sales cycle, “Black Panther” is on track to pass 2012’s “The Hunger Games” and 2017’s “Beauty and the Beast.” The tentpole, starring Chadwick Boseman, is also pacing to be Fandango’s top preseller among all superhero titles. It hits theaters on Feb. 16.

>The most recent tracking released on Feb. 1 showed “Black Panther” heading for as much as $150 million in its North American opening on the four-day Presidents Day weekend. The film could break the Presidents Day weekend record of $152 million, set in 2016 by “Deadpool.”

Beating Deadpool in a February opening was thought to be impossible. Deaadpool had that perfect storm of social media buzz and people didn't think that magic could be repeated. We will have to wait and see if panther can do it.

>It came from Sup Forums (or reddit version of Sup Forums, technically)
That explains it.

>DC cucks felt that there was a grand conspiracy to punish WB/DC films by RT (who is owned by WB) and that it was all Disneys fault that their movies were shit and that marvels always made money and earned crtical acclaim.
Jesus christ that's fucking sad. Capeshit fans are mentally ill imo. Even the normie ones.

The facebook group was literally called "Down With Disney’s Treatment Of Franchises And Its Fanboys".



I'm imagining some uppity qwang shouting BLACK everytime I read this sentence and like a hype man going MHMM and an entire baptist church crowd going AMEN after every BLACK is said.

Does this happen for anyone else?

I don't think you understand how the minds of the coons who watch it work. This Jew does and I consider him an expert on the matter. Oy vey.


>the White Man
the same (((white man))) who made that black supremacist movie, Monsieur. Oh and how owned ten times more slaves in white Murica than Christians. Speaking of which: did you get any reparations from the tribe yet?

gaddafi didn't have nukes
the US did though

>tfw they over estimate our racism but underestimate our autism

>The facebook group was literally called "Down With Disney’s Treatment Of Franchises And Its Fanboys".


and yet they get butthurt when you suggest they migrate back to africa. Niggers are so fucking retarded.

I'm imagining a South American or Eastern European post on Sup Forums.

>black resources
>Literally need to be one of the rarest and in demand metal on the planet and their lot of land is the only major deposit of it on the planet
So this is what it takes for blacks to advance.

Except its not. According to most reviews, the film has a pro-open borders and pro-refugee stance. Much of the story is the Black Panther coming to terms with Wakanda opening up and helping people. Looks you lose again.

Yeah even if that fictional metal was real I dont think they would use it as intended. probably try to make a drug out of it or make ''bling'' out of it.

>Obama wasn't the Commander in Chief at the time

if we all gave it fantastic reviews rotten tomatoes will be force to lower its score

I live in a 98% white area so it should be safe to go see without hearing blacks make noise. But I will buy a ticket for Paddington and then go in and watch Black Panther, not giving Disney money.

It's kin of a funny exaggeration of reality in many ways. If Africans could have advanced to the point to have been able to use their own resources they would be a major power in the world. Although those same resources are a double edged sword since they would have needed a resource scarcity to properly advance and evolve. Really makes u think

Yeah the White man..


Journalist level grammar.

Why did her son shook over a black superhero on the big screen? Wasn't there this robotnigger in JUSTice league? Meteorman? Fucking Spawn?

BLACK people mindin they own bizniz cuz dey dindu nuffin wrong eva. Whitey is the reason fo BLACK on BLACK violence. Whitey is the reason fo err thang cuz dats what CNN tolds us.

i like this idea.
just turn the movie into a ethnostate symbol where when the population is homogeneous society becomes paradise.
this would work even better if the antagonist or at least an antagonist organisation is white. then we can point at the white antagonist and say "see! when you let people who are heterogeneous to the population have influence paradise falls apart!"
it would be funny if we took what was meant to be a progressive cornerstone for the super hero genre into a symbol for white nationalists



People are looking at this film wrong. Black Panther is pushing the envelope of science fiction more than any other movie in history. Blacks in Africa being the most advance people it doesn’t get more scifi than that.

Alt-right also believes in ethnostates for all ethnicities

Is there a Sup Forums movie etiquette infograph kinda how /mlp/ had one for their movie (ie. Act as normal as possible and shower before you leave the house)?

I'm onto you, shill. How much are you getting paid for this?

It's about getting rid of white people.


So? It fits our agenda. Whether niggers split because they've been convinced they'd be better off or for some other reason, doesn't matter. They still split.

It's probably Buzzfeed niggers making the posts and fishing for stories.
>Evil Nazi hacker known as 4chin ruins Black Panther ratings

>that image

needs the extensions that changes black to white, then it would trigger the leftists something fierce, now they're just in genocide mode

This is great. Black people should have all their own things and stop leeching and appropriating white society and culture.

Agreed. #Blaxit

Finally seeing WHITE people urling their WHITE Country on their WHITE Continent minding their WHITE business thriving with WHITE dollars and WHITE resources

Alt-Right believes in ethnostates for all ethnicities.
You're the faggot pretending it only applies to one.

Black Panther is just another way for Jews to fleece Black people.
The character created by a Jew S.Lee, the character pencilled by a Jew Kirby … for a Jew owned comic company… The poorly received title was cancelled each time it was reintroduced.. the character Black Panther merely made sporadic appearances in popular Marvel titles amid his reintroduction and cancellations…. until Marvel Cinematic Universe (((Disney))) spun him back up from the grave to capitalize in all those BLM/Black empowerment movement shekel bux by preying on Black peoples Wakanda fantasies for cash…
>yeah, not inferior at all.

Be glad it's a fucking movie!!
IT'S JUST A MOVIE!! (that means it's not real)

Yep, you're a damn moron no smarter than a nigger if you think encouraging this shit is going to lead to anything good.

Black people wont see it that way. Make no mistake this is Jewish (Disney) propaganda to stir the pot of deep seeded racism in block people. They will use this to blame whitey for their problems more so than ever. Oh and they want their appropriations too.

100 bux that the king nigger in this movie has at least one white woman

To a 75iq nigger in the hood this is more truth than the gospel to them. Stop projecting your intelligence onto them. They're not that smart

>watching it at all
Admire your middle school level protest tho

In 1917 Cary Grant was like thirteen years old.
That photograph was taken in the 1950's or there abouts.
I wish people would at least be honest with that particular meme.
Pic related is what men looked like in June of 1917.

Blacks manage lots of places, they mostly don't have food or running water, but blacks already do all that shit.

>it's another commies and nazis trying to politicize another shitty capeshit movie episode

Also since when do continents belong to a race? There are over a dozen non black ethnicity in Africa and land like South Africa that was uninhabited when whites settled it.


Yes and I think any red-pilled fuck itt that had extensive experience with the bottom 90% outside of the magical negros in suburban enclaves did the same.

God damn, that's based as fuck.

jew owned slave ships brought them all here


The volume being most of the way up lol