La muerta
La muerta
Why do people try so hard? What are they trying to prove? And to whom are they trying to prove it?
El Diablo
The meme started as D&C shilling to combat nationalism in places like this, and unfortunately autists have latched on to help force it. Its a clever plan, really.
the meme started on int because mutts are incredibly annoyong in int going into other nation threads and muttsplaining shit
>only people from muh country know about muh country
We live in the age of information, lad
just explaining where the meme came from. mutts being super annoying on Sup Forums
...La creatura...
I use the meme to piss on hypocritical amerifats that would sympathize
-ZOG soldiers
-White boomers with coal burner descendants
-pissing on mudshits while being played by Jews
and anrarcho capitalists
Mom, how come Steve gets to own 3 niglets?
>Literally a mexican
This thread is embarassing desu
Im assuming youre a yuro. Do you not see your own hypocrisy in the meme? Americans became (mostly whitish) mutts organically over hundreds of years, while your leaders are trying to force the mutt meme in your own nations within a few generations.
Something something, glass house.
>your leaders
Dios mio..
Maria ayudalo
Im actually American but it baffles me that the majority of """"conservative"""" whites still cant see their own flaws in themselves and associates and it would be exploited by external jews while continuing to blame shit on others(Russia boogiman). Niggers are only the tip of the problem
Youre right, your leaders and most of your countrymen.
Thank goodness for love and generosity, especially toward colored penises.
Ayy Dios mio
el chino del abismo..
>puerto rico
Memes aside, do you honnestly believe the americans that post here on Sup Forums are cuckservatives? Also this pic is making fun of americans who don't like the "ZOG soldiers"
That's not what that pic is making fun of at all you low IQ mutt
I personally think it’s hilarious. I made the gif here
The cuckservatives are on /k/ and they occasionally spill onto Sup Forums but bitch and cry when Sup Forums spills onto their AR threads. I can see a great majority of Sup Forums users sympathizing pic
lmao everytime i read these messages i imagine an old mexican guy saying this
It is funny, thats why its so effective. But its like a guy calking you a cuck while his wife is behind him taking a muslim cock.