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Soon Britain will follow

its just retarded madness, someone should kill that man.

thoughtcrime detected.

So? If he lives in Sweden then swedish heritage is his heritage.

>that man
>not those responsible for his appointment

Why are most people retarded?

All these crazies willing to cause others harm.
None of them with the ability to figure out who is responsible at the highest level and strike where it is most appropriate.

Our government officials and elites doesn't fear brown people.
They fear intelligent white men.

They dont fear ISIS.
They fear their local militia.

They don't fear gangbang erstwhile and MS13 or pistols.
They fear long range rifles.
It's why Feinstein is obsessed with banning .50 cal.



Enjoy the rage

recently watched that movie such a classic

looks like a true viking

probably loves his country's history with all his heart

How is it his fault Swedes are this retarded? If it wasnt him it would be some Sub Saharan African or something, Swedes are just stupid

What heritage do nordcucks have anyhow?

At least they are rich.

Jesus Christ Sweden, Russia kicks your collective balls in 1800s and still your balls haven't fallen back to their place.

Sweden is reaching levels of retardation previously deemed impossible.

Ironically, I wouldn't be surprised if he legit tries to preserve Swedish heritage because a Swedish appointment would probably be an ethnomasochist

Oilmoney baby

Here's the gist of his argument about Swedish culture heritage. He sees dangers in the discrepancy of cultural power in elitist and rich areas like Stockholm VS rural areas of Sweden. Elitist steer the direction of cultural heritage at the cost of rural heritage, traditions. He basically says that it's dangerous to push the old traditions out of the way for new culture. And you shit on him. It's fucking hilarious, you literally fall for Fake news.


Stop it Sweden, it's not funny anymore

>trusting dick spencer

have you learned nothing?

>faggot detected

he should also know better. what is he doing with that position? destroying culture? pushing an agenda? you don't think him eating a bullet or being decapitated would send a clear message? not saying their isn't likely a huge list of politicians that should hang in a bloody uprising but still you think that man is innocent? no, he is also guilty.


>thinks Robert is the same as Richard

Whoever hired him for that position is a traitor.

I literally wrote a couple of posts up about what the Paki wants to do about Swedish culture, but you faggots won't see it because it fucks up your narrative so you'll just ignore it. Sup Forums is becoming like lefties, echo-chambering away what once was it's strength.

>They don't fear gangbang erstwhile and MS13 or pistols.
>They fear long range rifles.
>It's why Feinstein is obsessed with banning .50 cal.
And this is why I am now a big time 2A advocate.
I used to be liberal trash.
Now I own a gun and am more to the right than my Republican family.

Why would this guy even apply for that position? How do you have the gall to do that? Knowing Sweden he was probably on the unemployment gibs and some feminazi went to him and said "I found the perfect job for you!"

I don't recall him saying that in the interview.
Are you looking at another source?
If so, I'd like to read / watch it.

Our minister of culture is literally an African, it's not like this is implausible

Even as an Amerimutt whose only connection to Sweden is a lumberjack great grandfather I never knew, this shit hurts to read

you are either a shit skin larping as a swede or cucked faggot shill, if the latter just say goodbye to your cultural heritage you little faggot.

Ask him which beer is traditionally best to have with your Fläskkorv.

3rd world by Thursday.

>intelligent white men
you mean the ones that built the comfortable society they enjoy?

He's right, man. That guy is just a puppet, those responsible for his appointment are the traitors.

this video black pills me so fucking much. I've been to sweden 6 times over the past 20yrs. I don't think I will be going back.

I lol'd

Sweden very yes?

well then i guess he can just keep his job...

Fuck, I think the courts might buy this one. Need to have a white American illegally immigrate and get deported before the ruling.

No what he's saying is that if anyone should die it's the treasonous scum that appointed him, as they have the real power. He should simply be deported to whatever shit hole he came from.
Do some research fucktard.