>6 days until the new chapter and new TSRK one-shot
This is a good month to be alive.
>6 days until the new chapter and new TSRK one-shot
This is a good month to be alive.
I love Narancia
Where is he?
Naranciafriend said he was going to kill himself like a week ago and he hasn't posted since. He might be trying to ruse people for who knows what reason or he actually killed himself.
The fuck are those stripes on Jobin's face?
Scars from a rock disease
Is there a full map of the Joestar Mansion? I'm trying to make a thing.
I've just noticed he's been gone and no one else has shown up for the first time in a year.
Do you think he did it?
I may mean nothing to you, but I am everything...
>6 days til new TSRK
I thought it was released in August
OP is dumb and didn't read the news.
Supposedly Arakijojo put up the wrong info. This should be the correct list now:
>Releasing in the next Bessatsu Margaret
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Chapter 9 "DNA."
The Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Stickers
>Releasing in this Ultra Jump
The Kishibe Rohan Short Story Collection
The Part 4 "Diamond is Unbreakable" Stickers
T-Shirt celebrating the 30th anniversary of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" (2000 JPY + Application)