One side believes that Asian women make obedient loving wives while the other believes that above all else you should...

One side believes that Asian women make obedient loving wives while the other believes that above all else you should marry a white woman and that hapa children are an abomination.

I tend to agree with the idea that you should stick to your own race and that hapa children would have a hard time growing up and dating and whatnot. But my question is, if Asians are considered Aryans, would marrying an Asian woman still be considered miscegenation?

Other urls found in this thread:

marry who is best for your personal growth & for whom you can return the favor
heritage is important but if somebody doesn't care you can't make them
and I would love for it to be possible to make people care about what you want them to but it's harder than shit until you get a couple billion dollars to work with

I think that’s true to an extent. Ideally you want to marry a woman who will maintain your home and raise your kids. But I wouldn’t settle down with a black or Latina woman if they said they wanted those things.

it was already settled

>marry white woman
>Chad sons

>marry Asian woman
>Elliot sons

It's an easy choice

>if Asians are considered Aryans, would marrying an Asian woman still be considered miscegenation
>if we just call asians white, is it still racemixing?

white women are not fit to be mothers, and at this point the "cuck" white genes that cause whites to destroy their own civilizations may have become dominant, so time to flush them

The virgin numale mashes his keyboard between jerks.

>Adam Lanza was a chad

We have salty german fag in the other thread lol

No they are not submissive same like any other women your looking for traditional vs corrupted with west values

I’m guessing you don’t consider Asians to be aryan?

I know that they’re not all submissive and that not all western women are feminist whores. My question is if you consider Asians to be aryan is marrying and having children with an Asian woman still considered miscegenation?

hapa girls are cute and respectable
hapa boys are mutt abominations

Only if they're half SEAmonkey

Whatever gives you peace of mind.

Basically this, my hapa mom looks fucking latino, and my Uncle is ugly as FUCK and women know that he's half asian and they'd rather get with g e n e t i c a l l y s u p e r i o r m a l e s.

why the fuck do you faggots think you are aryan

>Whatever gives you peace of mind
That doesn’t answer my question retard.

here we go again






>Implying I’m a kike
Far from it Sven. I’m a devout Catholic and monarchist. I just want to know who Sup Forums does and does not consider to be aryan.


You'd best learn another language and move out of the USA/renounce. .

you are a brainlet if you think a mutt is aryan. you knew the answer you just want validation, pathetic.



if it's seolhyun vs that boring -looking white girl then i am going with seolhyun

Marry a nice blonde and white young woman. Many of them are seeking for long lasting relationships, forget the stupid "white women are sluts" bullshit, if you look at places other than bars you're gonna find one pretty easily. Asians are easy, ugly and trashy. They are loud and disgusting, never race mix ever. You don't want a disgusting manlet mixed kid.


I used to work in retail, and let me tell you guys...the white men who date asian women are almost always beta soyboys. I'm not even fucking joking.

Whenever they'd walk up to my line I'd always take note of how the man looked. Bearded, thin/lanky, sometimes skinny fat, khaki shorts, superhero/ironic/meme t-shirt. The child looks like a mutant, always has dark black hair, dark brown eyes, pale yellow skin, semi-caucasoid features.

Honestly I felt bad for the child. The child didn't ask to be born as a mutant.

Only one time did the kid ever look cute. All the other times, the child was just "meh."

While ethnonationalism is certainly the ideal. I wouldn't begrudge a man for taking an asian wife and raising a good traditional family. Asians are at least a decent race.

Seolhyun isn't THAT good looking. She has a nice body but her face is not more than 7. I prefer the white girl.

Yes, he looks like he had such a hard time.

>tfw Azn grandmother is traditional and keeps it real
Offspring is still hideous, brown eyes up the fucking wazoo, I'm 53% and have hazel eyes.

Girlfriend said her dad fought in Korea. She said when he came back home, he would complain about the "weaker men" who brought home an asian wife. He said they were "weak" and shamed themselves.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH look at the dad

u kidding? his family looks super cozy

>white girls will never be this cute

saved and keked

"Marry me white man. Give me half-breed mutant babies."

These gook racemixing threads are being made by Thomas Nelson, aka youtuber Louis Le Vau and chronic riceburner

Marry the hottest girl you can lock down...went through tons of girls, but my wife was different--first asian girl I had too. Fit like none before her.

Don't forget that no matter who you marry in American, the chance of losing half your shit is high.

this is a woman posting

"You aren't strong enough to tame and dominate and control your own women, so you can settle for me white man."

White girls can get surgery too. Most just don't need to as badly as Koreans.

Sassy, nagging and bratty princesses > cute and subservient girls

I have two Hapa Chad sons. They are way more Alpha than the white boys at their school who do nothing but play video games, read comics, and post Hitler pictures on the internet; the white boys are all chunky little shits too who get picked on constantly by spics and negroe children. Both of them have a lot of attention from girls too, but the rules are very clear: white women for sex only, asian women for wife. I could care less that they don't look like me. Their mother has been terrific and the thought of some disgusting entitled, blonde, white, bitch popping Xanex and Oxy while she ignores my children fills me with rage.

tldr: Marrying an asian women was the best decision I ever made. Our children are doing better than the white kids.

>your hapa offspring will never be this cute
It's wrong user, half Nani, half shitty south east asian, it's all wrong.

I've seen how functional hapas are

Eventually it can somewhat fix itself after a few generations so if you're only partially Asian it's fine, my friend has a chink grandfather or great grandfather I don't remember. He's 6'2 black hair and blue/grey eyes. If he were to have kids with a white girl his kid would be white enough and he wouldnt be ruining her blood unless she was pure white. I have south american blood and I've turned down white and blonde women bc I'm against every form of race mixing.


>you are a brainlet if you think a mutt is aryan
Hitler called the Asians aryans, not me. Stop putting words in my mouth and stop putting dick in yours.

this is the best best picture i've seen all night

"Combine your heritage with this, white man."

>White girls can get surgery too.

and they don't look as good as korean girls do after plastic surgery

why do you faggots keep implying that plastic surgery works on white women?

when you say korean girls are beautiful because of plastic surgery you are implying white girls can become beautiful with plastic surgery and that has never been the case.

> huge prevalence of white NEET incels
> hurr durr white women = chad son

If only it were that simple.

It's simple, really
White man + Asian women = degeneracy
Asian man + White women = übermensch

Whites simply cannot discipline their children. That's why the west has gone downhill, men don't have any authority.

"Let's teach our mutant baby to shit in the street, white husbando."

Are you implying the "white" people on Sup Forums are actually white? I bet you have brown hair and brown eyes and only come here to pretend to be white

this is definitely a woman posting

holy fuck r/hapa and aznidentity on suicide watch. WMAF couple produces uber chad son

im honestly surprised at this

>why do you faggots keep implying that plastic surgery works on white women?
Because we've all known jewesses who had nose jobs. If plastic surgeons can correct these abominations, working on white women would be like a day off for them.


Yeah, it fixes itself when your hapa mom gets with a mulatto and the kids are so mixed race, they don't care about it and revert to functioning normally because out dad is a nigger so we roll with it.

White dad+ nonwhite mom (especially asian) is cancer, they are going to be butthurt,, they may go full ER, and they may be okay, but you're rolling dice.

japanese/korean/chinese and white creates this

southeast asian and white creates elliot rodger. his mother was malaysian

What they're considered as doesn't matter, are they genetically aryan? What definition of Aryan are you going by?

forgot image

"Behold the mystical asian culture that you love so much, white man."

3.37 and go on from there

You're missing the point.
I'm not even especially attracted to asians, but articles like this make me view them in a better light in relation to western white women--

>"I fell in love with her because she was a bitchy, demanding shrew that insisted I place her on a pedestal for no merit whatsoever"
-said no man ever
White Men created the world's successful civilization because we value merit (among other things). Western women tend to be trashy and self-entitled with little virtue.

I'm dating one right now, and she's better than the average white woman, but she still expects constant validation or else she feels insecure.

That has to be CGI. No one has kung fu moves like that.

I can understand some subhumans here being degenerate enough to want to breed with one of these insects, but what I can't understand is any real person trying this hard to convince others to breed with them.
These gook-pushers really can't be anything but Jewish

Krillin and Goku are always fighting. What is this webm supposed to prove?

they seek validation. or they are gook girls.

White roastie gets mad at Asian girl who doesn't want to date Asian men

I think the main issue lies with non white kids growing up with white fathers, something paternal about your father being white and you being their shitty hapa offspring makes them fucked up, not many white guys oil drill, they primarily fuck Asian chicks if they are going outside the race, so that's why whenever one of these half asian shits goes, off, they look like this.

Imagine the Chinchad you could produce

They aren't.
It's still miscegenation

>they seek validation
Wrong Sven, my gf’s white, I’ve never dated an Asian woman. Again stop putting words in my mouth and stop putting dicks in yours.

I have a triple boner rn

great posts
keep em coming.

Fucking loser.

yeah, that probably explains why brandon lee didn't come out all fucked up. his father was asian(bruce lee). he didn't have to live up to the standards of a white father like elliot did

>If you even question this subject you’re a kike
I bet you’re one of those jagoffs who wears ripped jeans with suspenders and combat boots.


>Asian women make obedient loving wives
Who says this? Is it in their genes or something? Hasn't it got more to do with culture and upbringing? Because if so, a woman of your own race with a head on her shoulders is better


>asking Sup Forums autists for dating advice




>le skinhead meme
you're superb-level good goy

here is where it gets hard:

Loving, doting Asian wife that will produce hapa children


Harpy annoying white woman who will give you white children but berate you and probably divorce you and take your money?

Yes I know there are legit, good girl white women out there. But the fact of the matter is that many on this board are betas and cannot get such a high quality woman. Should we be with fat ugly white bitches solely for the sake of producing white children? Will those children even grow up well? They are already Euro-mutts anyway for the most part. I'm not saying Asians are better at all, but this needs to be discussed. Surely having a half Asian child is way better than a half black child or half native american child


Says the guy who has a whole album of random families and saved on his computer. Go back to jerking off to Golden One videos faggot.

>marry asian qt
>have the guilt of betraying your parents and ancestors

idk if it's worth it desu