This isn't real enough for you, Sup Forums?
I'm not real enough for you?
This isn't real enough for you, Sup Forums?
I'm not real enough for you?
No trump senpai don't go!
Bald men are sexy, their heads look like dicks
Goodbye. Please ensure that the world has a proper leader replace you
He is 70 what do you expect ?
Hidden message in Presidential request:
i've known teenagers with less hair. What is the problem here?
Maybe a little less self-deception? We all knew this barren skull was the reality under the fur coat.
Maybe shave it off?
>Looking for a fault in Trump
>Can only find thinning hair
Why are people so critical of others who try to hide hair loss?
As if people who have a full head of hair aren’t worried about going bald and would do anything to hide it.
>Be liberal
>no shaming!
>i love diversity!
>no bullying!
>fuckin trump he's BALD AND FAT LOLOLOL XD
Just admit that he and Elon Musk are both insecure about the same thing.
Definitely never gets old, really. Its only been a few decades.
Daddy Defense Force has arrived. Took you guys long enough.
what is his secret
Shut the fuck up Leftypol
People don't vote for bald guys.
He got better treatment because it was available when he became bald.
Trump had to get his scalp shrunk down, and it was terribly painful to him. I feel bad for the guy.
I just asked a question, apparently you don’t know how to answer questions do you?
The Emperor has no hair.
I get the hair transplant, but how did his eyebrows completely change??
Obv hair as fake as the tan. What of it? This isn't a women's gossip rag, who here gives a shit?
omfg donald trump confirmed sith lord.
its his trademark, he's allowed to have it.
He should keep his hair wiry and crazy.
It is the most intellectual hairstyle of all time. Only intelligent people have hair like that.
No point of spraying it down like a pleb.
>Sup Forumsweenies talk shit about baldfags at every chance they get
>their president is exposed as a baldfag
>omg being bald is so masculine, stop being so mean to him
Rinse and repeat for basically any topic and you got the classical Trumpweenie flip flopping galore
more like shitlord desu
Hiding things means vulnerability. Weakness.
...But Trump is strong!
He stopped having sex because he had a divorce. He doesn't masturbate.
We now know that ejaculation triggers the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
Video explains science here:
dihydrotestosterone's role in balding:
Since quitting my masturbation habit, my hair loss has reversed. If you are balding, it is probably due to sexual excess. The only real remedy is abstaining. That is his secret.
"It was real enough for Hillary! Wahahahahaha!"
As if 90% of the population doesn’t try to hide hair loss much less get all kinds of plastic surgeries to make themselves look better.
>were so much better than the president for something we do ourselves
Just seems hypocritical.
Aging, wow, what a mystery.