White privilege isn’t re—

>White privilege isn’t re—

Other urls found in this thread:


>white people you aren’t the world police!!!

on one side
>isis pure evil
the other
>literally the lenscrafter guy

assad must go - liberals

the absolute state of you "people"

>The only pediatrician in Aleppo

This is just like how "the last hospital in Aleppo" was destroyed 19 times.

Also, what a factual and verifiable story that in no way sounds like a made up parable. I like how there are names and dates.

>reteling an old joke

Isn’t real, I hope that cock sucker gets blown to pieces. Assad is the good guy vs the jihadists who shot down a Russian jet a couple days ago.

Well he has combat training.

>things that never happened

the story.

>A hypothetical is proof of something you're asserting actually exists

Even if he is killed he'd have deserved it desu
God is with Assad

>mfw this faggot inevitably gets beheaded by sandpeople

Jews R getting desperate 2 finish off Syria so their thieving Israeli buddies can steal some more land.

It isn't real. Green privilege is the only privilege that is real. Green meaning the color of money. Wealthy privilege is real. White privilege is not. You are also ruling out the fact that when this white pediatrician says "the world might intervene" what he really means is that "white majority countries might intervene". This Doctor is also from Chicago, which begs the question why he needed to leave his own city in order to change a terrible situation. Why not set up shop on the North Side of Chicago so that when he is inevitably gunned down he can bring attention to the violence plaguing that community? Or would they call it gentrification and dismiss it?


Assad is whiter than most Americans

I think it might be first world privilege over anything, I imagine there would be similar outcry if say a Chinese American pediatrician was murdered.

Aren't most Syrians 'White'?

At least SAA has the best ophthalmologist on their side so that the barrel bombings accuracy never falters.


>Whites are lambasted by governments and media as inhuman since they dominated politics and economics for a certain period of time

>Jews own media, finance, academia, governments, international institutions

>White privilege is bad
>Jewish privilege is okay

hope the faggot gets beheaded on camera by jihadis

>We have to stop Assad from running his country the way his people want

Quick drone strike another hospital!

>jew moves to israel and this is how it announced it

Idiot abandoned his patients in Chicago and I hope malpractice takes him the fucking cleaners

so he be saying we should bomb chicongo?

Ten million hospitals in Aleppo and yet only one paediatrician. Syrians need to get their shit together.

Phhht, yeah, everyone has been ignoring it but maybe world leaders will get round the table and thrash out a solution once they hear that this guy he's talking about got shot.
But, I like the idea of this tweet (pic related). Sounds promising.

Once again leftists displaying they do not have any survival instincts

you sure you didnt just read the same news article 19 times?

Maybe you need to lay off the digs and red-pill yourself. user is right. How many damn "last hospitals in Aleppo" are there? However many are needed to keep sheep like you in the corral.


How many last pediatricians in Aleppo? Probably the same as the number of "last hospitals."

Pfft... that has to be the biggest msn spoon feee nonsense, ever. Rip, moron