This Israeli gun triggers libtards and nazis.
This Israeli gun triggers libtards and nazis
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actually the shitty trigger, 4 moa accuracy, and cracked stocks trigger me.
Obviously... no one likes Zionists.
I'll leave this here
I'll make sure to use one in the future when killing kikes.
Have you shot one? Dimbfuck
Jews everybody
Jewish bravery...
What a pussy weapon!!
It's called good design.
I'm not a jew but what's wrong with bending guns? That shit is very useful for SWAT and saves white people's lives.
All pup triggers are suspect at best by default.
No, its just a really fucking shit gun.
Piece of shit jams too easily.
56% of the time
Damn fucking right that it triggers me.
Literally the most inefficient design no matter your rule of cool
its an excuse for being shitty at clearing rooms. you have no field of fiew so if you don't miraculously put that curved gun on target right off the bat- BOW BOW BOW dead through the wall lfor being a bitch.
even with a filter, you're not white Ezra
I've used both the m4 and the tavor in the army and I prefer the tavor. More accurate and easier to use and clean. Also, it doesn't jam as much. Although the micro-tavor jams a bit more, but still less thaan the m4.
is that a FAMAS?
that last line got me
I had the opportunity to handle one of these things I can say for certain that the weight and trigger are both absolutely shit. I’m not a bullpup guy in general but I’d much rather buy an AUG and call it a day than spend it on a fuckin tavor
I've worked with israelis - they only do proxy wars, because when they enter a fight, the whole muh elite warrior propaganda will crumble like dust. They're turkroach like level. Quit funding their shit and they soon buy old soviet stuff from india.
>Shitty 11lb trigger
>Bumbing the charging handle pulls it out of battery
Nah, if I had to use a kike gun I’d take the X95.
It’s a piece of shit.. bullpups are just a meme to bypass the NFA
>more accurate than M4
i'm really starting to wonder about you jews.... i will grant you that its easier to field strip, however, that MINOR plus is nothingburger, and the TAVOR remains undeniably shitty compared to a nice, freefloating m4
>gas based
Only the Jews would make a gun that gases them while they fire it.
youre false flagging JIDF arent you?
It's good in gta. Not using it now that i found out it's israeli.
No uzi or deagle.
The Galil is objectively the best kike gun. Even though it's a copy from a Finnish gun.
If youre going for a nice israeli gun you go for a galil you brainlet kike.
Nobody that matters likes bullpup action period.
this, and its still an absolute piece of shit meme weapon compared to the modern AR-15
Not politics. Belongs on /k/
>it's a memegun thread
>It's good in gta.
I assume your tiny chimp brain saw a glock and after you settled down and stopped hopping around the room you posted your opinion.
> Shill for the kikes and their McFat trash toy g*ns
Really makes you think
Post your guns if they're so great.
>shitty trigger
Every. Bullpup. Ever.
Stay mad, G36 faggot. Steyr AUG master race reporting in.
Look at that a Jew spreading false information
The trigger isn't as bad as everyone says it is. It's not great compared to what you can get from an AR, but it's a bull pup that's why.
Honestly the aug is the except to the rule of bullpups being shitty
>its an excuse for being shitty at clearing rooms. you have no field of fiew so if you don't miraculously put that curved gun on target right off the bat- BOW BOW BOW dead through the wall lfor being a bitch.
Okay Cowadooty man, you don't just stand next to a drywall and peak that thing you fucking idiot. You have buddies with heavy riot shields capable of stopping up to .308 covering you while you do it.
>he thinks combat works like this
only a team of jews, jaded from countless "battles" against a lone Palestinian children with rocks could be this dumb.
>that or a mutt who believes kike propaganda
Is that an M-TAR
>best kike gun
>jams every other shot when using steel casings
Wouldn't this put the room clearer in more danger? No way he will be able to engage the enemy as quickly with that thing, field of view is too bad, quick target acquisition is compromised. Meanwhile bullets will go through the wall like a hot knife through butter.
I give it points for aesthetics, but the trigger still sucks desu
(((Pew))), (((pew))), got you goyim.
Was always good for points on black ops zombies.
I'll just leave this here.
Sup Forums isn’t your blog. Slide your shit tread directly to the trash.
It's a glock on a glorified stick. You'd probably get better results and less collateral damage by chucking a grenade in there
Didn't even eject the first shot.
That said, how often will a gun be exposed to conditions that bad?
Still performed a lot worse than others that are put through the same test.
>how will a gun be exposed to conditions that bad
consider the age old saying "if it ain't raining, it ain't training." go hunting on a muddy day, then imagine your life depended on you being totally prepared to dive in a mukked up ravine for cover or simply an unobservable route.
It’s a cool idea and by far the best bullpup rifle, but it just isn’t as good as an ar-15 unless you absolutely need to sprint through a doorway with a 16” barrel.
>by far the best bullpup
>even though its literally trash
>what is the AUG
fucking kek. the absolute state of nogunz
Aren't you? I mean ... most of the world does hate israel, as they are an occupying country. Obviously nazi hate jews, but it's for different reasons as they were just a scapegoat for the economics after WW1. I mean, every new religion hates the old one and the same for christians with jews, much like islam with christianity, just like Jews with romans, and zues with titans, it's common enough narrative.
But ya, all for the glory of jews. Seriously if they were as powerful as you say they are, why the fuck wouldn't you join? Do you like losing?
Interesting point.
>bullpup thread
I listen to this jam when I use mine at the range with the other bullpup boys
God damn I want a Tavors so bad... It's the only thing I want... You can even get a conversion kit and shoot it in 9mm, its cheaper... such a fun futuristic gun
>implying israel is jewish
No shit. Owned a Tavor for 1 week then sent it back to get my shekels back. Shit rifle.
The only thing the Kike Reich does right: Guns.
Most Rabbis agree that that Israeli guns SUCK.
Bingo. They are meme guns.
So fucking true.
My great uncle is a former chopper pilot and long time gun fag.
He'll give his opinion but basically keeps his mouth shut
I have a PS90 and FS2000. The triggers are not as good as my AR. But they are good enough for what they are.
If you want gas face this is the gun for you.
Bullpups are stupid.
The plastic space Jew blaster has a notorious poor trigger for a production bullpup and it's mag release has earned mixed reviews at best.
I'm in Canada and own an Israeli made TAR21 and not the Burger made SAR 21.
Trigger is mushy, yes.
4 MOA accuracy is a gross exaggeration. It is a sub 2MOA rifle.
I've never seen a cracked stock.
They're fine firearms and work reliably. Obviously if price is an issue for you, get an AR, but Ar's are boring as fuck. Not everyone wants to drive a Honda Civic.
>Not using this eras most advanced and reliable, lightweight technology.
>pretending nazis get butthurt about israeli made guns instead of killing jews with jewish guns for maximum irony
This. Sandniggers have killed plenty of kikes with Uzis.
nice try but this is obviously a screencap from CoD: Infinite Warfare
Fantastic. Where can I get one?
Are you sure it's Israeli?... knowing what I know about those fuckers, I wouldn't be surprised if the technology was stolen, they slap a nice cover and all of the sudden it's Israeli.
You think niggers trying to steal history with the aid of the kikes is bad? Those fucking kikes have stolen everything you know them for since the beginning of western civilization.
Jewtube "the jewish mask" True history of those thieves!
They're way over priced, plus bullpups are generally garbage.
>Slower to reload
>If you have a catastrophic failure, your fucking face is right next to the action, so goodbye half your face.
They're meme guns.
This image is making me literally reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That’s just it the Israelis are cowards. The only reason Mossad is as successful as they are is because they have there dirty jewish banking money. If hey had none of that they would disappear entirely
why it's always an amerigoy posting a tavor?
Top 5 semi auto rifles.
1. Ar15
2. Tavor 21
3. Mtar
4. Tavor Ts12
5. Fn Fal
>Just have a couple of buddies with N J3a riot shields cover you.
Tucker stares in disbelief.jpeg
Shekel nigger do you know how much one of those weighs or how cumbersome they are? And you call other people call of duty.
Can't leave your fabulousness at the entrance, huh?
At least you frogs got the bullpup right. That tavor's are cringeworthy plastic junk.
Woops "tavor ts12" I meant Tavor 7 (.308) tavor version.
Jesus christ guys, relax. It's just kikes selling shit they produce, it's not a serious weapons thread. They are selling their meme weaponry to gullible goys.
Gun thread? Gun thread. Who is your raifu, Sup Forums? PTR 91 here.
>German designed
>American made
>Real Fuckin NATO
>Hyper cheap mags
>Decent accuracy even with trash ammo.
>Just about 1moa with match ammo.
Trigger could be better though.