Germany explain this!

This is the will of Allah

People don't have it together in the head here. Bomb drop overload, just like in Nippon.

Probably erotic asphyxiation.
Either that or they're beat to death by muslims for being degenerates.

They're either really bad or really good at it.

How does masturbation kill someone?
Asking for a friend.

How ? I literally masturbate 9 times a day.

Their bollucks burst because they wank them off!
Or they dip them in water and slowly turn the temperature up while yelling "Boil in the bag" until they're scalded by their own juices.

No shit, you're still an occupied territory. No peace treaty was signed.

Germany is a degenerate shithole. I don't even think a full 1488 turn in politics and society could stop this painful collapse in modesty and morality.

>germs killing themselves

ever thought that this is all because of pop. density and general lack or morality?

I guess it could fuck you up if you have a heart condition or are severely dehydrated.

But the more likely explanation is some combination of drugs and auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Masturbation induced heart attacks

s-shouldn't it be the other way around?

when you masturbate 5 times in a row and your body can't take it

I speak from experience

That's a blatant lie or I'm a god.

>Either that or they're beat to death by muslims for being degenerates.
Good to see Muslims doing something good for once

Thats just the average per year over the last 100 years.
most of those deaths occurred around 1943

Autoerotic asphyxiation is one way

>one person in a million
why is this a news article?

> there were no order to stop

I almost passed out in the shower
That would be very dishonorable death

Yeah, I am one of those victims. I died in 2016 from masturbation. Pretty fucked up really. I was fired and now nobody is hiring a dead man. Discrimination is everywhere, I tell you.