The Southern border would be so much smaller and so much easier to protect. Also, America would go from 75% white to close to 90% white over night.
Why is Mexico not part of America?
Because we didn’t want it.
Much more coast to protect and no, there's even more mutts in mexico. As well as shitty water systems and infrastructure. Have to redo everything. Think taxpayers are gon pay for that?
Because it is mostly subhuman Aztecs. It's a net loser for us.
How would America get more white?
>mexican heritage
why do these shitskins think that spanish is not a european language?
Selena Gomez is no longer a Mexican she is Spanish now. Dumb fucking bitch
>How would America get more white?
99% of Mexicans are white Hispanics.
>Selena Gomez is no longer a Mexican she is Spanish now.
There is no difference.
Wtf kraut? 60% of mexicans are mestizo and 39% and mulatto
Otra panchita que no habla español. Manda cojones.
Never underestimate the retardation of this country.
>99% of Mexicans are white Hispanics
Wrong. They are majority mestizo.
lirterally because the powers that be at the time of the mexican american war didn't wan't mexicans even after capturing their capital
Isn't she talcumx tier mexican?
So you don't care about your American heritage? Do you just celebrate your British heritage?
Why not go even further and celebrate our caveman heritage?
kraut, you poor innocent soul.
i don't think you've ever had an experience with mexicans. they are like pakis except more degenerate.
>America would go from 75% white to close to 90% white over night.
This is the most retarded thing I've read in a long time.
Mexico is mostly brown people.
Pic related: subway in mexico city. Google image it yourself as "metro ciudad de mexico"
Id rather take canada they're ethnically the same people and the speak the same language. We'll just give Quebec independence and use the extra GDP to build a bigger mexican wall. Most leafs have an inferiority complex to america and as the saying goes strong nationalism is always in the periphery which is why american cannucks are the most nationalistic people here
If a Germanic Celebrity talked about wanting to learn German and be proud of their german heritage they would immediately be labeled a neo-nazi kkk grand dragon
She isn't cheap, more like 200,000 a night.
Because at one time America cared about staying white.