How is it that this man is so much smarter than the president of the United States?
He is,nt he is deep state so he has way more power and influence.
He doesn't have that kind of power you retard.
The people who hold 401k holdings (25 trillion USD) on the other hand do.
The Federal Reserve also does, though it hasn't gone on a printing spree (to my knowledge), which is the only way it would cause this.
Literally headline for about two minutes until CNN focuses on another made up story about some guy in Trump's office who visited some Russian website seventeen years ago.
>stock market crash in money printing based economy
Not even once.
Fuck off shills.
>He is,nt he is deep state so he has way more power and influence.
But surely he is because he is winning so much in so many ways.
trump economy is here boys
>stock market drops 40%
>print 40% of lost money
>problem solved
>repeat when needed again
Yeah right.
holy fuck hes retarded
O ya? How did soros manage to kills russias ecomany in the 70s then?
Every fucking time
Dow Jones will close down 666
Screencap this.
>though it hasn't gone on a printing spree (to my knowledge)
wtf? where the fuck have you been? they've only just started to stop printing so much.
Trump knows that you never touch a person's left hand. Third world countries don't use toilet paper. They wipe their ass with their left hand, and have done so for thousands of years.
There it is again.....
Did Trump call for the devil??
Is there even any real people trading anymore? Or is it just stupid algos going rogue, because stockmarket situation has entered some unknown territory for ai-trading.
>boomers panic selling due to speculators betting on runaway inflation, causing a correction from nothing
Don't mind me, just going to pick up these profitable assets at a discount to ride the retrace back up to 20% gains while boomers run to 3% treasury yields because the (((news))) told them stocks are crashing.
the goal is to destroy the communist corporations
dont mind this guy as he averages down and loses more money
......not quite
I suspect this decline will continue for 30-90 days to truly consolidate, but it should be fine after that
Croatia, mate, that's how you get hyper inflation
it would take anyone a second if they weren't up to speed on what happened, shitty cherrypicked shots like the ones where the secret homosexual Macron "destroys" Trump's hand or the one where Trudeau looks at Trump's hand with disdain
More like Trump knows this photo op is retarded.
Trump just replaced the fed chair with an actual white goy for the first time in like 30-40 years removing Yellen(and Fischer too possibly), maybe the Fed jews did some schemes to fuck with Trump as revenge a couple weeks before Yellen left
but why would it matter if hes goy or not. you think he has any sovereignty in making decisions? im sure hes blackmailed to holy hell
>The panicked Jew in the picture
Nothing makes me smile more than this.
USA will have to go into big inflation to reduce the national debt problems.
I just started a thread on this. I'm not sure what explains it other than large investors trying to upset the market.
>says the confederate flag tricked by shylocks for the past 8 years to buy gold and MRE's
Who knows, all I know is that having no jews(or at least less of them) have their grubby hands on the money printing institution is at least a step in the right direction, hell, Fischer was a fucking Israeli national who previously controlled Israel's central bank.
>stocks go up
The Jews are creating a bubble!
>stocks go down
The Jews are causing a crash!
Are you suggesting that they've launched the jewbots?
>[sell off intensifies]
man the guns and buy the dip
Trump is a disaster. It's going to be fucking hilarious to watch this place when the Dems eviscerate the Recucklicans in November and Trump finishes his presidency as a lame-duck.
Always remember this: white men had 8 years to prepare, and a full 22 months to implement an agenda that would fix this country and destroy the Democrats for good, and they accomplished nothing. Literally not a single significant thing. The tax cut? Big you get $85 a month extra temporarily. They could have used the Nuclear Option to implement anything they wanted and instead they whined about their rules and procedures and "muh honor". Whatever.
The future you chose is coming to bite white men in the ass. Hard. I can't wait.
at least she will never be president. i don't care if he burns it to the ground.
I voted for Trump. I didn't want her or Bernie as president either. But now that white men have decided to spend this narrow window of opportunity infighting, cucking about, and stabbing each other in the back, I just want it all to burn.
Just a reminder that the weakness of the U.S executive compared to parliamentary systems is responsible for Trump's weakness.
>dow goes up
>dow goes down
I voted for Trump too. From now on I will be going to voting booth and voting straight Democrat tickets. I want it to get worse and crash and burn while I still have my youth and a Democrat majority is the perfect way to make it happen.
salty boomer nocoiners btfo
I wasn’t aware there was any legislation that only benefited all white men. Source please or kys
Driving on greens is perfectly fine if you own the course.
Trump meeting Kissinger is the problem.
The parlimentary system is the exact reason your country is 30 years farther into the shitter than we are rn.
>Did Trump call for the devil??
There is no country as controlled and as cucked as the USA.
>hey look we care abou the market again -cnn
I own a liquor store in my town (inherited a liquor license by the grace of god) so I make money no matter what happens. If we do go into a recession just invest in sin, even the larpers on /biz/ know this.
There isn't any because they didn't pass anything of consequence you fucking brainlet.
For example, had Donald Dumbfuck and the Replicans got their shit together they could have shuttered the Humanities departments at all publicaly funded universities. They could have declared Antifa and other leftist groups as terrorists and threw them all in prison. They could have passed Federal concealed carry and better gun laws. They could have funded and started building the wall and cancelled the various H1B Visa programs.
I could go on and on. You get the point: white men fucked up again and there is no coming back from this. They had a chance and they pissed it all away. Let chaos reign and let it alllll burn.
A little explanation about what is going on
>There is no country as controlled and as cucked as
wtf is the point of getting "muh HS diploma".
>drop out of highschool
>start working
>lie about having a diploma because nobody will ever fucking check.
Chang, I understand that youre salty that the most cucked and controlled country in the world still makes you its bitch.
Make a trip to Tim Hortons and chill out.
Render unto Soros what is Soros's and to Kek the things that are Keks.
holy fuck 1,000 down at close
1033 points. Drumpf is finished hahahahaha.
Wadda fuck do dis bitch mam relly not have diplomat
>Tim Hortons
Turkey Sandwich with Coffee... no thanks
>whythefuck don't they have pop?
Buy high, sell low
>What is devaluation
>holy fuck 1,000 down at close
Oh shit son!
omg, they never focuse on right things
The repackaged CDOs are coming home to roost.
t-thank you free market
thank you trump
fuck you socialism and unions, who needs a middle class anyway
employers prefer dropouts for management positions. hard to unlearn all the bullshit
People simply selling off the winning of the gains, what did anyone expect? buy low then sell high
Socialism isn't about having a "middle class", it's about abolishing the class structure entirely, by eliminating the means by which the labourer is subject to the despotism of Capital.
Seriously, you might have good intentions, but at least read Capital vol. 1 until you spout nonsense.
What you're describing is the kind of loose Keynesian Social Democracy advocated for by Sanders, which is unsustainable because Capital will just roll it back like it is currently doing in Europe.
Whoah, so unregulated markets don't express volatility far above regulated markets?
Bitcoin and Gold must be a fluke.
>doesn't have that kind of power
he's literally the one percent of the one percent
libshits were correct in fingering finance moguls and bankers during the occupy bullshit, if they'd looked high up enough they'd have seen soros pulling strings
dow, went up and down a bit, ripple 4851% return
- the Rothschild's and the Napoleonic wars. what preceded the buy-up of assets/stocks at pennies on the dollar?
Up until the inception of the Federal Reserve when the economic power was taken from the people and given over to a small group of individuals, the only major economic disaster was at the very beginning of the US when (surprise surprise) money not backed by anything caused hyper inflation. Really makes you think!
But please, continue on about how controlling the market more and taking even more power away from the people is CLEARLY the right solution to fuck all.
It can't really be any other way; Capitalism requires the state to uphold money and it's circulation. Without the state (often outsourcing the role to chartered private banks, that nevertheless act as an appendage of state power). When Fiat money becomes the means of representing social value, as opposed to money backed by some scarce commodity's value, then the state becomes even more imperative to prevent inflation and maintain money as a store of value.
Hush now, Justine. Faggots in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
>libshits were correct in fingering finance moguls and bankers during the occupy bullshit
desu, those were less libshitz ad more tea-baggers and libertarians; the seeds of the RP-movement. they got fucked when the new bolsheviks hijacked their movement
>controlling the market more and taking even more power away from the people
That just called 'being rich'.
No it’s just overvalued stocks and a fear of rising interest rates
Is suspect a bottom around 22-23k