/rsg/ - Red Storm General - Dems Sit Down for Employment Edition

>convenient general source for everything important about the 2018 midterms


>Find out who your congressman is





The purpose of this thread is to provide Sup Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, and a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”

Other urls found in this thread:




[2]>Find out who your congressman is

[3]>Find out the date of the primaries for your state


(get these 3 BASIC steps done asap)

other things to do once those are done

[ ] sign up for the Democrats’ mailing list on obstructionistlosers.com/ to keep an eye out for what they want to do in your area

[ ] sign up for the Republican’s mailing list on gop.com/ to keep an eye out for what they want to do in your area
[ ]think of all the family members and friends you know who are willing to vote against the Democrats, and get them to register to vote if they haven’t yet, and CONSTANTLY REMIND THEM THAT NOVEMBER 6 IS THE BIG DAY. Do whatever it takes. If you have a younger Gen Z sister who hates the Democrats and recently turned 18, get her to stop taking selfies and take some time to register. Prepare a family / friend party for November 6 or close to it. Anything along those lines. If you’re a hot chick (or a girl who isn’t a landwhale, really) get your beta orbiters to vote.

[ ] if you know people willing to vote Democrat, think of all the ways to redpill or demotivate them; obviously this will vary on a case-by-case basis

[ ] share what you know about how each candidate is perceived in your area (e.g. I live in Indiana and Joe Donnelly isn't even popular among progressives; I live in NYC and many people here won't even bother going out to vote for Gillibrand)

[ ] share your ideas on how to improve this general

The Complete Red Storm Todo-List


[ ] use a disposable email and sign up for The Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, and any other online leftist space you feel like; start racking up posts masquerading as a leftist (shouldn’t be hard, just rant about Russian bots, mimic their quirks like “yet another scared little white male afraid of losing power”); become a reputable poster so that you can set things up for later psy-ops

[ ] make a fake leftist Twitter account, follow a bunch of leftists and masquerade as a soyboy / SJW harpy by writing up a bunch of leftist sounding tweets

[ ] make a list of all Trump supporting / right-leaning people you know on social media, Steam, forums, etc; pm them to ask if they’re voting in the primaries and this November in the midterms; keep track of them every once in a while to ensure that they do

[ ] compile a folder of memes and a word document of copypastas to make certain things more efficient

[ ] register to vote; register for the Republican Party if it’s required to vote in the primaries in your state; mark the date for the primaries for your state on your calendar; mark November 6 on your calendar)

[ ] research the primary candidates and incumbents in your area for the House, Senate, and Governor races; decide who you want to support, and keep track of them;

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who support Trump

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who lean right (but aren’t really in support of Trump, e.g. NeverTrumpers)

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who are politically apathetic or on the fence, but can be swayed to support Trump and/or vote GOP (e.g. people who dislike feminism but see no point in voting; people who used to vote Democrat but feel disenfranchised by the party)



Anyone from FL reading this should mark this date on their calendar and prepare to get you and everyone on the right you know in real life out to the polls.

SENATE RACE - Defeating Bill Nelson

>Three Term Senator, first elected in 2000 with 51%, Re-elected in 2006 with 60, Re-elected in 2012 with 55%

>Moderate Democrat, Trump Score: 39.3%


Potential Strategies

According to the Issues:


He believes the Russia LARP. Calls the memo a victory for Putin. He needs to be targeted as a deranged dumbass or conniving traitor who propagates the idiotic Russian conpsiracy theory, which will alienate him with moderates.


is probably going to face Rick Scott in the primaries, who is relatively popular in Florida

looks promising


17 Incumbent Republicans
12 Incumbent Democrats


>not much info yet

>In FL, GOP candidates needs to get turnout high in areas that contain lots of rural and suburban whites, as well as right wing Cubans

that means putting in the energy and hard work to make many live appearances in: the Panhandle to target rural whites, the suburbs of Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, etc

>GOP candidates needs to court the Cuban vote, concentrated in Miami, by pointing out how the Democrats have been friendly to the Castro regime

>GOP candidates can win over moderates and independents by defeating their Democrat opponent in televised debates, spending millions of dollars on ads, and emphasizing the benefits of the tax cuts

>Democrats can win by getting snowbirds (leftist transplants from the North) and minorities (blacks, Puerto Ricans, other hispanics) to turn out in large numbers. This can be done by using leftist rage against Trump, spending lots of money on driving their voters to the polls on election day, and getting turnout high in urban areas like Miami as well as black areas in other parts of the state

>this can be somewhat countered by pointing out to white liberals that the Democratic Party is corrupt and ineffective, pointing out to blacks that they’ve been used for decades as pawns while their communities don’t improve,


(PRIMARY - MAY 8, 2018)

Anyone from OH reading this should mark this date on their calendar and prepare to get you and everyone on the right you know in real life out to the polls.

Ohio is an OPEN PRIMARY state which means you do NOT have to be registered for the party in order to vote in their primary.

(SENATE RACE - Defeating Sherrod Brown)

>First elected in 2006 with 56%, Re-Elected in 2012 with 50.7%

Trump Score: 29%, which is 41.3% less than predicted according to Trump’s margin in Ohio


(Potential Strategies)


He endorses the idiotic Russia LARP, so his GOP opponent can use that to stir up conservatives and moderates against him.


He has a grade of F from the NRA, which can motivate the many 2nd Amendment voters to turn out against him


voted for Obamacare, which is massively unpopular


12 Republican Incumbents
5 Democrat Incumbents


>not enough info yet


>in Ohio, the GOP candidates need to get turnout areas that contain rural whites, suburban whites, and blue collar voters

>that means putting in the energy and hard work to make many live appearances all over the state, aside from urban areas in Columbus and Cincinnati

>that also means embracing the America First, Trumpian message of bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA and capitalizing on the Democrats’ abandoning of white working class voters and getting Trump to visit multiple areas in the state

>that also means reminding everyone of the benefits they’ll get from Trump’s tax cuts, which should convince many moderates and independents in Ohio to vote GOP

>the Democrat candidates can win in certain areas by getting black voters to turnout, and potentially win in the state by having a Sanders-esque message that gets enough working class whites to vote

>this can be countered by pointing out how the Democrats were willing to shut down the government because they couldn’t get amnesty for illegal immigrants, which means that they care far more about them than they do about working class whites and blacks


(PRIMARIES - May 15, 2018)

Anyone reading this who lives in PA should mark this date on their calendar and get out to vote !

(SENATE RACE - Defeating Bob Casey)

>Elected in 2006 with 59% of the vote and in 2012 with 53.7%

>understands le resistance


his GOP opponent should exploit this


Defends Obamacare


12 Incumbent Republicans
5 Incumbent Democrats


>in PA, GOP candidates will need high turnout in rural areas in western PA as well as white suburban areas; they will also need the Amish to turn out in large numbers like they did in 2016

>that means putting in the energy and hard work to make multiple live appearances across the state aside from urban areas in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh

>that also means embracing the America First, Trumpian message of bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA and capitalizing on the Democrats’ abandoning of white working class voters and getting Trump to visit multiple areas in the state

>that also means reminding everyone of the benefits they’ll get from Trump’s tax cuts, which should convince many moderates and independents in Pennsylvania to vote GOP

>Democrats’ strategy will be to get turnout high in black communities and urban areas in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh that contain big city liberals and possibly trying to win back working class whites with a Sanders-esque message

>to counter this, point out how the Democrats shut down the government in favor amnesty which favors illegal immigrants over blacks and white working class, point out to white liberals how the Democratic Party is corrupt and ineffective



(SENATE RACE - Defeating Debbie Stabenow)

>Won in 2000 with 49.5%, won in 2006 with 57% of the vote, won in 2012 with 59%

>much has changed since 2012 - the left has become a lot more rabidly SJW, Obama pushed Obamacare and catered to feminists and BLM, the Democrats have abandoned the white working class in favor of minorities and illegals, Trump won Michigan by capitalizing on those facts and so can GOP candidates

She believes in the Russia LARP or is cynically trying to take advantage of it. This can be used to energize conservatives and turn moderates/independents against her.


voted for Obamacare and did her damndest to kill any attempts to reform it


rejected Trump’s tax cuts, the GOP candidate running against her should emphasize to all voters benefiting from the tax cuts that she tried to deny it to them

who are the fags that we need to push for the most?


>in Michigan, GOP candidates will need high turnout in white rural and suburban areas, so they need to put in the hard work to make many live appearances in every area of the state other than Detroit

>that also means embracing the America First, Trumpian message of bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA and capitalizing on the Democrats’ abandoning of white working class voters and getting Trump to visit multiple areas in the state that contain white working class voters

>that also means reminding everyone of the benefits they’ll get from Trump’s tax cuts, which should convince many moderates and independents in Michigan to vote GOP

>Democrats’ strategy will be to get turnout high in black communities in Detroit and possibly trying to win back working class whites with a Sanders-esque message

>to counter this, point out how the Democrats shut down the government in favor amnesty which favors illegal immigrants over blacks and white working class


look through the list of GOP nominees

What effect do you think the Amish will have on the midterms? Considering they're doubling every 20 years, they may be a useful tool in PA in the future.

The Democrats are just going to steal the elections anyway.


OMG. Amish victory! Never saw it coming.

Keep us posted fampai

The moderate democrats in red states also need to go, we should split the vote


(PRIMARIES - August 14, 2018)

If you live in WI, mark this date on your calendar. Wisconsin has OPEN primaries which means that you don’t need to be registered in the party to vote in their primary.

(SENATE RACE - Defeating Tammy Baldwin)


She believes in or is otherwise trying to exploit the dumb Russia LARP, which should energize conservatives and turn moderates/independents against her.


She voted for Obamacare and killed the attempts to reform it.


6 Incumbent Republicans
4 Incumbent Democrats


>in Wisconsin, GOP candidates will need high turnout in white rural and suburban areas, so they need to put in the hard work to make many live appearances in every area of the state other than Madison and Milwaukee

>that also means embracing the America First, Trumpian message of bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA and capitalizing on the Democrats’ abandoning of white working class voters and getting Trump to visit multiple areas in the state that contain white working class voters

>that also means reminding everyone of the benefits they’ll get from Trump’s tax cuts, which should convince many moderates and independents in Wisconsin to vote GOP

>Democrats’ strategy will be to get turnout high in Madison and Milwaukee and possibly trying to win back working class whites with a Sanders-esque message

>to counter this, point out how the Democrats shut down the government in favor amnesty which favors illegal immigrants over the white working class


(PRIMARIES - August 14, 2018)

If you live in Minnesota, mark this date on your calendar. Minnesota is an open primary so you don’t have to be registered in the party to vote in their primary.

(SENATE RACE - Defeating Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith)

Amy Klobuchar: won in 2006 with 58% and 2012 with 65%
Tina Smith: replaced Al Franken after his groping scandal

>if it weren’t for Evan McMullin siphoning off votes from Trump, he would have won Minnesota, which even Reagan didn’t do in the 1984 landslide...this means that Minnesota isn’t as blue as you think and the same things that worked for the GOP in Michigan and Wisconsin will still work here, though it’s a bit of a harder battle


>in Minnesota, GOP candidates will need high turnout in white rural and suburban areas, so they need to put in the hard work to make many live appearances in every area of the state other than the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul

>that also means embracing the America First, Trumpian message of bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA and capitalizing on the Democrats’ abandoning of white working class voters and getting Trump to visit multiple areas in the state that contain white working class voters

>that also means reminding everyone of the benefits they’ll get from Trump’s tax cuts, which should convince many moderates and independents in Wisconsin to vote GOP

>Democrats’ strategy will be to get turnout high in Minneapolis-St.Paul and possibly trying to win back working class whites with a Sanders-esque message and getting turnout high in the Somali community

>to counter this, point out how the Democrats shut down the government in favor amnesty which favors illegal immigrants over the white working class...I’m not sure if Somalis can be easily swayed though

MN will be a major landing ground for the midterms, we've got potentially 2 senate seats and 3 house seats we can win if we play our cards right.




(PRIMARIES - June 12, 2018)

If you live in Virginia, mark this date on your calendar. Virginia has an OPEN primary system.

(SENATE RACE - Defeating Tim Kaine)

>the GOP candidate, possibly Corey Stewart, will need to generate MASSIVE turnout in areas outside of Richmond and NoVa in order to compensate for how large and blue those areas have gotten


7 Incumbent Republicans

4 Incumbent Democrats


>the GOP candidates will need to generate MASSIVE turnout in areas outside of Richmond and NoVa in order to compensate for how large and blue those areas have gotten

>this can be done through a large amount of live appearances in those areas, a lot of money spent on ads and GOTV efforts

>many conservatives in Virginia are resentful of how they’re a state in Dixie that got hijacked, so they can be motivated to turn out to take their state back

>Democrats can win through the method they’ve employed since 2008, which is getting blue voters in the ever growing NoVa (government jobs) and Richmond to make the state blue

Oh God not this shit again.
This is now a National Socialist General.



to get to the endgoal we've got to have victories electorally. Whether that be natsoc or libertarian we need to have immigration policy fixed

On the first part user

>He thinks that democracy will bring about change
>He thinks republicans will shift things to our side.
lolno. Our immigration policy may get refined but it won't get fixed, even if it was we'd still be a minority in less than a decade. There's only one way out now.

>>he thinks that democracy will bring about change
You forgetting how Hitler got into power in the first place? Good luck with the Turner Diaries shit, I'm sure that'll work well.

I remember there being a great big collapse and him being the saviour they needed. It's going to happen again, the power structure of this nation and its economy is going to falter very very soon.

>le black pill post
Ecks Dee!

Here's some bit of info for you to nibble on with your cum riddled mouth; not everyone is always going to listen to you. So in all honesty, you should just endorse what you approve of, and fuck off when it comes to things you do not, unless you have a better solution other than throwing us into a war that could be bloody, long, and possibly even unsuccessful.

Until then we've got to make it as favorable as possible for us, don't we?


I'm "n3V3rtrump". I'd love to see if that get's their almonds going

try convincing them to go after moderates who sorta cooperate with the right sometimes, like Manchin, Donnelly and replace them with progressives.

good job

however you're better off claiming that you're one of the users with thousands / tens-of-thousands of posts

You guys are objectively wrong. Trump is a kike plant. You'll never beat jews at their own game. (((democracy))) is their weapon.

>*Sucks Daddy Trumps cock*
>"You're going to vote red right?"
>"Good Goy, now say ah."
You mean fit comfortably into their world as it crumbles? No.
You need to start living as an example, the only way we have a chance to survive is if we work together. Right now those talking heads are trying to confuse you while they buy themselves more time for what's about to happen. Don't fool yourself, nothing will change under them it will only get worse as time goes on.

>that's right just give up and accept leftist dominance
No, I mean making things more demographically sound for us, do you think things would be better for you if we kept having the borders stay open? We aren't going to have a civil war. Accelerating it won't help a thing.


(PRIMARIES - May 8, 2018)

If you live in West Virginia, mark this date on your calendar.

(SENATE RACE - Defeating Joe Manchin)

>tried to stop the memo from being released, his GOP opponent should call him out on it

>broke an agreement on the tax bill


3 Incumbent Republicans



>in WV, which is a very red state, the only thing to really focus on is replacing Joe Manchin, who claims he’s a Blue Dog Democrat but not really

I don't doubt a wall would help, a little bit. But with no one to protect it afterwards, they'll break it or go around it some way.
Make no mistake, these people will not allow you to make any real changes, they'll just keep you under the impression that you are.
Trump has done his part in awakening many people, but he's still a plant.

why not just remove that meme flag so that we can know for sure just what sort of district of faggot you originate from

Tearing down infrastructure after it's already built isn't popular, don't let those twitter fags convince you otherwise. It's not just a wall, changing the immigration system, getting rid of diversity lottery + chain migration would be a huge help. Legislation is hard to overturn

That's exactly why you need to use a memeflag on Sup Forums.
I agree on these things, I wish I could snap my fingers and make it happen. These people don't want it to happen they want to erase us.

If we get congress on our side, it'll happen. DACA-free as well.


because you're jewish, and like hiding behind it?

Coming from someone that suck Trump's dick is a laugh.
Why the fuck do you think Sup Forums was created in the first place retard? You don't need to know where I am.

>going against the party that endorsed the kkk
really Sup Forums ?

Why do you think we have flags on Sup Forums, retard? Let's see your real flag cause I guarantee it'll show that you're a kike in Israel

There are Sup Forums extensions that allow users to see state/regions/counties of users. They are very regular now, that's why memeflags were put in.


>unemployment lines really short

Considering how I'd never once mentioned trump, it really wouldn't be much of a shock to find out that in reality, there's a very good chance that you're just some jew/autistic faggot trying to counter signal political involvement.

I've said it multiple times now and I'll say it again so I can get through to that little itty bitty nigger brain of yours.
Democracy is a kike tool, it doesn't matter if it's a republican or a democrat in power of a region, the people that are in real control won't allow any real changes to happen. They just want to keep you from lynching them.



Masshole bump

Is there any good oppurtunity out there politically or is it so blue you need to go to different states?


on county level elections everything (from my experience, Barnstable) is fair. Despite being bluer than Cali most of the time our governors are Republicans. I'm really only worried about getting these individuals out of power:
>Keating (more personal, he's our generic local asshole politician, wouldn't make a difference if he was libertarian or republican)
And keeping our Governor in power

good luck with that


We'll need it. My predictions:
>Baker (our current gov) gets reelected because everyone either loved him or is ok with him
>O'Healy is reelected
>Keating is reelected
>Warren will likely be reelected
Due to the fact that she is incredibly polarizing, already has a fair amount of controversy, and the right has some decent candidates to go against her we may just have a chance. It would be a huge blow to the left in New England and national news if she lost

Yeah, I think as the polarization nationwide becomes larger maybe a lot of the new england and north east states will become right wing.

my beliefs too

We're talking Pocahontas, right?



We are going up against Martin Heinrich.

>engineer turned politician
>pretty young at 46 years old, looks like a stereotypical Chad, which is interesting because most young white male Democrats are nu-male to the core; it’s known that looks can help quite a bit when it comes to winning races and he apparently has decent approval in New Mexico

He is a prominent shill for the Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

This is going to be one of the tougher battles in the so-called “battleground states.” The only way I see this guy losing if he gets plagued by scandal and faces a strong GOP candidate in a GOP friendly atmosphere. New Mexico is blue-ish purple, went 48.26% for Hillary. Maybe Trump would have won it were it not for Gary Johnson siphoning his votes (though he siphoned from Hillary as well). Who knows though, I might be giving him too much weight for being a good looking young white male senator.

Any thoughts?

Primary Date
June 5, 2018

If you live in New Mexico, mark this date on your map. Read up on primary candidates and remember to get your friends/family out with you to vote!!




New Mexico fag here. The republicans fucked up so bad the dems will win bigly. I hate the republicans in New Mexico. The New Democrat mayor is better as of now than the republican mayor.

huh, is there a big corruption issue out there or something?

Look into the art bus program. Bill Richardson really harmed our budget with the rail runner but the art has been the biggest burden.

The former republican mayor use a plumbing company to construct the art bus program. FYI the former Mayer has ties to this plumbing company. The company name is TLC.

We really need to take MN, Missouri, and Florida.

I think the really red states like MT/ND/WV might be okay to leave alone since their incumbents are under extremely heavy pressure from their state constituencies.

That's fucked up
The issue with those red states (except Montana) is that their senators are considered more moderate and they get voted in regularly, it's not really a "vote straight down the party line" type of deal. We should have a focused effort on all fronts. MN could be in play, MO may be fine but make sure to watch it, and FL is a tossup in my opinion if Scott comes up to the plate.
