The Complete Red Storm Todo-List
[ ] use a disposable email and sign up for The Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, and any other online leftist space you feel like; start racking up posts masquerading as a leftist (shouldn’t be hard, just rant about Russian bots, mimic their quirks like “yet another scared little white male afraid of losing power”); become a reputable poster so that you can set things up for later psy-ops
[ ] make a fake leftist Twitter account, follow a bunch of leftists and masquerade as a soyboy / SJW harpy by writing up a bunch of leftist sounding tweets
[ ] make a list of all Trump supporting / right-leaning people you know on social media, Steam, forums, etc; pm them to ask if they’re voting in the primaries and this November in the midterms; keep track of them every once in a while to ensure that they do
[ ] compile a folder of memes and a word document of copypastas to make certain things more efficient
[ ] register to vote; register for the Republican Party if it’s required to vote in the primaries in your state; mark the date for the primaries for your state on your calendar; mark November 6 on your calendar)
[ ] research the primary candidates and incumbents in your area for the House, Senate, and Governor races; decide who you want to support, and keep track of them;
[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who support Trump
[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who lean right (but aren’t really in support of Trump, e.g. NeverTrumpers)
[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who are politically apathetic or on the fence, but can be swayed to support Trump and/or vote GOP (e.g. people who dislike feminism but see no point in voting; people who used to vote Democrat but feel disenfranchised by the party)