"War is Peace"

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is slavery"

"Diversity is our Strength"

Drawbacks of diversity:
1. enclaves
2. cultural clashes
3. mistrust in fellow country men
4. increase in gov power due to playing groups of people against each other
5. increased crime
6. erosion of traditions, weakening of all peoples
7. increased power for tyrannical (((groups))) in society consolidating power as they distract others fighting amongst each other

Commiefags: name me ONE actual, legitimate, non retarded tangible benefit of culturally/visibly diverse societies? ONE

inb4 my shwarma when I'm high mann

There isn't one. Won't get any real answer other than nonsensical illogical virtue signalling propaganda.

seriously, why does not every single Canadian just love best PM Trudeau?

>"War is Peace"
>"Freedom is slavery"
>"Diversity is our Strength"


It's not even ironic you ignored that fact.

Thats because our "diversity" is our ignorance.

OMG he's so nice moving our of the way! Not everything is about his narcissistic faggot ass, see it's clear by this picture!

hurr durr ai gedz 2 eetz da nais fuds an dismannul wait supramisee.
ai luks fowid 2 mai evenshuwal estinkshun.

>OMG he's so nice moving our of the way! Not everything is about his narcissistic faggot ass, see it's clear by this picture!
It's true! He seems to be the most genuine, spontaneous, nice guy that I can imagine.

my dog layed an egg

here he is

you didn't earn those

Literally the actual response you get to this question from leftists online and IRL.

What the fuck are they thinking?

I envision 200 years from now psychiatrists and psychologists will be analyzing/writing about/teaching about a time when leftism corrupted the minds of millions of people, urning them into self hating suicidal zombies. We are living in a major part of psycho-social scientific history. Todays leftists will be remembered in history but for a much different reason than they envision.

There is no benefit to diversity.

If you truly don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself, there is no benefit to it at all. IF you get along with other people tho you have a broader range of experience and cultures to draw from. It's not ironic that people that are so concerned about the (((jews))) don't understand why the other 99% of the planet have to offer.

You want to live in enclaves, you want race wars, you don't trust your country men.

The rest is just your fanfic about how terrible the world is. Big Brother Trudeau making rape mandatory and allowing the rise of crime to record highests as christianity is made illegal to give rise to the jewish overlords as he stands solid with the Zionist Globalist.

Conservatives wanted tighter relations with Israel. Liberals largely don't give a single fuck about Israel. Unlike the states, Canada also respected the state of Palestine.

I always though fish layed eggs, but check out what I found in the pond this morning.
Is this the endgame of chemtrails?

>you didn't earn those
I think we both know which photogenic, hunky Canadian political leader kek favors.

>Drawbacks of diversity:

Those aren't inherent drawbacks, though.

durr noe uz on da rong saida histree u fuggen natzee scum!
wez gonna havva revvilushin and erefinz gonna be pufekt forreva aftawads
fulee owtumayded lukshuree gae spays gomunizerm foh da winnz!

Diversity is having a deeper understanding of other cultures. That's the definition of ignorance to you. Learning about other people.

Tell me more about how constant, unending war is how you bring peace.

dogs are peoplekinds best friend.

This thread is a train wreck.

that looked cringey. every time he tries to do something, its like he wants people to cheer and clap for him, but he doubts himself at the same time. pure awkward soyboy. employee of george soros

so you're saying there needs to be a strong patriarch to keep order?

How dare you!?
Pictures of spiders trigger my PTSD!
Pic unrelated: Gookfox.

ey gomrade etz kill da borgossee en dey wy supramiss pepo

>that looked cringey. every time he tries to do something, its like he wants people to cheer and clap for him, but he doubts himself at the same time. pure awkward soyboy. employee of george soros
No, he's the embodiment of inventiveness and confidence, though without shoving it down people's throats. I love his stunts so much!

>If you truly don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself.
You think most people coming here care for white people and white culture and wish for their hosts to remain comfy?
>a broader range of experience and cultures to draw from
What am I going to learn from a subsaharan african user? Is it worth all of the negative shit they bring?
>You want to live in enclaves
Actually I want to live in a homogeneous society. Most immigrants are the ones that choose to live in enclaves.
>The rest is just your fanfic about how terrible the world is.
Literally not an argument but the opinion of someone who is triggered.
>Trudeau making rape mandatory
His government is making calling people by their real gender an offence. He has already proved the slippery slope that comes with your deluded childish thinking.

So can you actually name ONE benefit after all of that? I started the OP to ask for people to give me a real benefit and after your triggered rant all I got was nonsense. Well?

Also, why the meme flag fag?

In 2013, the police-reported crime rate was at its lowest point since 1969. Experts have not reached a consensus on why crime has been declining since the 1990s, but several factors have been cited as possible explanations. These factors include an aging population, changing policing practices and strategies, the rise of technology, shifts in unemployment, variations in alcohol consumption, neighbourhood characteristics, or changing attitudes towards illegal and risky behaviour.

Despite the inability to identify a single factor which explains the crime rate decline in Canada, similar downward trends in crime rates have also been observed in other countries.

Most, if not all, are seen in all "diverse" societies. They are benefits to you?

>importing millions of people who will clash with native society and amongst each other
>deeper understanding of other cultures

Are you high user?
You think one needs to import millions of immigrants that will not assimilate and will cause tension in society to understand other cultures?

Why not have the benefits of a homogenous society and be friendly to other societies? Has that not occurred to you?

How are you so dumb?

o mai lenin uz so left (geddit cuz rait is alwaiz rong hahahahah) gomwat
rays izza sowshul konsshut but waipeepoo owz reparayyshunz forrevva
do u fing da niggaz waik us yet?

Diversity looks good from a distance. Then it's a multicultural cornucopia. Prosperous whites benefit as they get to virtue signal while risking nothing.
Diversity's real "benefits" are crime, distrust, demoralization, degeneracy all of which working class whites have to endure. They are forced by the elites into the front lines of the diversity wars. Then they're called racist.

>Despite the inability to identify a single factor which explains the crime rate decline in Canada, similar downward trends in crime rates have also been observed in other countries

Oh wow if it works in Canada over that time span it must be true! Let's not look at Torontos most wanted list though. Wouldn't want the fact that its all Jamaicans wanted for murder to interfere with my chart.

I just don't understand how faggots like choose to be so ignorant and brainwashed?

What is wrong with these retards?

blessings upon you and supporting leafs. the same crap is going down in europe right now

1. enclaves (nogo zones in 2018)
2. cultural clashes (refugees, old migrants, germans, east-europeans)
3. mistrust in fellow country men (everybody whos not left must be a nazi/extremist)
4. increase in gov power due to playing groups of people against each other (next groko even tho literally nobody wants it)
5. increased crime (see BKA statistics for 2017)
6. erosion of traditions, weakening of all peoples (weihnachtsmarkt turns to lichtermarkt, etc etc)
7. increased power for tyrannical (((groups))) in society consolidating power as they distract others fighting amongst each other

Yeah, it's like it doesn't even occur to him/them that the (((state)))/(((media))) might be fucking with the numbers to encourage the invasion.


From my understanding most people that come here don't think of it as a white vs. colored thing like you do, and most of them are more respectful to their host than the native people. For some reason they don't take what we have for granted, obviously.

What can you learn from subsaharan african specifically? I don't know, after living in some of the most diverse places in Canada I've literally never met one. Mostly Indians, serbs, polish, pinoys, and middle eastern people. What negative shit did they bring? I don't know what you mean.

Are you worried about there karmic energy?

Aside from Toronto, I don't know who lives in enclaves. But many people have brought up the point that ethnic enclaves do impede integration into society, but it's generally because of faggots like you that it happens. Who would know that being an asshole causes more problems than it fixed, unless you count Churchill as the leader that made being an asshole useful.

I am saying you're triggered, your think Truedua is power leveling his government to what? Mandatory gay marriage? You want him to give bigger tax breaks to the rich and remove free healthcare like Trump instead? Would that calm your nerves. You're afraid that since since Trudeau hasn't actively tried to fuck everyone over, that he must be going for some long con since you can't imagine what an altruistic person is. You think everyone is ready to slit someone's throat, like yourself, if it wasn't for the rules of society holding them (you) back.

The world isn't Mad Max.

His government is making people calling other people derogatory an offence.

I want him to get killed so bad.

He's even more of a cuck than (((you))).
We made a mistake in ever colonising Canada.

Fuck you, OP. When I saw this picture, I thought he might have cancer. Thanks for nothing.

I hit post by accident, but the laws for gender identity swing both ways. It would also stop people from making their son dress like girl as much it protects the son to dress like a girl if he wants. You want to imagine that as mandatory shemale that's cool, but it also stops the femnazi too.

Either way, if you want to be called Steven, I am not going to call you Sue out of respect, because I think you're OP and proven faggot.

Crime is not going down, that's ridiculous. The way the crime stats are collected and reported has changed producing a fictitious drop in crime. Do you really need to have this explained to you?

>We made a mistake in ever colonising Canada.
At least you can be proud of your genetic connection with this superior male specimen.

>Everything you've said in this thread.
It's the likes of you that make me genuinely fearful for the future of the West.
I do not understand how you can be so blind.

Have to hand it to the man, he bhangras like a pro.

>most of them are more respectful to their host than the native people.
Are you fucking high user? Coloured people are among the greatest pushers of anti-white rhetoric and policies. Meanwhile they change they values of Canada to their own values.

>Are you worried about there karmic energy?
I think this user is legit crazy

>but it's generally because of faggots like you that it happens.
Hurr durr da immigrants dont want to mix with canadians and integrate because of the racist ebil nazis and sheit

>your think Truedua is power leveling his government to what?
It's current year and you do not see the slippery slope? Are you fucking 18 or something and have literally not been round long enough to see the changes in their platform?

>His government is making people calling other people derogatory an offence.
Literally an offence to use the legitimate pronoun for a person if they are crazy and are pretending to be something else

This is an user site so could you please share your demographic info user. I'm curious as to how you can be this fucking retarded and legitimately hope you grow up soon.

The only tension that happens is when you're on the bus and can't understand what people are saying. Beyond that, you tell me what 'tension' it's brought Candada. Beyond the ACTUAL Natives violent protests, I haven't seen immigrants to Canada do anything as bad, unless you want to attribute the rise in crime before 1992 as the real indicator.

Maybe the buckle on cops guns is what you're upset about? The rise of gay marriage? What has immigration stopped Canada from being Canadian? Sharia Law? Wouldn't that be opposed to gay marraige? Isn't that what Harper was trying to do.

If anyone the conservatives are doing what you think immigrants are going to make the liberals do. You got fucking nothing, you're just making baseless claims with no evidence, and not real understanding of Canada political systems previously or currently beyond some epitaph of fear mongering.

I get it. Niggers are stealing your jobs and raping your women. That's why you're broke and single.

>if you want to be called Steven, I am not going to call you Sue out of respect, because I think you're OP and proven faggot.

If you are a woman but think you are a man I will help destroy the fabric of society, go against science and nature, and virtue signal but YOU are the faggot for not doing those things.

You literally need a psychological evaluation. You are crazy, do you not realize you have problems user?

State your demographics please.

I never said Jamaicans are peaceful people. But it's not like the majority of immigrants are Jamaicans. But fucks to the aggregate report about the crime rate.


>case closed

WOAH WOAH WOAH SLOW DOWN, you're bogging me down with so much information I can't even begin to proccess this you're just a wealth of facts and information.

Tell me more, I am so ignorant and brainless that I can't even begin to comprehend your levels. It's like watching a man play 64D chess underwater.

You must watch Rick and Morty!


You have not seen racist movements against white people? Or between peoples?

You have not noticed that in workplaces people of certain ethnicities stick together and crowd out others? Do you even work user?

Between the enclaves, the racism, the anti-(group) policies, how the fuck are you so blind as to whats happening?

Jesus Christ

>You got fucking nothing, you're just making baseless claims with no evidence, and not real understanding of Canada political systems previously or currently beyond some epitaph of fear mongering.

The entire thread was about the tensions that diversity brings, and plenty have been discussed. Do you not agree that these problems would be decreased or non existent with homogenous society?

>That's why you're broke and single.
kek ad hominem. I teach at a University user..srs

>The only tension that happens is when you're on the bus and can't understand what people are saying. Beyond that, you tell me what 'tension' it's brought Candada. Beyond the
>ACTUAL Natives violent protests, I haven't seen immigrants to Canada do anything as bad, unless you want to attribute the rise in crime before 1992 as the real indicator.

How about the rape gangs in Edmonton where high school girls were violently assaulted because they didn't conform to the "refugees" standards of modesty. Does that count as "tension" for you?
You're a dummy. An ostrich. Your blindness won't save you.

Kids are too busy with vidya to join gangs

Give an urban youth a ps4 and a dragonball game, and he won't be on the streets slinging drugs
At least until someone steals his shit

Enough kvetching kid. There would be less problems with a homogenous society. All we talked about would be non existent or less of an issue with a homogenous society. Prove me wrong. You can't.

Now state your demographics fag

Tbh I doubt he is even Canadian others he would show his flag. I asked him for his demo but I doubt whoever this fag is he will be honest.


>Enough kvetching kid. There would be less problems with a homogenous society. All we talked about would be non existent or less of an issue with a homogenous society. Prove me wrong. You can't.
This is true. Just look at Trudeau's example of living diversity in practice.

Oh. I've notice people being assholes to niggers mostly. I've never had any trouble with them myself, not being an asshole. Which isn't saying you're wrong. But again, that's just common thread. It's not like polish immigrants are niggers. So I can also say that I've gotten my ass kicked and rob by and had more fights with white people than anyone.

I think you're legit crazy. I don't know what 'negative shit' they're bringing here. Maybe you mean literal???

Is that what you mean by "they change they values of Canada to their own values." What is their own values? Smoking pot and listening to rap music? I don't know what you're implying. You're not being really descriptive. It might be out of ignorance you're talking in the most broadest and intangible ways.

Okay, not talking about Sup Forums or reddit talking about 1960's toronto culture, and how people do always hate one another. I mean if you're making the argument about how Diversity failed in the 1980's even you'd have a leg to stand one, but at this point in time diversity in Canada is seen as a solid success in almost every way possible beyond your own feelings being hurt by some nigger.

I am guessing an ex dated a black guy or a fight at work, or you're just a nazi maybe, whatever. Beyond that, the government has no reason, much like you have no reason, to say diversity isn't currently working and functioning. I mean the asian gang wars going on in Hamilton was a great example and the corruption of pols has all passed now.

You can always point to Toronto. That's fine.

You're defining the legitimate pronouns for other people. Well I am just saying you're a faggot, and that's legitimate OP. You have now accept that fact and go and suck cocks. If you don't you're proving Truedua is correct.

If you told your boss that someone at work doesn't call you by your name and it annoyed you, I know they'd say "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet"

these faggots think all these wealthy chinks+poo in loos all have the same WE ARE THE WORLD :^) view they do

Clean response

Are you from reddit it's fucking hard to follow what the fuck you are even saying.

>Canada is seen as a solid success in almost every way possible beyond your own feelings being hurt by some nigger.
Literally never before has racial tension been so high. Racialized movements are everywhere, especially against whites.

You say diversity is great but many government positions (and those associated) openly discriminate against white men in hiring now. This is a benefit of diversity? To crowd out half of the native population?..and this will lead to LESS tension?

>I am guessing an ex dated a black guy or a fight at work, or you're just a nazi maybe, whatever.
Ad hominem but funny. A uni graduate with a double masters working at a uni and engaged to a trad wife that didn't whore herself out like your sister.

>You're defining the legitimate pronouns for other people. Well I am just saying you're a faggot, and that's legitimate OP. You have now accept that fact and go and suck cocks. If you don't you're proving Truedua is correct.
This user is legitimately a faggot who thinks mentally ill people are the sex/gender they are not assigned at birth. How the fuck are you so brainwashed and most impotently are you legitimately a faggot...only a lunatic would thin that a man calling himself a woman is a woman and should be called a women at the detriment of society and science.

State your dems and quit hiding behind the meme flag. Let's see what kind of a person we are talking to. Are you scared or something?

As opposed to those peaceful, helpful gangs going on in Winnipeg. I can't find any information on what you're talking about, but if you want to point to teenagers being fucking brutal idiots to people as an example of diversity failure then, that's going to be talking about the complete collapse of society as we know it.

Oh, teenagers raped or robbed or killed someone. I mean the girls stabbing a girl for slender man is a bigger blame on /x/. We should shut down Sup Forums, by that logic.

W a l l o f t e x t

These were not teens. They were grown men in their 20s, so-called refugees. Because they could speak no English, they were dumped into high schools. The results were predictable. Those poor girls, they were just kids. If you are Canadian, you know what happened in Edmonton. Don't pretend.

I think he's a lost redditor and actual faggot. Definitely far left and deluded but I can't finger his exact age or location

I don't think he is Canadian, otherwise he would have revealed his flag when he pretended to be Canadian and was called out on it.

show your flag you retarded piece of shit.

No one has ever loved the D more than this man does.


his "photobombs" are set up
like the one on the Vancouver seawall - actually taken by his official photographer...who just happened to be hanging out with some random teens as Trudeau jogged by?

this guy is a joke

probably a shitskin.

>I don't think he is Canadian, otherwise he would have revealed his flag when he pretended to be Canadian and was called out on it.
Yeah, you're right. He's just here to derail honest conversation.

>Diversity is having a deeper understanding of other cultures
Words have meanings. You don't get to make them up, you must consult a dictionary. There, you will find that "diversity" does not mean "a deeper understanding of other cultures".

Oh I don't doubt racial tension is highest now it's ever been since 2016. That's not surprising with the rise of the alt-right. I mean most kids are even just doing it for the memes, like eating tide pods. I am sure you want to blame the immigrants for the rise of white nationalist supremacist.

Oh, a uni grade working at uni. You must truly know what the real world is like. I just worked and lived all over Ontario at the worst jobs doing trade work. What do I know about immigrants, I only have a college, private uni, and trade degree.

You want to point out diversity hiring policies as proof of reverse racism as the failure of diversity. Sorry if universities make it hard to get a job because you're a white male, and they don't want to subscribe to the same level of ignorance you have to anyone that isn't the same as you. This is what I am talking about, diversity is literally what being cultured is. Education systems is literally where this is a benefit to the most. It doesn't matter if your welder is black, white, or latino.

Your teachers being from different backgrounds does add a deeper level to understanding of your outlook as a form of education. DSM-5 doesn't call them mentally ill, but I am sure you're smarter than the APA. You're obviously taking your brain boosters to push through the literal brainwashing. I am such a legitimate, lunatic, brainwashed faggot because I look up the information on my own from as many sources as I can.

I understand your position, and even if you're correct they're mentally there's no real treatment to 'fix' the issue without going into deep brainwashing procedures. I actually fully understand brainwashing and stuff like that as well, and even tho gender dysphoria maybe a form of brainwashing, like gay maybe as well, there's also biological factors, as it's a quite diverse issue for a small minority. There's no one real source for gender dysphoria.

They're more functional than schizoid...

I'm legitimately curious as to the demographic attributes of that user.
Quite possibly but there are also so many fucking deluded commie whites and (((whites))).

The only thing I can tell is that he is fairly young and from reddit.


Flag... where is your flag
Also for lulz... digits

Day of the rake imminent.

I am actually 30, and been on Sup Forums since 2005 when /x/ started. I love that the faggots that think unless you speak like the 2011 faggots you're from reddit, even tho the 2011 faggots are the ones that look like reddit to me. It wasn't until green text really took off that reddit came here at all. You're just one of the cancerfags. I really don't understand why that matters tho. Just another ad hominem.

>immigrants for the rise of white nationalist supremacist.
I blame communists user. Is there something wrong with whites trying to get their countries back considering all the bad things that diversity brings? Are you saying they are wrong and should accept the destruction of their native societies? Are you also in favour of colonialism user?

>private uni
Who talks like this in Canada? then he adds the trade part, because he's a real normie of course. This user stinks..I'm a lost certain he isn't Canadian a this point.

>Sorry if universities make it hard to get a job because you're a white male, and they don't want to subscribe to the same level of ignorance you have to anyone that isn't the same as you. This is what I am talking about, diversity is literally what being cultured is.

This guy is now outright saying that in white countries white men should not be hired at universities or places of influence. He literally just lost his entire argument and showed us all he is a fucking shitskin or commie THAT IS WELL AWARE of the DESTRUCTION that diversity brings to the native population. Literally just supported the fact that diversity hurts native populations.

>I am such a legitimate, lunatic, brainwashed faggot because I look up the information on my own from as many sources as I can.

Thinks people who call themselves a different sex/gender are not insane and a detriment to society

How many times must we ask you to show your flag and drop your stats user?


Part 2

Lets see your country flag.

Part 3

War Plan Red is coming any day now.

>private uni
>Who talks like this in Canada?
True, if he's in Canada, he hasn't been here long. This person doesn't know our country, has no love for it. He wants to destroy us.


Well you're still a faggot, and probably a shitskin or at least a self hating commie.

I bet this faggot voted for Trudeau and will vote leftist again

>not picking up on him replacing ignorance with diversity


There is something wrong with whites trying to take back their country just like blacks trying to take our country. Neither one of which should be allowed.

Integration is what Canada has always been going for, but that doesn't mean indoctrination, like was done to the natives. Inclusion is acceptable, just because there is affirmative action with hiring policies doesn't mean white people are being systematically genocided and that it's all Jamals fault.

Just because a business is looking for a token black guy doesn't mean I think white men don't deserve to have jobs anywhere in the entire country. You're an idiot. The literal natives of Canada are an example of what forced integration can do. You can't set a timeline for how long it takes someone to integrate. Maybe some cultures take more or less time, or never integrate. AS LONG AS THEY'RE NOT VIOLENTLY TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE COUNTRY, like you redpills want to.

I don't know why you think it's fine if you want to take over the country, but wrong if they do, because Canada is made for whites? You really are ignorant of Canada multi-national history.

I think that even if different genders, since there sex is the same no matter what, could be mentally ill, but since we allow schizoids to live by themselves and obtain work if they can, what's the difference. It's not like we have gastrucks to go around euthanizing the mentally ill anymore. If you can't make fun of fat people, you can't make fun of cross dressers. At least fat people can control it some how.

But like I said, the laws about addressing the kids gender, also works the reverse for some tumlrina that wants her son to be a girl because she hates penis. YOU KEEP IGNORING THAT FACT, but that's your strength. Real double plus good arguments.

Voted green, but that's just ad hominem.

I got it, but just find that diversity is seen as ignorance more than monocultures. I mean... it's like eating oranges every day and saying eating other foods is ignorant to eating only oranges.

I don't want to read your reddit spacing desu. Do you support colonialism user?

>You really are ignorant of Canada multi-national history.
You are not Canadian. If you're here now, you haven't been for long. You don't know us. You're astroturf.


I did notice this part user.
You think it's bad for native peoples to take back their own countries?

That's a BAD thing to you?

Who the fuck are you and what is wrong with you?

>I don't want to read your reddit spacing desu.
Good catch

Fuck now I'm spacing like that faggot. The faggotry is spreading.

I believe in peace is peace. You think war is peace. Enjoy your 2 minutes of hate today.

You know before the reddit invasion, that spacing was common. I am sorry if I didn't jump on here during the reddit invasion like you cancerfags. I've been here since cracky-chan, so suck a bag of dicks if I don't meme like you learned from the reddit memes
>green text

You are deluded into thinking diversity is peace when it clearly brings trouble to already peaceful places. Look around you faggot. Diversity is causing tensions, it's causing society to tear apart and for some (((people))) to abuse that. Look at how fucked western europe is. You want that here?
You are literally projecting your ignorance. Peace is when people are in their own groups, in their own places. You claim that this is war somehow. It's fucking insane how you have this backwards. People naturally want to be around their own and district others. Having generally ethno states results in those states being more peaceful.

How the fuck do you have this backwards?