Really good point. Wouldn't you agree?


Other urls found in this thread:

Literally nothing wrong with this.

based cenk

TYT still has more subs than all the alt right weenies combined

The alt-right doesn't exist.

My numbers say otherwise.

Has cenk ever admitted he practices taqqiya?

Strawman. This guy knows more about the positions of the alt-right than the alt-right, I think he's actually alt-right.

Regardless of what he thinks he is, he's a fat fuck and I would stomp his fat pig face in if I got the chance.


>all Muslims are non white
>all non whites are Muslims
He's a fat stupid fucking roach.

Mark Dice gets more youtube views than chunk ogre's entire platform and he shitposts from his kitchen.

Ad populam from a retarded leaf, no surprise here.

is he right? I thought white sharia was a meme.

twitter IP range banned me. someone post back
ALT-Left: the armenian genocide never existed
AlT-Left: we will genocide anyone who questions the armenian genocide

>Go on Sup Forums
>read some anonymous post by a retard
>"Oh wow this must be how all of the alt right thinks"

Ive never heard anyone here supporting the restriction of free speech. This board is one of the biggest proponents of free speech. It's the left that's constantly trying to suppress free speech.

Porn wouldn't be banned, however it wouldn't be encouraged and normalized like it is today.

Women wouldn't be denied the vote, but the family unit would be built up again so that women would again vote in the best interests of the family unit rather than single mother gibs and only thinking of dem poor refugees.

Cenk is a fucking idiot. I suppose I should stop eating food because muslims eat food.
It is actually possible to agree with islam on certain issues without wanting your own nation to become little baghdad.
His attempt at a profound point falls into the same category as the drivel spewed by people who say that we should accept millions of migrants into our nations because some of them make nice curry.

Wait, doesn't that mean that he admits that Muslims want to ban porn, suppress free speech, and deny rights to women? I don't think he thought this out.

No. Do you think the sick and dying carcass western nations are today are our goal?
It's our nations 1050 - 1960, with less jews.

>three things the ''''alt-right'''' have never said
Nice argument. If I may retort, peace and harmony between all people in their own separate nations is the goal and if you take a look at our multicultural paradise you'll see it is a horror show.

Also dissenting speech is already restricted.

>all alt-righters want porn banned, thought police and misogyny

Do you support the right of Marxists to speak and spread their disease? Marxism is dangerous because it bypasses the mind and poisons the soul. It's an ideological "happy pill" and we've seen just the FUCKING BEGINNING of what Marxism does to the social zeitgeist. Do you really want people to be free to transmit this disease?

fun fact: if you post @johnpodesta@!tonypodesta and @centerformissingchildren you will get IP range banned. but if you threatened obama it's just a normal ban. strange isn't it

This. Establishment shills have trouble with simple logic. Cenk, Tapper, and 90% of media rely entirely on the itching ear of the subverted to keep projecting energy towards them in order to feed their delusions. Won’t work for much longer.

yes i do. but if they go antifa i believe i have the right to kill

The only thing I have an issue with is "Dissenting Speech" everything else sounds good.

It is a blanket term crafted by an outside operation and used in media to establish an artificial base of people which will come to discredit a legitimate movement.

>Muslim's beliefs are against everything we want and the same as the alt-right's objectives
>we should totally let Muslims turn our counties into theirs, that'll show the alt-right

yes it will. people are stupid. they want quick answers and use OCCAM RAZOR and appeal to authority for every shit in the world. people are stupid plain and simple


An outside operation known as Richard spencer?

if you don't have the freedom to be wrong you don't have freedom at all

Thats pretty islamaphobic desu

>White Ethnostate: people will abide by the rules because it benefits them and they have passion in their society, culture, etc.
>Islamic Caliphate: people will abide by the rules or we will torture and kill them

Daily reminder the alt right doednt exist. Theyre trying to put you in a predictable box,

>Claims the Alt-right are morons
>Uses a strawman
Really makes you think.

Armenian genocide denying sex predator is mocking non-existent Nazi lites.
I stand with non-existent Nazi lites.

He's getting alt-lite and alt-right mixed up.

White sharia larpers are a fringe minority in the alt-right.

Most of us just want to live in a white majority country free of Jewish influence.

He's confusing the Alt-Right for MAGAtards.

The Alt-Right has been around for years, shill. Attacking the core elements of a movement (its name, its origins, etc.) is one of the most obvious shill tactics out there. Stop making it so obvious.


I bet he secretly listens to The Daily Shoah

>but muh porn means freedom!
Fucking roach

Another shill showing up whenever the Alt-Right is mentioned. Hmm, strange.

So you would accept chechnyans and bosnians or Western European converts into the ethnostate? I sure wouldnt

Remember there are only a handful of things everyone. A handful of things and football.

Why would you need porn in an ethnostate?
Why would you need to vote in an ethnostate?
What would there be to dissent about? Dissenting speech is already restricted in the west and across the world. Symbols get your fired.

Mexico is an ethnostate for "mexicans" and they just send people out to receive remittances back.

I've never heard someone who identifies as alt-right claim that free speech should be infringed upon.

Look at Cenk's brain struggling to be clever. He has no logical argument against white people being exclusive or deciding who counts as white. He can not form a coherent thought without being blatantly anti white. Such pretzel logic is rooted in color jealousy. If whites are allowed to have white communities again, Cenk will be deported from such communities.

If in our ethnostate we still vote for our leaders then we're making a terrible mistake

Problem is that democracy can always be gamed by trying to expand the franchise. In its most extreme form, as we're currently seeing, one party can import an entirely new population in exchange for votes.

Yeah if you could limit the franchise to just white men holding productive employment you'd have a better government than we currently do, but in that situation there's a strong incentive to promise some disenfranchised group the franchise in exchange for political support. Which starts us back down the slope we're on now.

Same, that's the flaw in focusing on whiteness. Islam and other shit ideologies are is not welcome in the ethnostate.

The elements that make up what they consider the ALT-right has been around for a long time. They never had a blanket term, for all the groups before. How can you attack something without a name? Alt-right is a label created by the left to try and discredit and attack these groups. If you can name something you can define something, and then you can attack that thing. Imagine if the dems came out and said people shit posting on the internet are a danger to our country. There's power in names.

Well what's wrong with that? We just don't want islam or swarthy foreigners.

Neither does this tweet.

Op is baiting you faggots with a fake screenshot

I'm on the alt right, and none of my alt right friends, don't want women to not vote, not a single republican in congress since womens right to vote has ever challenged it. This fucking faggot needs a bullet in his head.

>Only mentioning all the good parts about Islam and not the bad parts
Cenk is a brown faggot

That doesn't make sense. This man can't even depict cognitive dissonance properly.

>I suppose I should stop eating food because muslims eat food.

Eating, shitting and breathing are basic organic functions - complex political positions are not. But you happen also to share a lot of the latter.

So he admits foreigners want to change us into something he finds distasteful? Or that when whites do it it is wrong, but acceptable for non-whites?

No Cenk you fat fuck.
We need to ban non-whites because they're non-whites.

>alt-right is one man

This faggot does not understand that while Islam is based on certain points, it is still a retarded heresy. Meme tier religion invented on the spot by an old goat fucking merchant who got rock hard thinking about 6 year olds.

We don’t need Islam in order to instill these values.


gotta stop replying to screenshots without a link ffs

That's why several phrases need to make their way into public conversation.

White Community Hater: Clumsy, but it leaves the modern Left no wiggle room to claim that what they are doing with Mass Immigration means love and peace.

White Self Hater: Useful for taking on modern Left politicians and local community protesters.

Anti White: Very basic and very true. However it leaves a lot of room for a modern Lefty to say, "I'm not anti white, I'm anti racist."

The reason I'm pushing use of the term White Community Hater is because it reveals the destruction of white communities all over the world, reveals the intentions of the modern Left to anyone who listens and it reveals a modern Lefty to himself. Most white Lefties try to not think about being white themselves. It is easier on their fragile egos. When you call them White Community Haters, they are forced to confront the result of all their Left wing political advocacy. The Lefty can not claim that a formerly white community is now the same as it was before forced integration.

I thought chink nigger killed himself after being humiliated by alex

That "Alt-Right" guy should really make up his mind.

No, it's not a good point. Banning porn, liberal speech, and revoking voting rights won't turn our nations into shitholes.

It's funny that Sup Forumsacks think they can bring about a revolution to start an ethnostate when they don't even have enough agency and self control to not respond to a bait thread.

alt-right: yankee doodle dandy I shoot my guns like a good boy yankee

also alt-right: I ride a horse into town and shit my guns like jim wayne i love american hot dogs USA #1


Christianity is just as Western as Islam. You could just as easily meld the solstice celebration, Easter, and all the other "Christian" traditions into Islam. Because all those things are pagan in origin.

inb4 muh jewsus

Jesus is revered in Islam. The Qoran mentions him more than the Christian Bible does.

Sounds like utopia

And if you threaten Trump you get an attaboy from all of the other commies.

>Alt-right want to limit speech.

Lefty journalist detected.