It's just a fucking plant bro

It's just a fucking plant bro

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that plant destroyed every civilization from within

Yeah but when you have enough money and you will start murdering your rivals, civilians, policemen, politician/public figures...

Weak men did.

"salmon ponds" tourist attraction has them growing as pests all over the sides of the highway.

And it's so damn seductive...

Not even once.

its poppy

the plant is fine, it's the concentrate and chemical derivatives that are the problem
as with most drugs (chewing coca leaves and having coca leaf tea/wine is perfectly fine and healthy, cocaine is not; smoking opium to deal with an immediate injury or otherwise once or twice a month is fine if you aren't a bugman and have a semblance of self control, shooting up fentanyl is not)

Only it needs to be refined like cocaine. Marijuana you can just pluck and smoke

You can get high off of raw opium you mong.

No it was anglos that did that using this plant

if these were legal to process for basic opium pr poppy pod tea we wouldn't have as big a fent problem

Poppy is great. It's the kikes that turn it into fenta-hero-morphi-dilaud-krokodil that need to hang.

>You can get high climbing mountains
>ban mountains


>nasa is just a bunch of degenerates wanting to attain the greatest high

morphine is a constituent alkaloid in the opium poppy "sap" btw

>smacking your head with a hammer can kill you

It's just a fucking symbol bro

(along with codeine and thebaine, other stuff too)

Truly, opium is a veritable cocktail of medically useful substances.

I meant to put methadone. My mistake.

new shitpost idea, thanks buckeroo



all drugs should be legal

women create weak men


the sap you can see in OP's picture, its already been scarred for harvesting. No alphabet niggers, I dont know anything about processing the plant, just an observation


>that plant destroyed every civilization from within

That plant is the most magical organism on this planet. I was an opiate addict for years. Now im on methadone. Life is pretty good to be honest. I feel good enough everyday to get out of bed and go make paper. Methadone fucking rocks... son...

they're kind of hard to grow I've thrown thousands of seeds and only got about 7 plants in a small 3 by 6 flower bed
maybe my seeds were bunk

I grew Opium Poppies once, they're very beautiful when they bloom. Never tried extracting anything from them, for one I don't know how, for another thing I don't need the party van visiting me.

maybe you should germinate them first da fuq nigga

Well that seems like a bit of a crutch, but most people seem to have one.


how much do you make making paper? Better than flipping burgers I guess?

Np Jordan

Imagine my surprise to find Imodium has opioids.

idk the poppy plant is really fragile and can't be transplanted and they die for seemingly no reason
I started with 100s of plants but only a handful made it to multi pod blooms

This and only this.

I've read they should be sewn when there is still snow on the ground, just before it melts for the summer.

Here, the foreign, alien almost, light green colored leaves distract from the local flora.

yes I've heard this I should try again this year but throw the seeds soon while it's still cold
I love that shade of green the plants are

Coca leaves are better anyway

Is the cream good for the skin?

Call it whatever you want,,, it works for me.
For some addicts, the best treatment is abstinence. But for me the best treatment is methadone. Ppl on meth die 50-70% less often than abstinent addicts. Abstinence kills, while methadone saves. If you want ill shove sauce so far up your ass you will cough “methadone fucking rocks”.


Im on methadone from decade of heroin addiction, this shit has the potential to destroy nations depending on general state of the nation. Thankfully not everyone is as weak willed as i am.








The vast majority of people will not start doing hard and extremely damaging drugs "just because", out of the blue, or because they're freely available, in the same way most people don't end up becoming drunks, become homeless due to gambling, or become fat blobs of shit due to unhealthy eating simplyvout of the blue.

In the vast majority or cases, there's problems in society at the level of families or individuals which cause addiction to substances or damaging behavior.

Banning substances or fighting a war on drugs/addicts is basically a bunch of retards covering their ears and eyes to a societal problem by sweeping it under the rug, instead of bringing about conditions in society that incentivize people to stay healthy, prosper economically, and have a meaning to their lives, which is conducive to keeping drug addiction away.

It's quite easy to tell if someone is a low IQ NIGGER just by gauging their opinion on whether drugs should be legal or not, most people who can't think will just resort to muh feefees and blame it all on da evil drug producers and the poor white victims who supposedly don't have a mind of their own.

You're just saying that because you know opium is better


Don't know what you're talking about


Frenchfags were hooked on this shit and started a revolution which would ruin Western civilization forever


I heard they smuggle that shit in America in great quantities by sticking it inside the caskets of dead US soldiers.

^ the egalitarian movement that applied even to retard IQ Africans?

It certainly ruined Haiti, but it's hard to deny it's positive effect on white Western nations at the time.

Nah, the CIA fills mortar tubes and all kinds of shit with it, don't think they would need to use caskets.

Probably some small time operation doing that, if at all.

This. So are hemlock and aconite BTW. Plants. Most vicious poisons come from nature.

That plant, and maybe 2 other candidates are among the very first psychoactive drugs ever consumed by man. Its been with us longer than wheat.

Not to mention, That plant is the foundation for our understanding of pain receptors, and pain killers.

if it doesn't kill you (our poppies will, they're bred for it)

This is also just a plant bro with tasty berries!
Eat it


People act like weed's the most overrated drug on the planet, but I feel like opiates are.
All they do is make you numb. Like woowie, this is a great high...

How are they bred to kill you?

That just sounds silly from what I know about poppies...

I think user is saying that from the famous drug dealer of harlem frank lucas, a rumor was that he got his heroin shipped over in the caskets of soldiers.

No it isn't. Morphine is morphine no matter the biological jacket or dilution. When you take an active dose there is literally no difference between natural or synthetic sources. Only drug-addled retards think otherwise.

yes, but you'd have to take so many to get high you'd never be able to shit for at least a month maybe 3

That's kind of the point though, isn't it?
They say it doesn't affect them and they can still work, with a massive anti-depressant effect.

The original reasons for outlawing opiate use in the first place was public fear mongering campaigns where they used examples of doctors, judges, and lawyers that *COULD* be using opiates that might affect their judgement--and no one would know.

With the advent of cheap home drug testing, the initial reasons for outlawing the use of opiates in the first place are completely gone. Don't want a doctor high on morphine? There's a $25 drug test for that.

It actually is just a plant. It was readily available throughout most of history.
Yet, there was no "opioid epidemic" plaguing mankind throughout this history.
Why? It's not nearly as "psychologically addictive" or euphoric as the media makes it out to be. Everything thinks it's some sort of fucking soma that will put the user in absolute bliss. It doesn't! Almost anyone who was ever prescribe opioids knows that they aren't even enjoyable. There is no "euphoria", there is just a numbing sensation.
You need to be literally bonehead retarded to think it's remotely enjoyable. That's why most addicts are mostly low IQ people (niggers and white trash mostly).

I'm thinking about growing some. The only things that really overload my brain are eats and women. drugs have very little ill effect on me, but i've only ever used prescription opiates, non opiate pain killers, and cannabis. Not a single one, nor alcohol, or even vaporized nicotine has had an addictive effect on me. Caffeine is also meh at best.

Ok so let's see you smoke some hemlock leaves then. Prove it. Or aconite or strychnos nux-vomica you can choose.

Fucking pharmacologically illiterate morons should stfu already.

The seeds are good eating, btw. If you have digestive issues they are great for that.

You can throw some poppy seeds into a cake mix and it will taste great, or follow some eastern european recipes for specialty dishes.


Not every plant lmao




You want sauce? You want sauces?
Here some sauce!

where can i get opium poppy seeds? I do have digestive issues and have prescriptions for painkillers. I generally make my own cannabis capsules for medicinal needs, but I am curious to make my own opiates as well. Why should I have to pay jews for my meds?


And the next best thing, kratom. Will probably be banned because of ((big pharma)) not getting their money until they regulate it in a way they do. Or until they make criminals out of people to send to privately owned prisons for a profit.

You can buy bags of untreated poppy seeds on Amazon and do a cold water extraction if thats your thing

That would be highly illegal and I'll not help you.


damn, that's a lot of resin. I'll bet these goat-fuckers get a nice solid buzz throughout the day just from handling that goop

will they grow into plants that I can harvest viable sap from? I havent done much research on the subject.

Why do they only score one-side? How long do they wait to harvest the tar, can you do it multiple times from a single poppy?

I figure is one of the better farming gigs in this world

So what dumbass first of all learn what trace amounts are, second the molecule doesn't change because it is in a fucking plant jacket neither do the other constituents remediate the toxicity or addictiveness of the main ingredient morphine.
On the contrary opium is MORE toxic logically since its minor spasmolytic constituents increase morphine's toxic action.

Or do you mouth-breathing retards think that opium addiction wasn't a thing before the isolation of morphine in the mid 19th century?

Actually early on people though by separating morphine the addictive properties were left behind in the non-morphine alkaloid fraction. Hence why it was prescribed AGAINST DEBILITATING OPIUM ADDICTION.

Fucking junkies go against all obvious logic just to defend their drug habit.

No I believe not, they are culinary

seriously? why are cannabis seeds contraband, but I can just buy poppy seeds?

To develop an addiction you need to use It pretty much daily for a few weeks. Forget the bullshit they say in school and do a quick research. It has been tested. People exaggerate how addictive drugs are to scare the kids. Drugs have the same effect on you than anyone else, you just don't take enough to get addicted. Same with alcohol, you basically need to drink a few beers a day for like a month. Fucking heroin, you can shoot up heroin daily for 2 weeks straight and not develop an addiction.