Red pill me on the “fluoride stare”. How does it differ from a normal stare?
Red pill me on the “fluoride stare”. How does it differ from a normal stare?
The flouride stare is what your school friends give you when they realise that you are a lost cause and have become an annoying whiner. It is followed by them cutting contact with you. Later, they will hear that you committed suicide, and not care.
This is a farmer from rural America. Rural America does not have fluoridated water instead their water comes from a well. Notice how his eyes look aware and full of life.
oh sweetie! the problem is that aluminium sulphate causes brain damage and they put it in the water and it's all very well documented. halogens are bad, of course, OF COURSE, but they aren't inherently degenerative like aluminium salts. Not the fucking metal, the metals salts. there's a difference. nobody eats a block of sodium, for example.
I feel like this is a place where children come to play and adults come to feed off insecurities. so reasearch the shit yourself.
this thread is explicitly against the rules, sage and report
And this is a person from a large city. They drink water containing fluoride every single day. Notice how their eyes have a faded look. No life whatsoever inside of them.
sage in two scoops is explicitly against the second sentence of rule seven.
I'm pretty sure thats just a blank expression.
>sage in two scoops is explicitly against the second sentence of rule seven.
oh I know, but that rule is fucking stupid, and also wholly unenforced, just like the rule I pointed out
otherwise this whole thread would be gone
>oh sweetie!
Stopped reading
Doesn't the fluoride stare refer to the blank, vacuous, and emotionless stare you receive from an overstimulated person? Their eyes are glazed over and they have no mannerism, they are a husk.
Mods don't give a fuck, though.
This place is so compromised it's unbelievable. I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't some sort of controlled opposition.
They'll care. I'll be the next Hitler.
do you want to join my clan?
You've hit the fatty on the head there, Austria
Shills went into overdrive after the memo
>that picture
oh god my sides
Did you notice that yesterday there were multiple 'We're all niggers now because of this one highly suspect, un-peer-reviewed study by a (((Kike)))' all fucking day, then suddenly in late evening (UK time), they started being pruned as soon as they appeared?
I don't want to sound paranoid, but this shit seems coordinated.
I'm a relative newfag. Was shit this bad before Gookmoot took over?
Yes its coordinated. And yes it's mostly this bad, it's how you know you are doing what's right when you piss the big boys iff
pain is gain poopykins
How the fuck are we supposed to drink water fluoride free then?
So many threads with /si/ topics but no one ever has a fucking clear answer.
Eyes that do not seem to focus on anything. Expression of someone who is dead inside. They signal that someone is seriously fucked up in the head due to poisoning (lead, fluoride), and can do dangerous things at any time. People who do not learn to identify those eyes expose themselves to great danger.
>you know you are doing what's right when you piss the big boys iff
Unless that's what (((they))) want us to think.
Day of the Rope can't come soon enough.
>school friends
Yes its coordinated. And yes it's mostly this bad, it's how you know you are doing what's right when you piss the big boys iff
I would alsoblike to know this. Is it such a ridiculous concept to bottle clean water without adding shit to it? Fucking faggots. Fluoride supposedly only works topicly anyway (pro tip it doesn't do Jack shit)
>Sup Forums bootlicker
i didnt even know these existed
The pineal gland has been THOUROUGHLY calcified
Their eyes work but it does t register correctly