Éire/pol/ - Provisional Edition │ Eagrán Sealadach

Thread Theme | Téama Snáithe : youtube.com/watch?v=hNEAC0ZXmd8
National Party │ Páirtí Náisiúnta : nationalparty.ie/nationalparty.ie/ga/baile/
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Téigh leis an bpáirtí agus scaip an scéala / na méimeanna le do chairde ar líne nó eile.

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Jewtube channels of note │ Cainéil Jewtube Chéimiúla :


Twitter Accounts to Follow/Shill │ Cuntais Twitter le leanúint :


Headlines │ Ceannlínte :

>DUP MPs call for 'no surrender' to EU

>Stormont deal imminent: Foster to be First Minister, progress on Irish language, same-sex marriage on cards

>Fianna Fáil councillor quits after row over comments about same sex couples

>'Good soldier' McDonald a 'prisoner' of Sinn Féin's past, claims Martin

>Petition for statue of Prince Albert to be removed from Leinster House lawn rejected by Oireachtas Committee

>No train lines will close while I'm Taoiseach, vows Varadkar

Other urls found in this thread:



9 o'clock's the backup lad

>Supreme Court to declare asylum seeker work ban 'unconstitutional'

>No going back on Border guarantee in Brexit negotiations, Tánaiste says

>Court rules against Pro Life Campaign application

>Freemasons launch campaign to shake off secret society image

so when you guys going to return to your old loyalty?

posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

>Dáil to consider rule change after dispute between three TDs

>Stormont talks too close to call, Adams says

>Number of Irish MEPs set to increase post-Brexit

>Court rules against Pro Life Campaign application

>Farage urges Irish eurosceptics to run for EU Parliament

>'2040' Planning Framework will 'kill rural Ireland'

>Aer Lingus worker sentenced for smuggling illegal immigrants

>Couple accused of FGM on trial

Masons are gay cunts
Burn your local lodge boys

> irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/freemasons-launch-campaign-to-shake-off-secret-society-image-1.3385590
Lel what?
I have to read dis

Our man Seamus

need to work out how to remove their influence

Me great granda was a freemason, I think. Never remember hearing anything special about it.

How long before they start lying about the original Irish being niggers?

This freemason shite seems familiar

Wasn't the rubbercondoms already doing that?

What did he even say about it? Nothin?

They semi-openly, but not willingly openly, worship Bamophet - one of the four demons worshiped in satanism

I saw an ad on BBC today for one of those DNA tests with the tagline "We may be leaving Europe but Europe will never leave us" or something and then was talking about "finding your unique ethnic breakdown" or whatever.
As far as these people are concerned, there's no such thing as an ethnically homogeneous group of people, all it takes is one coalburner for thousands of years of history to go out the window.

I can see it now
>but the Irish are the blacks of Europe
and the like.

Masons have been behind every anti monarchist movement and revolt, most famously in my own country

They already have
Saw an article today in the journal about it

Wasn't alive in my time. Just saw a photo of him in the garb recently. I'm gonna have to ask around for confirmation.
Source? Hey buddy ya got a source for that, huh?

I think Ireland should be part of the UK as an equal.



dude its fairly well known - just dig a little - but they deny it - they don't deny however their connection to the light-bringer, they claim they are talking about the Christ but its more then sketchy- never mind their induction rituals

I don't get this shit. Why do people keep trying to put the NP down because they have not registered yet? Even when I explain their reasoning they come back a week later and come out with the same shite.
I think they are not even on our side to begin with, so they just try to put the party down by any way they can. It's really pathetic attempt if so.

dia dhiabh
the west is awake

What is the story behind pic anyways?


NP not being registered is a legitimate concern, idk what’s going on primarily because flag, but I wonder if they’re getting stalled up by govt red tape

>Why do people keep trying to put the NP down because they have not registered yet?
There are a few different groups who do this, most of them have ideological differences with the National Party. I'm not talking about people who put the NP down online on the registry question but those who criticise it in these circles in general.

1) People on the left to far left who think the NP is too right wing, racist, nationalist etc. They pretend to be a concerned nationalist who disagrees with the direction of the NP. This is called concern trolling.

2) Pan Europeans who oppose the explicitly Irish nationalist outlook of the National Party (and Irish nationalism). These are your Generation Identity types and some are pan-European far right types.

3) The alt light types who see the ethnic nationalism of the NP as too much, the posters here who think Varadkar is our based homosexual Indian for example.

4) The purity spirallers. These range from everything from people concerned with exact legitimacy from the original official provisional Irish republic and will only support the kosher group, to those who think that the NP not immediately calling for the mass genocide of every Prod in the North means they're controlled opposition.

5) People who agree with the NP ideologically but are of a group opposed to Irish nationalism. They would be on our side if not for the fact that Irish nationalism is built upon being Irish and not Polish or Lithuanian for example. Usually Prods from the North who see the NP as a threat to themselves but sometimes other groups like Eastern Europeans.

6) The ever shrinking Identity Ireland loyalist faction who are annoyed that their joke of a party was swept aside by real nationalists.

Does RSF register as a political party?

I see now. Thanks, very good post.

We do know that this general had a lot of slavs under an Irish fleg. If they would not support Irish nationalism because they want to turn this country into Slavland, then they can get fucked for all I care.
Ireland for the Irish.

>Tfw i'm eating Ptasie Mleczko's as I type

Lads it's time to start dropping little red pills anyway you can. Not just in your social circles but to the everyday man. Don't let it get to late. Already noticing g the countryside being invaded. Dont let Eire die.

Pale skin is recent phenomenon, speaking in evolutionary terms, only dating back about 10,000 years at most. This does nothing to impact huwhite chauvinism, and shouldn't bruise your ego either, because all it shows is how quickly we have adapted to our environment and changed from our African forebears. The question of skin colour is purely to do with Vitamin D - Inuit people have much darker skin than us, while being at a much higher latitude, because they are predominantly carnivores, and get plenty of preformed Vit D. If you're really sceptical, keep an eye on the study for redactions, because they're not uncommon.

Thanks for making this. Always look forward to Éire/pol/

How do we continue to unite the Celtosphere? Our progress is going great but could be faster. This moment in history doesn't come around often.

A small typo is "I'm not ONLY talking about people...", I was very much talking about the people who bring up registry.

Only a few of them have outed themselves as foreigners but it'd be naive to think that there aren't any crypto Polacks in this general. According to the 2016 census there are 432,975 "other white" people in the 26 county state, and they are a young demographic.

There are some in these demographics who would agree with everything the NP stands for except for the fact that it's explicitly Irish, which is what a lot of this is. You can understand why, you see it in the North with people of the Nationalist persuasion who until now had no at least conservative nationalist party. Some begrudgingly voted for the DUP.

>How do we continue to unite the Celtosphere?
Not sure if you fully get that Celts aren't all the same. Scots are mostly Prods and Welsh and Bretons aren't even Gaelic.

What we need is a Gaelic nation, the rest can be considered afterwards.

What is the status of N. Ireland reunification. What is the best resource to check up on the latest bills being written.

The NP's YT videos have been a the best resource for the diaspora. There needs to be more content of this nature, instead of the endless back ' n forth forum bickering about different ideologies, and this 'n that. What I am saying is there is very little appeal targeting the normiesphere. You need the support of the normiesphere weather you dislike them or not. Not other way around it. NP's video releases hit this requirement perfectly.

How can make a list of five resources associated with NP tier nationalist dialog and operations for Ireland. There is a lot of wasted potential, talent and resources going unused and it is very frustrating to see things going at a snails pace.

Five top resources associated with NP tier nationalist dialog and political operations. Cough 'em up...

I'm sceptical but I won't diss it either. We'll see. A lot of science and narratives built upon research can be political.

I do this to who ever I can. Seems to pay off for me, redpilling my family. They stray to the cuck side sometimes but I seem to be snapping them out of it. They see me as smart so that helps.

See, this is the kind of lack-luster response that leads absolutely nowhere. In a way is almost like a psychological proxy-defeatist stance. We understand the resistance against reunification and all manner of absolute faggotry that is applied to keep the British Elite in their comfy positions here in the states. Ireland is no different. The people and political methodology are exactly the same.

This Gaelic nation you started writing about is completely unrelated to what I mentioned. This is the problem we have. There is no narrative to rally behind. It's all scattered to the wind here, there and everywhere. I was addressing the Celtosphere and how it can be better tapped into. Not only tapped into, but also better organized. For both these things to happen there needs to be a common narrative to rally around. Instead, what we have are 30 narratives today. Not a good way to move forward in any kind of productive way.

If you are unfamiliar with the term Celtosphere, --which sounds like you may be-- this is simply an updated phrase for the Irish Diaspora.

The only political headway which had success into the Irish Diaspora was Sinn Fein back in the 90s. They gained a lot of resources for their party by speaking directly to the Irish Diaspora in a clear message. We all understand what has happened to Sinn Fein since that time. The NP can and should take lessons learned from Sinn Fein used of the Irish Diaspora to build it's own political party and infracture.

The Celtosphere extends far beyond the United States. We have one of the worlds largest ethnic diaspora. There is no reason it cannot be fully used as a massive resource toward a common end.

>Éire Sup Forums

Yea that's fantastic to be fair I've had a few battles with my family aswell. We need to start reaching out to the masses tho. With posters or flyers something to get the ball rolling

More of Scotland is Celtic then that

Aw that's conspiracy theory stuff, scientists wouldn't lie for funding/job security

It isn't. Gaelic is confined to the highlands and western coastal islands.

Speaking of Scotland, have ye ever seen this? Pretty fucking funny, like DeeDee writing articles.


I'm not going about sticking posters up like a tit. I would hardly even go into the town only when I have to. Sorry but i'm too introverted and pathetic. I'd have a debate with anyone though, as long as they are not a cunt about it.


Fuck it, we maps now

I wonder how green the north would be if you were to take the Prods out of account. Would we match with the south?

They're like an ex girlfriend, they treated us like shit, but they want us back, and I just can't stop thinking about them.

No, sure it's not even really taught up there is it?.

As stated many times before, Irish teaching needs an overhaul.


Nah, Not as compulsory in schools and even shittyer taught.

The NP have the only serious answer.


I have a few questions. If anyone could be so kind as to give their perspective. I can decipher what is what at that point.

Ok, so... the big bad boogieman in the room; Nationalism. Not just any Nationalism, an Irish Nationalism. Everyone understands who opposes this the most and the tactics they use from both soft and eventually hard methods to prevent it. Both of which are completely outdated for having been in use for many many decades to the point of ill repair. But I digress, we can speak more about that another time. What I am attempting to get a grasp on is the inner-workings of the local ongoing between Irish and toothnigger political swordsmanship. More specifically I'd like to hear your views on which aspects of the NP, or, surrounding political environment may be compromised by them.

Two reasons for asking.
1) They are eternally in opposition attempting to undermine progress. Goes without saying

2) Two, is more complicated and for my own personal understanding. I will explain. So, I have come across the talking points of Sinn Fein Communist members who say they will achieve unification. They say they already have all of the political power inside Ireland and it will be another 10 years before a Party like NP even becomes relevant. My question, and I apologize for how drawn out this has been is this... is this message of the National Party a British demoralizing operation?

In your opinion where is British demoralizing the most focused? If the Socialist have more power against them, do you think the British would attempt to play the NP as a way to stall and water down a more unified political faction?

Don't misunderstand me. I am not supported Sinn Fein. But there is a question of optimal performance if you understand where I'm coming from. If the NP will take 10 years, which is a ludicrous amount of time then it can be understood from a British perspective why they would support the NP to stall for time.

Go ahead and curse me out, I don't care.


>First Irish populations had dark skin similar to Cheddar Man, DNA research suggests


This is a very strange angle to come from with accusations of foreign collusion.

That's fucking stupid, user. A united Ireland is coming no matter what. It can't be stalled. A united Ireland is coming when we have a big enough catholic majority in the north, and whether you be a supporter of socialism, capitalism or other, aslong as you are NATIONALIST you will want to vote in a united Ireland.

Well, the fact that you purposely misinterpreted my clearly identified question as an "accusation" makes you highly suspicious all your own. As if you feel guilty in some way for being a snake in the grass actively undermining.

Piss off you, stupid git

Imagine being an anglo-saxon race traitor who murdered his own englishmen in 1776.

And if anything, socialist are more anti-nationalist leaning, generally speaking.

> If the Socialist have more power against them, do you think the British would attempt to play the NP as a way to stall and water down a more unified political faction?
Socialism is not unify people towards republicanism. We in the north just have to put up with SF's socialist bull because if we don't then the DUP will be nawing at our ankles. But the catholic public are really interested in republicanism only for nationalistic reasons, NOT for socialism.

The only people who give a damn about socialism up here in N.I are stupid wee naive nerds who got bullied at school. A small minority.

>Imagine being an anglo-saxon race traitor who murdered his own englishmen in 1776
are you autistic or something?

You got me, we're all MI5 plants working furiously to... piss off both Westminster and the EU?
I can't follow your logic at all. There would be much more effective ways to usurp the achievement of a united Ireland.

(I assume it's a proxy)

As much as I'd like that to be true it's acctually not. I was talking to a Catholic from up North a few weeks ago. He was telling me the Catholics up there are starting to side with unionists purley for the fact if how librel and left Sinn Fein is on things like marriage abortion etc

Sorry, but Loyalist commentary on Irish politics isn't where I go to get the perspectives on the Irish people. The communist I mentioned were motivated towards reunification as if it was an unquestioned pillar to their platform. These were high ranking parliamentary individuals. Not some larping teenager in a basement somewhere. Also, your generic knee-jerk reaction to the word 'Socialist' is fairly common. A type of red-neck straw eating anglo reaction, as a short description. I am Ethno-Nationalist, and it would appear even myself as a disconnected Diaspora member knows more about the on-goings than some fat bastard sitting in his shity n. ireland duplex clinging on to his star of david blanket.

The word of the age is acceleration.

Aye, siding with unionists, not becoming unionist. Unionists parties and their followers tend to be more conservative and that is the part they are siding with. These types (I think I could call myself one of these types) reluctantly side with DUP in general politics but are still nationalist through and through. The DUP are more nationalist than SF at this point.

Pict genocide when? We should have killed them all when we colonised Scotland. Fucking pricks.

We kind of did, through conquest and assimilation not much of them left. Except their cups they liked those a lot from what I remember and were found buried with them.

Exactly which is an absolute shame cause I read in a few years the Catholics will finally out number the Protestants. That's why we need to get the NP up and running to show that there is hope

> I am Ethno-Nationalist
Oh aye, i'm sure you are

>and it would appear even myself as a disconnected Diaspora member knows more about the on-goings than some fat bastard sitting in his shity n. ireland duplex clinging on to his star of david blanket
>N.I = loyalist
You just contradicted yourself. You know fuck all.
> The communist I mentioned were motivated towards reunification as if it was an unquestioned pillar to their platform
You talked to some die hard out of touch wishful-thinking middle class cunt and now you think you know it all? Take your big fat yankie (((nose))) out of my country and stay in your Boston Plastic Paddy containment zone.

I agree with the sentiment, but yanks r people too you know

I thought you weren't a yank?
Too many Burgers to keep track of in this General now
I'd have no problem with BTB, he's welcome.

I’m Bill

>not much of them left.
Still too many. God I fucking hate Picts. It must be in my genes or something. I'm certain my ancestors took great pride in genociding the hairy bastards.

Thought so. Diaspora like yourself are an exception.

You're a cringe faggot LARPer and exactly the type of cock sucker you "agreed" with in his sentiment.

Muh Bill the Butcher! YAY!
Muh Hollywood movie faggotry

Fucking derailing retard. Neck yourself faggot

>Welsh-Americans are Irish
>already a huge stretch including Scottish-Americans
Wtf is that picture?
BTFOing anglos by disproving a Jews quote by posting a bunch famous Celtic-Americans?

You look mad.
You are a fag and a concern troll.

Thanks fren

By claiming cheddar man was a nog they already have.

>You're a cringe faggot LARPer and exactly the type of cock sucker you "agreed" with in his sentiment

Oh gee golly whiz.... that image of yours sure has enlightened me. I can't say I've ever encountered such an original art piece.

Are you going to call me a plastic-paddy also? Oh wait, you did. Shucks Richard... you're really pulling out all the stops. What a powerhouse.

Tiocfaidh ár lárp

>Politically Incorrect
>Marxist / Refugees Welcome


Exactly this.
Same thing around the world people bitch nobody will do anything, yet they won't even write a flipping facebook post.

Then stop acting like a platic Paddy, with your poor understanding of the north. I live there, and you call me a loyalist, then claim you know more about the people I live with because you listened to some gullible wee asshole who lapped up all SF's crap.

You said it yourself
>disconnected Diaspora

Are you going to surrender the republican movement to marxists?

How do we get rid of Mormons is Utah country? Every american already hates them. It'll be easy.

He's obviously a shill. He thinks the National Party are British Agents.

>platic Paddy
Toothniggers have no creativity.

wtf is a tooth nigger? did you make that up?

This general is filled with kikes and anglos. Look at them all in union with each other.

Look at them.

Woah! That was a really creative post