The holocaust happened

I haven't seen any significant evidence that could convince anyone that 6,000,000 jews didn't die at the hands of Hitler. I'm open to opposing viewpoints, but this is far-fetched.

Other urls found in this thread:

There are plenty of revisionists who suggest it was more like 2-3 million

the poles did it

Correction: the holocaust NEVER happened, but it should have.

Care to explain what I'm looking at here? How could it of NEVER happened?

This. The deniers are fucking insane. There are so many videos and pictures. They are flat earther tier niggerfags

That's not anywhere near the 1-50 gorillion.

So many videos showing hundreds of bodies.

You're looking at soviet jews killing innocent folk. Just notice the uniforms.

it certainly did now go look up the definition retard.

are being holocausted right now.

Jews have been photoshopping for a while.


the Jews actually don't even originally claim 6 million themselves. They originally claimed it was 4-6 million. They eventually went with the higher number for obvious reasons.

so do they actually tell you the truth or do they start giving proofs for lampshades?

you'll have more information than you have now

6 million is and was always their claim.

I have footage of allied soldiers stripping germans and putting them in mass graves.

Ill give it a watch.
Thanks for the refer

The allies are the only war criminals. It's not even a debate.

Hitler meticulously documented everything he did in order to preserve his legacy yet official Nazi documents say that there were only around 300,000 deaths as oppose to 6 million. It's also worth noting that the majority of deaths happened towards the end of the war due to starvation and infection caused by Germany's crippled supply lines and failing infrastructure.

excited to watch the film then.
Because I know David Irving's work

David Irving is a good man and you should all go look at his material.

Most people just argue the number and method newfag/shill

Yep. Most deaths came from the allied bombings, and since Kek works in mysterious ways... a filthy Kike released a book to smear our last hope, and his book sold out. Ironically, another book by the same name exists and many bought it by mistake.

No clue about the film, i'm just saying Hitler did nothing wrong.

oh ok no problem mate.


Guys...this is a /thread
>In all fields

well that is super interesting

In all fields.

I just dont see the logic in wasting resources during a multi front war feeding and housing millions of jews if all you plan to do is have Hermann Goering can use his peddle powered brain bashing machine on them

Did you see significant evidence that 6 million jews died?

>you can't convice me of what i don't want to be convinced of.
Here, a few steps to fix your life (pic related).

>You're looking at soviet jews killing innocent folk. Just notice the uniforms.

I see a lot of Reichsadlers on the uniforms in Step up your game, shill.

>The holocaust happened

No it didn't

see how this works?

what knot do I use for the other end?

Those are Soviet uniforms


why do posts from 2013 have nazi flags?

>inb4 "nuh-uh they aren't holocaust victims cuz they weren't gassed, only gassing victims are!"
>inb4 "those are all typhus victims, as typhus magically turns people into skeletons even though I can't prove that in any medical literature"
>inb4 "those are starvation victims because allies allegedly bombed all supply lines (although no historian has to date written a book that conclusively links the two together on a large scale, i.e. apart from isolated incidents)"

Just tie to a tree branch and you are good to go.

German uniform, other divisions were different colors. Pic related

Luftwaffe had different designs but that is because they were always in formal military uniform.

The pictures look more like Greek uniforms.

>I haven't seen any significant evidence that could convince me that 6,000,000 jews died at the hands of Hitler. I'm open to opposing viewpoints, but this is far-fetched.
Fixed that for me.

Where is the Nazi armband.
There is no German insignia on these uniforms.

These look greek.

>>"those are all typhus victims, as typhus magically turns people into skeletons even though I can't prove that in any medical literature"
>what is famine?

>>although no historian has to date written a book that conclusively links the two together on a large scale, i.e. apart from isolated incidents
>>no historian has to date written a book that conclusively
>Dissmissing argument by moving goalpost

Look like Ukrainian or Serbian to me. Not German.

This is the German holocaust and it looks bretty good. Enjoy watching it desu

Ya all the way back to the 1800s. 6 million is very important in Jewish Gematria sweety. They can't have their reign until 6 million jews get burnt up. They're basically trying to cheat God. To OP the burden isn't on us to prove to you something didn't happen. That's like asking me to disprove God is a giant spaghetti monster. The burden when you make an outrageous claim of 6 million dead jews + 5 million dead goyims that nobody ever asks about is to show me the proof. Show me the bodies. Even if they burt up all 11 million of them their ashes would be the size of 5-10 football stadiums. Nobody has ever found this ash. There is no way they could have disposed of it. Also ask yourself this sweety why do those 11 million dead people matter more then the 20 million dead people who died during the Holodomor? It's because the same people who caused that larger death are still in control today (Jews). What about the millions of dead Chinks the Japs killed? Why don't you care about them? What about the Turks still denying the Armenian genocide? Why don't you call out Turkey? No it's just this 1 event that must never be questioned or forgotten. Strange. Once you start to put all the different pieces together you'll notice a pattern.

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

Your're looking at NKVD war criminals posing in german uniforms for anti-german atrocity propaganda - same as katyn.



honestly I was thinking a double half hitch. Learned a new knot today, thanks gaucho


The Holocaust is a slow cultural decline of a targeted goy group.
Adolf Hitler Rothschild turned against his own family for the sake of Truth and Justice.

Glad to help, user.

I saw somewhere that this photo was soldiers shooting at other soldiers, not the people in between. You can see from the angle of his rifle that he's not aiming at the woman.

>>inb4 "those are all typhus victims, as typhus magically turns people into skeletons even though I can't prove that in any medical literature"
You're actually retarded, right?

trace a straight line from the soldier's rifle and it goes right through the woman's skull

>t. newfag who doesn't remember roody poos and the people's champions


That too. I think that the original also had an AT cannon in it. This picture was cropped out.

>I haven't seen any significant evidence that could convince anyone that 6,000,000 jews didn't die at the hands of Hitler

so you admit you are new here. you need to LURK MOAR

It's called research beyond le 1 hour utub video XDDD

Show me evidence from medical literature that typhus typically and distinctively emaciates the human body.
As they say, put up or shut up.

>reddit spacing
>"lurk moar"
Shouldn't throw stones newfag

>fuck the Jews, they need to die, the world will be a better place
>the holocaust never happened, it's a lie to make us look bad
The absolute state of Sup Forums.

Either way I will still go through the Jewish community and the Muslim community and the Christian Community and the Buddhist Community and the Hindus and remove the Demons pretending to be Humans that secretly enslave them.

the holocaust(R) killed our stupids off

too bad there is no evidence that russians were instructed to put on german uniforms before employing scorched earth policies.

Great, then provide an actual proven body count, because all the stories I've heard are from "survivors"

Wrong. The correct greentext would be:
>the holocaust never happened
>but i wish it had
>The holocaust didn't happen
>But this time it will
Lurk more newfag

>put up or shut up
Do a 5 second google search. If you're going to earn some shekels at least do a good job at it. You just sound like a complete retard.

>1 post by this ID

Wether the holocaust happened or not is irrelevant most of the time. Denyers will say it didn't to give credibility to Hitler's economic or social policies. Normal people will say it did to refute them. As you can see, it is not an argument.
It's also funny how people who say it didn't happen claim it should have. Like, dude, genocide is not ok. This won't help your cause.

Hello Demon.
I wear the full armor of God.

>5second google search
>days so on

medical literature, pal. you sure you got it? yes? here you are presented with the opportunity to deal me a blow, and yet you are hesitant to strike...hmm...

>Like, dude, genocide is not ok
>This won't help your cause
>your cause
Back to your hole.

I believe the holocaust happened and denying is not worthy. It happened and it was horrible.

No western knight would ever take in part in killing defenseless people without loosing their honor.

I pride myself in only fighting people i perceive of being stronger than me.

There's no glory in fighting a weaker opponent. The only glory of the battlefield comes from defeating a much stronger enemy.

Care to explain what I'm looking at here? How could it have NEVER happened?

>The burden when you make an outrageous claim of 6 million dead jews + 5 million dead goyims that nobody ever asks about is to show me the proof. Show me the bodies
Best post. This is a murder case with 11 million victims. If they can prove to me that a hundred of those 11 million were murdered I will take interest.

Lol JIDF calling people shills. Kys you faggot

Faggot Demons stop pretending to be Grey Ayyy Lmaos they are cool dudes Show your true forms with your big ass scales and wings and 18 foot statures and Ill still take you down with a pebble.

> If they can prove to me that a hundred of those 11 million were murdered
first, define what you consider as murder and what you do NOT consider as murder.

Jews know they can't cheat god and they know they can't fulfill their prophecies until a certain number die. They also know that they will never be killed enmasse like that, hence their plan: spread judaism far and wide while memeing the holocaust as hard as they can. The combination of meme magic and unchecked semitism WILL lead to an ACTUAL holocaust, fulfilling their prophecy. Try some critical thinking, guys.

I'm not claiming anything so I don't have to define anything. Make YOUR claim and we can go from there.


y'all are out in numbers today lmao

>A movie starring a jewess trying to "prove" a jew lie.

Yep. No bias there at all.

Shut the fuck up shit skinned nigger. Yes, telling someone the nazis weren't bad because they didn't kill the jews and then turn around and say that they should have isn't going to convince anyone.
And you are not a nazi, you filthy brazilian missing link faggot.

>Like, dude, genocide is not ok
How much soy do you shoot up a day?

It was all murder.
Hitler dun goofed.

there were axis war crimes, faggot. Not the holohoax, but there were atrocities
"war crime" isn't a subjective word you get to define yourself

You never killed anyone and you wouldn't.

This is the big point that is being detracted from when people get in a fervor about the Holocoasters.
We should be able to have a truthful logical debate on this where no one feels victimized and we move forward with healing and move onto a Startrek esque future living standard.

Jewish victimhood is the heart and soul of the NWO/deep state. It ranks right up there with the Rothschilds money scams. The holocaust is a state sponsored religion.

Cringe. Shut the fuck up.

Based Argies bringing the bants.