People spamming some "peoplekind" memes

>people spamming some "peoplekind" memes
>actually find the video where he says it
>he literally said it as a joke because the woman asking him a question was droning on for several minutes about absolute religious nonsense (like calling motherly love 'mitochondria' and that we all have the 'female aspect of god' inside us, and then before he made the comment, she said that motherly love would save mankind)

Why did Sup Forums believe the media lies?

"I was only pretending to be retarded"

>trying to defend trudeau the muslim loving cuck
fucking leaf


You have to be very autistic to not realize he was joking after watching the video.

>You have to be very autistic to not realize he was joking after watching the video.
You have to be very autistic to defend trudeau

>Why did Sup Forums believe the media lies?
The right wing lies as it's first response to literally everything. Sup Forums probably realized it wasn't the truth. They just saw an opportunity to smear someone they disagreed with.


>defending the truth

If Trudeau fucks up, I don't defend him. He clearly didn't fuck up here. Everyone just took what he said out of context. This shit happens to Trump all the time, too.


>The cult of masculinity sympathetic magic is so desperate they even over-scrutinize the way people sit
It's like you're all terrified closet homos or something.

>not coming to the realization that Trucuck wants to start a race war by acclerating what his father started, by secretly making the whites rise up and hang the browns and hit them with hockey pucks

Why are libcucks so bad at jokes?
It seems they can't tell them or take them.

>was droning on for several minutes about absolute religious nonsense
people who want to teach assfucking to kindergarteners while importing illiterate fanatics indefinitely, don't have a whole lot of credibility when it comes to defining what constitutes "nonsense"

>This shit happens to Trump all the time, too.
but trump isnt trying to destroy his country. Theres no reason to ever stick up for trudeau.


Pic related is taken from the gov of Canada website, he wasn’t joking. You’re the one who is falling for the faggoty leftist media lies. You fucking embarrassment of a Canadian, Ontario needs to burn to the ground along with all you Ontario fags

mindbroke leafs ego-identify with their country

same shit on American government guidelines site

doesn't matter, he represents everything that is wrong with liberals

watch his facial expressions after talking with the prison guard and to the next person about cancer, he's trying to hold back laughter, he's just an asshole

Leaf defending leaf prime-cuckster. Go kill yourself.


analyzing how people sit is a good way to determine proper posture, and ties in with body language which is not what you labeled it as.

Normally when I tell a joke people consider calling the cops I am so hilarious.
What this fag did was not at all funny.
>says something
>"haha guyz, it was intelligent joke, if you don't understand it we put you on government issued medication until you do."
I pretend to be retarded.
It helps me get down to the level of people around me.

>he literally said it as a joke
Emh... no.


Cannukk shill retard

>but trump isnt trying to destroy his country
The people who never stick up for Trump would say the same thing about him.

This. He meant it seriously in the moment but backpedalled when he realized how retarded it made him look and how much kickback he got. If it had been positively received it would have been his further commitment to equality and he would proudly talk about how serious he was.

Doesn' t change the fact he' s a degenerate faggot in a political position.

But that's irrelevant in this situation.

The saddest thing about this whole "peoplekind" things is that nobody can tell whether he is making a retarded joke, or just being himself.

He really didn't sound like he was joking and the audience didn't pick up on that, they interpreted him correctly, that he was being serious.

could not have been worse timing either, because we JUST changed our anthem to be "gender neutral" and not in an informal "wouldn't it be nice if..." way either
it's absolutely impossible to pretend this is a joke on any level, and if it is, you are essentially admitting that current-year philosophy is, in fact, a cruel joke

>they interpreted him correctly, that he was being serious.

If you look at the context, he wasn't being serious.

How long before he changes MANitoba.

I fucking hate truedat so fucking much he is a giant faggot cunt


Unless the most powerful man of your country does it, then that means GIBS!

anthem change in advance of the olympics, who do you think you're kidding?
yourself, obviously

We don't elect our PMs so please don't blame us.

How does it work? Does the ruling party put in power whomever they choose?
>t. burger

>Excuse me but Merkel is the Gerpeople chancellor

Anthem change from a private member's bill in Parliament. Are you underaged, a proxy shill, or just completely dumb and ignorant of how our government works? Don't answer. Just think about it.

ok cuck go defned your islam loving male feminist cuck leader. Youre a fucking retard.
you fell for media lies -

Is that you Gerald Butts?
You arent up to this. Don't even try.

virtue signaller in chief? nope, leaf. he was doing a classic
> how many levels or cuckdom are you in
> I don't know, 5 or 6
> you're like a little babby, HOL MY BEER

>Are you underaged, a proxy shill, or just completely dumb and ignorant of how our government works?
all three, and still have enough basic consciousness to see this for what it is

leaf, try harder, you know, like a quebecois making good poutine!

Who cares he's a cunt and is destroying Canada.

nevermind Trudeau, that girl is a fucking nutjob holy shit


Not an argument. Please read the sticky before posting.

So, you admit you're going by your gut feeling instead of thinking about this rationally. Got it.


they started cheering because they thought he was being serious because he was
just like when they cheered when she she thanked him for giving lots of wopeople governpeoplet jobs
he was talking to an sjw friendly audience and he peoplet it

Funny how canda fag thieves American culture headwear to look cool


>feelings are irrational

Yeah I saw it and it was pretty underwhelming, it did totally sound like he was just joking around. Considering how big of a deal was made of it I had thought it would actually be some kind of sperg out social justice rant, but it wasn't.