This is how a 14 yo acts and talks

This is how a 14 yo acts and talks
Why is the current culture so disgusting?

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Do you or anyone have this picture of the two rather young blondes in red dresses standing outside? I always forgot to save it.


smart people DO NOT REPRODUCE when they are being jewwed. and idiocracy came true.

because jews want nothing but a complete destruction of what is normal and they will prop up anybody and everything that will promote the abnormal and degenerate to normal levels

alienation of normality from the general populace will make everybody accept everything no matter what it is

The Jews won.

found the hoe lmao

Just like animals don't breed in captivity.

gucci shoes

I think you just blown my mind a little. Whites are pandas.

Honestly, you have to admire the courage and bravery of 14yos today.

We must stop the porn JEW and the queer Jew!!!


how do you pronounce heaux
>t. francophone

dear janny you are a faggot, stop stalking me

It's a Jew pushing nigger culture so what, what else is new.

i like how hoes is written as heaux, as if it made the word more french and thus sophisticated
nice touch
very american

Is this a new meme? Wasn't their point to destroy Whites?

She has a cute belly, she does.


in french itd be more like "Ho" the H in that one wouldnt be silent

they are creatures of destruction, they hate literally everybody and if they can use someone for their own benefit they will

that is horrible
this is better desu

What even is this cancer? Here is some actual music to wash your soul after listening to this ... abomination

14-15 year old pussy is the absolutely best.

Didn't understand a word and I speak 8 African languages fluently.

(((media))) took over our culture

one good cleansing deserves another user

>equx = pronounced as oh

Mainstream rappers name the jew pretty often though. Pic related.

what's the problem?

That's part of the Frankfurt communist mission in the US since the beginning of the 20th century. Chiefly brought and financed by (((Jacob Schiff))) and the rest of his NWO. It finally had milestones of success in the civil rights movement, converting nearly all blacks to a (((DNC))) voting bloc when prior to that blacks had stable family values and leaned republican. Democrat gibs replaced the role of fathers. New chain of total dependency formed. Countless organizations like this all started by Jews not to mention all negative black culture is principally owned and promoted by leftist Jews (gangsta culture).



You have to realize first of all that these "stars" are simply people who were picked and who are pushed upon the masses by the Jews. These songs and these people are not loved by everyone, the Jew makes you love them by putting them in your face everyday, everyone is looking at each other and because its on tv there grows a silent consensus that this music or this star must be good because she's on television and look at the ratings!

What actually happens is that Jews take the most Satanic behaving people and creates "artists" of them, meaning they give them the lyrics, create the tune and tell the girl to play a part.

The reason they do this is because they want to normalize this in the collective consciousness, Miley Cyrus being a good example of their psy-op mentality, take something which is sacred and pure and turn it into its opposite.

Nobody likes this music this is the truth, only impressionable teenagers who are in a rebellious mood will gravitate toward this.

The American entertainment industry (and I include the news agencies in this) is one giant psychological warfare program to change how people think, how they act and how society in the end looks.

This is not staying in America I'm seeing this influence spread absolutely everywhere, a recent rapper girl in China being a prime example of this, the Chinese government banned that kind of rap because the Jews were leaking their toxic sludge into China, but because the Chinese government is "totalitarian" and doesn't give a fuck it has the power to fight against this.

This is why the (((west))) is against closed countries, its why they created the "open foundation society" and other front organisations to subvert governments. Putin is reviled because he banned these NGO's from Russia. He knows whats up.

>Why is the current culture so disgusting?
you mean like chan culture?

honestly the girls i hung out with in middle school make her look like a little angel.. ur just a total fuckin pussy

>who are pushed upon the masses by the Jews.
Not every music producer is jewish hahaha youre fukken delusional. Go outside? Maybe clean your room?

And this is why Putin is a litmus test, if someone tells you they hate Putin you can be 100% certain you are talking to a brainwashed drone who has no fucking clue what is happening in the world and how he's being enslaved.

Tell him about the control system and he will laugh in your face and call you crazy, tell him about the state of the world we live in and he will tell you you have a negative attitude.

The entire system is set in place to control us, even the people who are caught up in it behave in ways that preserve the system. The redpill is not just about women, or about the wars, the money lending, feminism, these are all parts of a whole which is coherent in its goal, it is the goal for a one world order, you might cringe at this very sentence, I put it to you that that is the brainwashing kicking in.

There is a literal war out for your mind, this is a spiritual war, this is dead fucking serious, we are in the end times but it can take another 50 years for it to reach the end, all hell is going to break loose.

I don't know about that women can mostly move unharmed up here. Maybe you need to slam down on the culprits really hard down there.

Protecting a target is one thing but taking the enemy is even better.

Just cut them to pieces with ulfberth or shoot them up. The Ulfberth makes people cry before they die.

>Miley Cyrus being a good example of their psy-op mentality, take something which is sacred and pure and turn it into its opposite.

this desu

It's a huge part of their occultism. Take any natural polar opposite and pervert them.

Turn women into feminist men
Turn straight men into homosexuals