
Palestinians receive Samurai status. Fuck israel.

Japan is our greatest ally. Now if only Germany can join this new axis

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Japan is set to recognise the State of Palestine and boost its funding for vital projects in Gaza, in response to the US' damaging cuts to UNRWA. Tags: Japan, Gaza, Palestinian Authority, UNRWA, Taro Kono, Nabil Shaath
Palestinian authorities confirmed on Sunday that Japan is in the process of recognising the State of Palestine and will increase funding to UNRWA, the UN body charged with supporting Palestinian refugees, in a boost to Palestinian statehood amid a turbulent period of violence, aid cuts and diplomatic crisis following Donald Trump's Jerusalem announcement.

if 2 nukes weren't enough we'd be happy to provide more .

Israel can't do anything to Japan. There's no Jews there. Stay mad.

Japan will help form Palestine with a capital in East Jerusalem. Japan will be moving their embassy there shortly.

Its over kike you had a nice run

>Israel can't do anything to Japan

Say hi to daddy muslim pest.

>There's no Jews there.
you do know japan has been run by jews for more then a century right ?
>capital in East Jerusalem
you cant put your capital in the territory of another country , jerusalem is an israeli city.
>Japan will be moving their embassy there shortly.
japan will be moving the bodies of its citizens from its irradiated nuked city centers if they keep fucking with us ,just as when the norks tried to nuke us we fucked them , we can fuck japan as well.

And what is that supposed to mean? Do you really think Japan is afraid of little Israel ?

Japan would wipe Israel off the map if they sent a sub there

You might get one yourself, soon enough.

When i was in tokyo there was a jewelry store with a happy merchant looking logo and i burst out laughing

there are no nuclear-armed threats to israel senpai ,iraqis , and norks\syrians tried and we took care of them , we'll take care of any country that tries to start shit.

shut up goy

An angry seething Jude. What the fuck can you do to Japan? They will be bankrolling Palestinians all over the world since your pet Drumph cut off their aid.

Not a single thing that you filthy Jews can do about this.

Israel will be wiped from the map if it ever launches a nuke so I really wish you fucking would.

You can't lay a finger on Japan, they see great investment by going all in to the Palestine and East Jerusalem project. Will be seen as hero's to billions and will be doing bug business with Muslims. Selling them all types of products and having even more influence around the world. Smart move.

Who cares what the Israelis think, Japan will rebuild Palestine and drop their embassy in east Jerusalem where it should be.

Try and stop them so they can kill all you Jews

Keep messing around in Syria and see if Russia doesn't send you a nuke. Or Iran. Or north Korea, or Pakistan

Except hes right, Japan doesn't let kikes meddle in their internal affairs, you can't subvert them and you can't provoke since they are USA allies and you bet your fucking ass that if burgers had to choose between siding with Japan or your heeb shithole you'd be removed from the face of the earth the next day.

I can't wait to see your kike faces when more powerful countries join the Japanese side and fights for a Palestinian state.

Italy and Germany, you're up

>gimped cuck country with a weak army
>against the most poweful nation on earth
come on senpai bibi can have japan wiped off the map in 20 mins

We'll kill all you fuckin' faggots, bitch. Noses first.

>shitty source, no decent source even mentions this
>shitty arab source claims japan makes a strategic choice regarding palestine, since UN is anti-israel
>some fags think they actually care about anything happening in the midle east

You're fuckin' nothing, faggot. Jews only threaten when they have nothing else, real Jewish attacks are always prefaced with either a smile or an accusation of anti-semitism. Fuckin' smear your nose into that cement until it's gel.

Get fucked by giant palestinian cock you israeli piece of shit
I could of cared less about your shithole, corrupt country or palestine for that matter, but after this last election and your involvement in it, your special interest bullshit, your undermining of a sitting US president for land deals, i hope israel dies a slow and painful death
And I'm gonna fuckin cheer on palestinian independence and shill for it all over the internet just because i hate you and your stupid fuckin country

Again, get fucked

Fuck yeah! Nihon Banzai! Fuck kikes!


Das right you filthy khazar devil.

allahu ACKBAR


>Sticking your neck out to protect low IQ mudslimes

>tiny little Israel
>most powerful country.

Don't make me laugh. Clearly you don't know that Japan has more money than you. Their military is very strong and high-tech.

You can do nothing to threaten Japan and its people. No matter how much they provoke you stupid kikes. They will be the biggest thorn in your ass.

Time to rebuild Palestine and bring their refugees back home. #timesup

Of course you guys back Palestine, because Japan is backing them.

You guys are NAZIS

Nazis need to die off completely!

Punch a Nazi today!!!!!

Hell yes. Glass Israel and salt the earth.

Want another source?



Also EU expressed its support for the state of Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem. Expect European embassy to pop up there too



Japan wtf

I can't wait until Mueller gets Trump and POTUS45 gets Impeached. It will be wonderful.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck anime.

Fake news folks

Anyone read theories that fukishima nuclear plant was bombed?

did we built that sub? btw both sides are crazy.

I hope you are charging the Goyim for that.

Its not fake. Even the Japanese people support this move


Japan will have its vengeance against the Jude for fukishima as well



>eternal jews strikes again

You want me to Pogrom your slut mother?

Have fun having Europe detroy you if that happens.

Most likely. Germany didn't sell Israel any subs that can launch nukes anyways so fuck them

Not for long. Soon Drumpf will send his jewish slaves to fight for Israel.


fucking kill yourself kike enabler


I wonder which country gets Israel first if they use a nuke?



the whole NATO will be all over them. They'll just refund palestine

So basically Amerimuttistan is literally the only "civilized" country left supporting israel

europe is a rapefugee camp , its nowhere near as powerful as israel and is only getting weaker .

What is Israel going to do with that? Hit Japan?

>200 kiloton

Yeah Jews will bring about the apocalypse with nuclear weapons that size.

kek. Keep believing this. I can't wait until every kike is killed by muslimes and europeans alike

Europe can and will crush you if you go rouge

Israel needs to be turned into a nuclear wasteland

Oh come-on
they have a chance.....

To defeat us that is...They still gonna get raped.


Brussells also helps foil the US Zionist plot. Jews should fear what happens next.

You thought having a Zionist slave called Trump would give you everything you ever wanted? Well think again

>(((widely believed))) to be equipped with a 200 kiloton
whatever you want to believe senpai
either way we're orders of magnitude more powerful then japan and all of its potential allies .

Your country is smaller than New Jersey. Do you think any powerful non-Muslim country is afraid of you?

>honestly thinking you can withstand both europe and every fucking muslim in the middle east attacking you
I'm convinced you're just stupid at this point

EU is becoming more and more anti-jewish. Kike fly from France and UK. We will start opening death camps again

Japan can built nukes in 14 days. Gotta be fast.

defeat us in rape statistics maybe , europeans abandoned the ways of nationalism and have embraced sucking the dicks of rapefugees that have 0 respect for them.

Japan and its allies can destroy your air force and your navy. Don't try anything stupid

Israel I hope you get nuked so hard one of these days.

japan can become a nuclear wasteland in less then it takes for you to watch an episode of evangelion . the entire world will thank us for putting those slants back in their place like USA did in 45.after 20 years quality of anime will improve.
aint gonna happen mutt , we do the nuking, we're in control.

Until the asian masterrace takes over the world and you lose your fucking control.

The US wouldn't let you. Japan is an important ally in the pacific.

>the entire world will thank us

Oh they'll thank you alright. They'll hit you harder than Lybia

US is a vassal state of israel , bibi tells kushner to nuke japan , kushner tells trump . next day trump tweets that 2 nukes weren't enough and they had it coming after tokyo is fucking flatterned .

Based Nippon. Not even the deviousness of the kikes can break their samurai spirit.

True Aryans. Hitler would be proud.

Shut up Schlomo. We just like black dicks, that's all.

Fix your mudslime problem first, greaseball

>bibi tells kushner to nuke japan
Bibi is going to jail bro.

telesurtv is well known for being the most credible news "website" out there

the actual real news by reuters is not refering to japan in any way, i dont even need to click it to know that

You might think that Muslims are bad for war crimes and suicide bombing but you don't want to get the Japanese started again.

keep dreaming, you are not able to survive without the US plus you would prob already have gone crazy if the US hadn't stop you. Why are the palestinians still there?




He's working with Saudi Arabia to setup a Palestinian state.

JERUSALEM is not israeli you fucking faggot . international law is above you filthy jews

Jews fight with words and manipulation, nips fight with swords and honor. I would love to see this war happen

Friendship ended with Germany. Now Japan is my best friend

oh lawd I've gotta visit japan I've been wanting to for a few years now

too bad you cant afford it with your ridiculously low income. but keep dreaming slovenia, one day youll visit the land of the waifu

Fucking hell, jews are disgusting. I hope Hezbolla will kill every one last of you, dirty khazar niggers.

5 replies in the thread and I can hear the K V E T C H I N G if I listen carefully haha buttmad kikes

As much as I hate liberal Jews
People > Jews > Sandmonkeys

Very nice. I wish our cuck goverment would take a stand.

>Implying Japan would ever care about any of the goat fucker countries.
They literally have no reason to give a fuck about anything. Their economy is amazing , even in recessions Japan's economy has done half decent, better than the west.
Their military is building strength and Japan has never mad a bad piece of steel. And the sauce is probably sensationalist.
2/10 thread Sup Forums took the bait as usual.

Good goy

This is correct.

As expected from an Amerimutt

That day is coming soon

If one holocaust wasn't enough....

listen here krautnigger. I can and I will so take your new bmw and shove it up your ass fagboi

Says the barbarian

Fucking this.

ofc youd like to steal my bmw, because buying is obviously not an option with 500€ a month

what international law? its the capital of israel and under israeli government and law .
quit being assblasted senpai , the time of goys is overs . your countries will be either unstable third world shitholes or 'first world' rapefugee camps where your women are raped by people that can not be arrested because that would be racism. its too late now and it fucking baffles me how the fuck did you goys not see it coming.


don't underestimate the Slovene, My Hun friend. they speak like 4 different languages at a minimum. You and I are stuck with German, English, and nigger.