Nature needs to be cleansed. Nazi policy towards animal cruelty was a good start, but we need to go even further. A next good step would be gassing all carnivores from the face of this earth or genetically alter them to become herbivores.
The way many carnivores kill their prey is pure evil and cruel. We do not have to respect ''mother nature'' and neither is should she be protected from our influence. In fact it is our Aryan duty to cleanse this planet from this type of existence.
Hyenas for example tear up their prey by biting in their rectums and tearing up their preys anuses so they can tear out the intestines. The preys can stay alive for 30 minutes while half ot their body is gone.
Some behaviors of these animals is even worse than that of mexican cartels. If we aim to exterminate the cruelty of these cartels it would be hypocritical to not exterminate the cruelty of these hyenas. Those mexicans are also just another animal just like hyenas, and if we're willing to exterminate one set of behavior then why can't we exterminate another. All it takes for this evil to continue to triumph is for us to do nothing about it. Mother nature or gods creation is not holy and whoever is responsibile for this mess on this earth is an evil fuck and it is our Aryan duty to fix it. Justice is one our side.
It is a massive undertaking but in a few centuries we can achieve it. We start with one species and then move on to another, observing the effects on the surrounding environment. of course we will not do it all quickly and irreversibly because we are not idiots and we know we must observe the effects on the environment. But gradually we have the power to cleanse everything and undo Satan's work and recreate the Paradise on earth.
Gavin Hughes
lol retard this will collapse the whole food chain
Julian Parker
David Lopez
Fuck off retard
Asher Adams
You're actually right, but you're going about it incorrectly. What needs to happen is for humans to be a moderating factor instead of a destructive one. Put all carnivores in captivity and feed them lab grown meat or meat alternatives, obviously being considerate of their nutritional requirements. Then act as a controlling force by giving megafauna birth control when their numbers might be getting too large (usually that's mostly a mythological concern hunters made up anyway).
Angel Nguyen
This is stupid on a whole new level. I'm impressed. Also, let's outlaw water and oxygen.
Kevin Barnes
bump just a warning op, there's going to be a lot of butthurt libtard shills itt
Jeremiah Green
Just fuck my planet up
Ethan Adams
Only feline predators should be allowed to live They kill quickly and by surprise
Adam Wilson
Well, we already tried taxing carbon... Might work!
Dominic Thompson
You sir lack ambition. We have the capacity to control nature, and we will develop our tools. We are no longer primitive cavemen. This is our duty. We aren't merely puppets part of a bigger scheme anymore. We do not have to abide nature laws. We are reaching the point where we will have control over everything. Then, to stay inactive, is morally corrupt.
>159740927 That sounds like a good plan.
Elijah Smith
OP are you one of those people who pee themselves when they see a snake eating a rabbit on youtube?
Wyatt Allen
Well humans are already doing a fine job of that.
Aiden Mitchell
do you think we're magic or something
Blake Hall
>Then, to stay inactive, is morally corrupt. Agreed. The Prime Directive was always immoral. Doing nothing is consenting to evil.
Isaac Powell
>he says this when it's widely known that felines go out and literally torture shit just because they can, sometimes without even eating or finishing their prey off
Ethan Lopez
>Being so fundamentally hostile to life you try and destroy the world.
You're a cancer OP.
David Gutierrez
It's not actually that hard. It's something that's been discussed for years already. The problem is getting humans to work for something benevolent rather than malevolent. That's the impossible part, since humans are demons.
Luis Howard
I mean we are, but it nowhere as bad as gassing all carnivores.
Jackson Smith
water and oxygen are racist because they help white people.
Lucas Green
>Nature is beautiful so I'm going to play god and destroy it.
Jackson Smith
You're a fucking idiot
Gavin Martin
t. vegan shill trying to appeal to nazis
Samuel Diaz
>Being so fundamentally hostile to life that you think "enjoying nature" means killing animals.
It's much worse than that actually. Humans have ALREADY wiped out most of the large animals on this planet. Entire continents look nothing like they should. North America should have FOUR species of elephants. It has zero.
You LITERALLY just described how a hunter argues.
Carson Gutierrez
>humans are demons If you care more about an animal than your own kind then you are mentally ill. Please neck yourself race traitor
Logan Murphy
Shoot all the birds for China! It will work out great!
Landon Ortiz
I care more about all life than some petty, narcissistic little sociopaths.
Adam Thompson
Except when they don't.
Nolan Diaz
Magic is technology. The technology of today was magic 100 years ago. Through technology we can achieve everything and mold nature's laws around us and end the suffering on this planet. We are the dominant species on this planet. By that fact we have the full natural BIRTHright to enforce our control over nature and do as we see fit. We do not have to ''respect'' the brutality of nature. That stage has long passed. We do not propose doing all of this in a day. This is a massive, gradual undertaking that we are morally obliged to do and do as good and professional as possible.
Jaxson Young
"Untouched" nature is perfect on itself. There is nothing that needs to be changed, you cock sucker.
Joseph Collins
Kill all animals.
Andrew Ortiz
you want to purge carnivores because you think they're too icky why we would be desperately trying to keep the food chain from collapsing for what reason?
Levi Green
There is no "untouched" nature anywhere on the planet. Even the deep ocean trenches now have our waste in them. The world "untouched by humans" was gone over 100k years ago. It's time for humans to stop playing innocent after millennia of destruction and start making the world better, not worse.