Have you begged for forgiveness yet, Sup Forums?

have you begged for forgiveness yet, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


"Tar baby"

Have you cleaned your foreskin?

Q predicted this

Predicted what?

please tell me this isn't an MIT students work...

not to sound racist, but what is the N word?

it's plainly on there, N*****


That black shape looks kind of familiar

>>Black hands stealing the bricks
Top geg

The black codes were passed in the 1860s. What the fuck are they talking about?

My first thought as well

>Touching your hair is bad
>Drugs are good
Honestly, slavery was a mistake. Why Britain let it happen and why the states didn't remove them I'll never know.

You realize AJ was talking about the Indians in your pic, right?

It seems like the perfect place to put La Creatura, but that's just me.

Fine, here's a better one

>niggers openly in sedition and admitting they plan to destroy the United States
It's getting close.
Race for now. Gas the bikes.

>"Oscar's So White"
Oscar sounds like a classy guy.

Who is the war on drugs a black thing? Are they assuming all black are on drugs? Those racists cunts




>demons emerging from the void beyond the wall while your attention is attempted to be diverted by petty and inane issues
pretty astute I have to admit

Was waiting for this.

Who's touching their hair? It's so nappy and disgusting.

Every single one of those "arguments" is a logical fallacy or blatantly wrong and could be easily debunked in 5 minutes if they were the object of a thread here

>Niggers ruining America
Accurate pic


Friendly white people curious about people's differences. Mostly women and children.
THEY MUST BE PURGED (but let's ignore that everyone with straight/non-nigger hair does this and focus on the whites, they vote for conservative policies.)

Thanks for getting a picture of it, I didn't want to stop and look
it is

yea I honestly didn't want to spend any amount of time looking at that shit, but when I started reading it I cracked up pretty hard.
Fuck the administration for allowing this bullshit in the infinite though


>The American flag the symbol or our nation and the thing that unites us is being systematically destroyed and undermined brick by brick by hateful creatures that look like they're from the mines of moria in LOTR.
Is whoever made this secretly /ourguy/? Or I guess do niggers see themselves as destroying the once best nation of the world as a good thing? Who do they think will feed Africa once America collapses?

>using ghetto as a synonym for ugly, broken, uneducated or dirty
but that's ghetto means you fucking idiotic niggers

*that's what ghetto means

>an evil darkness using niggers to dismantle our nation from the inside

i got this today

top shelf

Literally all of these complaints are either dumb petty whinyfaggotry or shit like "wow I can't BELIEVE the cops would arrest us for committing crimes!"

Really shows how close to apes and far from humans these assholes are.

>why isnt there a white tv network
>perception of our hair as unkempt
>oscars so white
>can i touch your hair
lol, this shit is so fucking trivial, yeah im sure people asking to touch your hair is what is holding you violent disgusting creatures back from greatness

>Fuck the administration for allowing this bullshit in the infinite though
They have no other option, Boston is where this shit originates. Steven Pinker even mentioning that the "alt-right" people actually are more factual than liberals is controversial
>be me
>take race-based/wgs class because I feel the need to understand opposing perspectives to figure out if these issues can be solved
>first day of class
>"what's your pronouns"
>nottu dis shittu
>students talking about how aware they are of the problems in the world
>mention something about "redpilling"
>teacher laughs it off and says "they believe in pizzagate" in that smug liberal way
>end up talking to a black girl after class who was like "I was agreeing with everything this guy is saying," tried to gently nudge her to break out of the materialistic-power struggle way of viewing the world
>still waiting on empirical data that suggests racial issues can be transcended like class issues were by the national socialists
this is gonna be a fun class

hope you like being violently assaulted with bricks by soy boys and pavement apes

>Living in MA
I see at least one glaring hole in your plan user.


But user we do believe in pizza gate

>soy boys
they go along with what is popular and whatever they can latch their identity on to. If they actually talked to me I know how to both morally shame them as inferior beings and rationally show the incoherence in their beliefs. The most common response would be "that's unrealistic," which is exactly what all small minded people think
>pavement apes
i have no illusions about them or other tribalistic groups
eh, I have no fear or shame regarding my views, because they can appeal to all people from any background.
I personally never took the time to look into it. It shouldn't surprise anyone that people with power want what those without power cannot have.

The whole conspiracy was pretty retarded. Basically there’s a supposed sex ring for children below pizza shop that Hillary’s campaign manager mentioned once. This sex ring is supposed to be located in said shops basement, yet pizza shop has no basement, a police search found nothing because the shop has no fucking basement.

I wouldn't be able to stand that shit desu. why WGS is a department in an INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY baffles me.
There are more fucking decorations and displays around campus than if we had personally won ww3 or something. Of course, if you dare question it you're an instant racist.

>I wouldn't be able to stand that shit desu
I thrive off conflict, but I've been on Sup Forums so long that I'm not receiving challenge to my viewpoints, so I'm looking for it from the other direction, that's the only reason.
>why WGS is a department in an INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY baffles me.
Just wait until we're able to do futanari surgery and turn traps into real girls. These are the real issues of our time.

I kinda there was an anonymous imageboard just for a class or a university, I would want that whole department to watch this video.
>There are more fucking decorations and displays around campus than if we had personally won ww3 or something.
It's just a not-so-subtle way of saying "If you disagree with us, you're not welcome here."
>if you dare question it, you're an instant racist.
You have to have tact, logic, and morality on your side if you want to discuss this stuff here, if you lack any of those you're pure evil. Understand the worldview that pervades this place, scientific materialism coupled with liberalism. If you want genuine unity, then you have to first undermine materialism, where value is determined by the quantity of stuff one has, and replace it with a worldview based on idealism and consciousness, where value is determined by one's character and behavior.


>I kinda there was an anonymous imageboard just for a class or a university
mitchan.org my guy
although its pretty deserted

It's [redacted]

La creatura...

Is this display supposed to show niggers stealing bricks?

>can I touch your hair?
I don't get it.

There's this thing in the US going around that a black person's ch-ch-ch-chia-afro has the texture of a brillo pad. I don't know why they get uppity about it, but it's better than arguing about rape statistics, at least

>403 Forbidden
Need to be on ethernet? I'll see if I can get on it at an athena cluster


Apparently, there are wypipo who want to touch lousy, greasy, kinky wool that niggers call hair.

huh. You needed to just be on an mit network, but I guess its dead now; I can't get on.

Nothing at an Athena cluster. Does anyone know who made it? Was it just a vichan fork? I'd had the idea but didn't know how to get a site to check for an mit certificate

idk who made it. It didn't check for certs, just if you were on mit wifi/ethernet. Pretty sure it was based on Tinyboard

I'll see if I can make a replacement, unless you're 6, in which case you'd do better than me :^)

The states DID remove them. We sent them to Liberia but a black ethnostate was such a shithole they had rather lived under white supremacy and came back.

Poor dude was going to write "nigger" but then he had a heart attack.
