Why was this allowed?
Why was this allowed?
Because no1 would sexualize that.
Because Miyazaki is an actual pedophile despite talking shit about modern sol anime
because it's safety shorts, not panties
you can tell because they're shorts
looks like a diaper
Those are bloomers.
Sadly this
Japs have always liked loli. I bet 4 new loli doujins have released yesterday alone.
Because not everyone is a pedophile like you and feels aroused by babby pantsu.
Good shoot user, here, you can have this
>this shit tier quality
what's the point?
Why was this allowed?
Because most people aren't pedophiles like you
I don't know
Are you guys going to see this in theaters in a couple weeks?
>Miyazaki has a diaper fetish
i'm gonna try
Hayao "I love little girls" Miyazaki wills it
It's just a poofier version of bike shorts/spats
>all these lolicons trying to claim that Miyazaki's a pedophile because they're still buttblasted that he hit the nail on the head when he said they're the reason anime is dying
It was a mistake.
Because Japan.
Bloomers are the patrician's taste in pantsu
Maybe so, maybe no.
>talking shit about modern sol anime
>Anime is dying
>Anime is objectively growing faster than ever with double digit growth every year, more popular globally than ever, more anime being produced than ever, and better in every objective measurable way.
Both Miyazaki and retards that spew this "anime is dead"meme need to off themselves
And yet wages aren't rising and there's less and less people working harder and harder on more and more. The industry WILL collapse, it is not sustainable.
>better in every objective measurable way
It was a different time.
it's ok when miyazaki does it
>less and less people working harder and harder
Except not, there's more people than ever. Animators and production staff aren't a finite resource and there are actually more now than ever before and animation studios now have more employees than ever before including animators.
You can argue that since the industry is bigger and more corporate now than in Miyazaki's day that it is less passion driven and thus people aren't working as hard because they don't care as much but that is a fallacious argument at best and even if it was true I can just as easily argue that the much more sophisticated tech, standards, and practices of the current industry more than compensate for the lack of passion.
What is measurable is quality and variety, and the fact is as much as people love to paint the industry as otaku pandering trash, there is more variety than ever before. Hell in the 70's and 80's nearly every single anime out was a mecha, and lets not forget that while classics are classics the average show was absolute shit. The shittiest anime out today is 1000x better than the average anime out in the 70's in terms of production value, animation, sound, voice acting etc...
The fact that wages aren't rising is more a case of shitty business practices like outsourcing and loophole hunting. But that is the case across nearly every industry, wages hasn't risen with inflation in decades
Why was this allowed?
>bloomers shot
>a problem
Remember when showing people is an embarrassing position was more to have a good laugh than anything else?
Nowadays, Sup Forums is only about "muh fap". The IQ sure isn't high at all 'round here.
Don't post those grotesque things here.
With the invention of internet everything is a fetish.
Internet was a mistake.
Watch Porco Rosso, it's literally a movie about him being an old pig man who needs to be saved by a young girl's kiss. There's also a scene where he rescues a bunch of naked lolis.
His hatred of lolicon and otaku definitely stems from self-loathing.
I don't understand what's so bad about being an actual lolicon. Probably jealous old hags' propaganda and brain washing and all that.
>his hatred of lolicon and otaku
user you know those quotes aren't real, right?
I'm not talking about the fake quotes
Miyazaki is obviously a pedo. He makes movies targeting a really young female audience and almost all his MC are young girls
If he would be a pedo, then the romances would happen with same age guy.
Some pedos don't want little girls to be defiled by a gross old man.
While that's true, it's an incredible niche of them that wants same age relationship.
>gross old man
more like upstanding young adults.
Then what are you talking about?
The real quotes, like the one from the 80s where he rants about arguing with lolicons, or the scene in The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness where he criticizes otaku
His critique of otaku doesn't come from self-loathing, it comes from otaku sucking at filmmaking. You're gonna have to source me on the lolicon stuff, I'd be interested in reading it.
I tried but couldn't find the quote again. I don't remember any specific wording from it.
He criticized otaku for their nature and denied being one himself, but the director of the documentary tried to argue otherwise herself, in a funny way. She cut directly from the scene of him criticizing otaku to a scene of him playing with a toy plane with Anno. He's obviously a plane otaku at least
His critique was more that otaku were draining the realism of actual human interactions in anime by only wanting to see their magically perfect waifus and self-insert fantasies because they have no real world experience. When Miyazaki put a little girl into a film, it wasn't so the audience could masturbate to her and order an onahole with her face on the box; he was just literally putting a little girl in a movie.
Also, you know good and damn well, that when he was asked about being an otaku, they meant otaku in the modern "I jerk off to Kodomo no Jigan and have sent death threats from my mom's basement to an Idol because she dared be in the same room as another man than me" definition and not the broad "nerd of something" definition.
Sure, Miyazaki likes planes quite a bit, and the way he writes about them shows that. But otaku is a loaded term. All he's saying is that too many people in the industry create based on anime they've seen before, instead of being inspired by real life or real experiences. I think this is a problem that extends to nearly every artistic industry.
Because not everybody is as sexually repressed as the west, to the point that anything even remotely tied to something even remotely sexual is showered in attention.
Maybe it would help everyone to just loosen the fuck up every now and then and not foam at the mouth every time they see undergarments.
You really think that? I mean, I can see more little kid panties in cartoons and TV shows than in anime these days.
>there is more variety
Literally most of the anime coming out is CGDCT SOL or isekai garbage.
Because there's nothing sexual about it. Japs didn't give a shit about showing children naked back then.
To be fair Miyazaki does put a lot of little girls as protags in his works.The only difference that matters between him and the otakus he despises is he can make good movies.