Quit trying to subvert Jordan Peterson

I've been undercover in a leftist discord for several months. The person they hate and want to destroy the most is Jordan Peterson. It's not even close. This man has them scared yet there's people on this board who want to see him burn because he's not a 1488 skinhead.

He's turning people away from the Left. That means we can pull them in our direction before the SJW indoctrination sets in and hardens like cement.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I've been undercover in a leftist discord for several months.

how many autisms do you have?

A fucking leaf

He doesn't belong on this board.
Let him shill in the mainstream media his jewish masters control.
Stop posting these threads anytime.

Your bullshit undercover story is terrible
Peterson is supposed to appear as the enemy of the left so he can change his opinion midway and say "I've seen the light dear xer's and xim's"!

He's a usefull starting point for redpilling normies as is Sargon, Milo and PJW

Agreed. We need different voices at different parts of the spectrum. They will reach people like themselves.
Not everyone can go full Sup Forums at this stage.

>there's people on this board who want to see him burn because he's not a 1488 skinhead.
Most of it leftypol larping as hardcore nazis who want rightwingers to abandon every potential ally we have. The rest of it are unironic retards who don't care about building a coalition. They just want to waste away in their bedroom until they die of a pulmonary embolism.

I think we all know it is /leftypol/, antifa, and other leftwing undesirables shilling against him at this point.

Send proofs

Jordan is an intelligent man, he's either covering up extremely well or in the last stages of resistance against the final redpill. Either way it's only a matter of time before the illusion crumbles and he starts dropping hints about the Jews. Then people are really going for to start waking up.

The ship is sinking.

He's done a shitty patch job. But the whole thing needs to be mothballed.

Hes not helping hes going to get us all killed.


I've been asked to post screenshots of this discord but that would be fucking retarded. They would shut down immediately. Let these fuckers wonder if it's *their* discord that's infiltrated.

Kill yourself Peterstein cultist shill. Keep shilling him here and we will keep exposing him for the subversive agent that he is.

Jordan B. Peterson has been exposed as a Zionist:



Download full quality, mirror and share (jewtube is already censoring the video):

> Putting Peterson and Sargon alongside Milo and PJW

Are you retarded? Milo and PJW say 90% of the right things, Sargon and Peterson oppose the right things

Nobody but the Peterson cult believes this 'erryone din dun like urr Daddy's a shill' tinfoil hattery


>poltards needs a father substitute telling them to make their beds
That explains a lot.

>Jordan Peterson spends 80% of his time punching to the right
>people who say he’s a bitch for countersignaling the far right instead of bringing moderates further right are the shills
Fuck off pussy, he would rather fight fake nazis to look like a good boy than do his fucking job
When you value the left patting you on the head more than saving the West you’re a bitch

He's a Jew shill. It's not that he refuses to answer the JQ, this is forgivable, it's that he openly admits to advocating individualism (what got us into this nihilistic mess of a society in the first place) for white men so that they don't band together in the face of existential threats and cause anuddah Shoah. He's a shill, a subversive working for (((them))) posing as le benevolent Reddit philosopher and eDaddy.

Dont worry about the ethnic replacement, just clean your room goy.

Yeah thats logic right there champ.

A jewish faggot (milo) says all the right things....?
Cmon desu

Where has he said this. Show sauce or die faggot

Ameriguns are dumb. He is candian keep in mind. He is "conservative" up there. For us hes more like a California republican

>The person they hate and want to destroy the most is Jordan Peterson. It's not even close.

WTF, I love leftists now! STRASSERISM WHEN?!

>it's that he openly admits to advocating individualism (what got us into this nihilistic mess of a society in the first place)

Welcome to all of Western Civ since the enlightenment. Older people that are setup with a family before things declined too far aren't going to speak against democracy. Can't hold it against him, he isn't an undercover agent.

Got any screenshots from that undercover discord?
Ok so now we have an unknown person making spurious claims in defense of Jordan Peterson.
I'd say that's more evidence that he's a Zionist Trojan Horse than we had before you posted.

>>Jordan Peterson spends 80% of his time punching to the right

What planet do you live on, jfc

He spends like 99% of his time shitting on the left, and occasionally tosses in a "Nazis were bad too"

Other than groaning about muh black cock, Milo says pretty much all the right things, including being honest on the JQ.

He's a bit weak on the race question but doesn't deny race and IQ.

Peterson unironically believes lampshades and soap happened.

The left is scared of Peterson b/c he's the only person with differing views they even partially listen to or hear about.

His ideas are really the most realistic avenue to better the U.S.

Too many in /pol for some reason think its actually possible to create an ethnostate which is never going to happen.

(((si5XKAsN))) confirmed Mossad operative.

agreed. he's by far a net benefit to us.

I agree totally. Like it or not Jordan Peterson is one of the most "redpilled" mainstream personality in North America. Just because he's not into all the retarded bullshit Zionist conspiracies doesn't mean he's 100% full of shit. You people have never heard of a compromise have you?

Nah, mostly just a lurker. But there are some really unrealistic (sometimes hypocritical) thought patterns here.

Yes the us needs the revolutionary ideas for individualism and anti communism to really change it for the better.

So you normally lurk but when someone threatened your tribe you decided to reddit space your way on into the conversation?
Is that the long and short of it rabbi?

Pretty much faggot

Get the fuck out leftypol. Not everybody here is a raging antisemite. I usually don't say anything about the antisemitism but when it comes to leftypol pretending to be Nazis to d&c this place that is another matter.

Peterson is very important. Only a shill or fool would attack him.

The anti Peterson threads are OBVIOUSLY shill threads.

Ask yourself who would want to ignore/avoid/SHUT DOWN a man who advocates self improvement and critical thinking.

hmm ya think who would want to suppress him. just take a moment and think it thru... real hard now.

Peterson is a gift from god and a based leaf.

I keep say it: he's the strongest resource we have. So what if he's not for a white enthnostate, he's for meritocracy which will result in a natural white domination.

> Sargon and Peterson oppose the right things
Sargon and Peterson use logic and criticism, tools that utterly demolish leftist arguments

The "right stuff" (if it's logically sound, which, a lot of it isn't) can come later

>people pretending that people like Jordan Peterson aren't left, just because they're against SJW types

I'm tired

>I usually don't say anything about the antisemitism
Except for when someone attacks my rabbi, then I go HARD. Isn't that right Shlomo?

>2 posts by this ID and no evidence

>hey theres this dead meme from 2 years ago that will make us fit in with conservatives on message boards just say youre tired

fuck outta here with your shit.
Peterson is the hero everyone left or right deserves. lucky for the right because were the only ones capable of self reflection or self improvement

.youre an obvious shill. Bud.

So where's those undercover discord screenshots.
or is this thread just full of kike shills complaining that some of the goyim know?

Wait Milo says there's a jewish conspiracy going on?

Why they hate him mate?

Are you retarded sir?


>that means we can pull them in our direction
>before the left indoctrinates
Absolute delusion lol. Hopefully most of you are able to see everything wrong with that sentence

He plays the Laura Loomer card
"Yeah we're overrepresented in the media but it's because we're smarter than the goy, that's all. Anything else is anti-semitism."
Milo in his book "Dangerous" said he was a Zionist because Jews have never been safe.
Personally I think he's a Zionist because he's a kike and that's his nature.

You said everything that needed to be said...threads over before it started

Close, he admits they're both tribal and control a lot of pretty much everything.

He does admit Jews are tribal and nepotistic, but he does make excuses for it

He's quite lukewarm admittedly but if he helps to push the overton window away from the left then I'm not going to counter signal him.

> Race and IQ isn't logically sound
> Race realism isn't sound
> The truth that 99% of history was ethnonationalistic and civic nationalism adn globalism are literally and invention of the last 50 years and threaten to destroy a good part of the world isn't sound


Also, Sargon falls right the fuck apart when questioned. I don't see why anyone thinks he's logical, he's mostly snark and emotional response.

youre the one shilling against Peterson. give me 5 reasons right quick of why everyone should disregard his advice on self improvement.

if you cant, try 3 reasons.


yeah well he also covers for gay men who sleep with underage boys so he's not exactly "saying all the right things".
Saying all the right things would be exposing the pedophiles who are currently raping children that he knows the names of.

Yup seen the same shit

To add to this though, I do see him punching right a lot and condemning 'NAAAHHTTZEESSS' which I gotta admit is quite off putting.

This is not a 1488 board, or an alt-.. ok it's an alt-right board, but that's because it's so fun to subvert and destroy the right. NO this is a troll board, a board for fun and peace, and trololols. And attention. So fuck off with your too serious shit. Idealogies come and go but fun, fun is always there. Pol is like an imp demon that wants to pull everyone's pants down. Owe it to ourselves to protect the white race (cause we're white).

>He's turning people away from the Left
I don't think he's trying to turn people away from the left. Rather, he's demonstrating there's more to gender relations than we can ever imagine and we need to think before acting.

The right just wants to be done with this whole thing and not even debate it. That's not what JP is saying.

It’s not real skinheads, it’s jews and leftists larping like WP to seed doubt and distance us from his truth.

Anybody who scares the Jews is automatically cut off financially.

They exposed his stupidity in that department because he was saying everything else that needed to be said, backing it up with facts and gaining ground

>leans into mic

1) His series on the Bible is just a series on NOT believing the Bible.
He wants you to believe in the unconcious wisdom of men, not God. A very Jewish notion.
2) He pushes anti-depressants as a cureall.
3) He's dishonest, he said "I can't" when posed the JQ which means he knows and won't say.
4) He's a hypocrite who censored Faith Goldy for speaking to white nationalists.
5) He shits on trabalism but only for non-Jews.
6) "Hitler was actually more evil than we think"
7) Kermit the frog sounding cross dresser
8) Can't even get the first bit of Genesis right but thinks he's qualified to talk about it.
9) massive shilling efforts by (((alternative media)))
10) Charging money for online personality tests.

Exactly people don't understand that even people like sargon still help us

I think it's JP who refuses to debate the right, not the other way around

So JP having making over a million buckaroos a year should prove he's a Jew shill right?

You're an idiot.

"he's a degenerate race mixing homosexual, but he's our degenerate racemixing homosexual"




Seriously. /leftypol/ has admitted time and again that their only useful tactic is splitting Sup Forums's base by promoting infighting re: "e-celebs" and influencers. Peterson is one of the left's most hated figures, and this place wants to see all his good work undone simply because "muh jews". Fuck the fuck off.

this board is for pretty much anything (as long as its 1488)

> He's a Zionist pro-Jew anti-white identity shill, but he's our Zionist pro-Jew anti-white identity shill"

>putting Peterson alongside Sargon

You are the only retard here.

>Nazi flag
>Merchant meme
Yeah, definitely a proud pol member and not a dirty soy eater.

He literally said the only reason they control everything is high IQ and the conspiracies are "anti-intellectualism". He is a piece of shit.

The goy Alex Jones sat there and agreed with him, btw.

>good work
>fighting against white identity, attacking religion, pushing anti depressants, and scamming vulnerable young men into paying him untold sums of money

Mmmm, the jew arguments start to make a lot more sense when you realize how much pilpul you guys do.

Like this post, strawmanning all the complaints against his white disarmement beliefs and myriad hypocrisies as just "muh jews".

Peterson is doing more harm than good

who cares, hes not really political he is more philosophical with a little anti-marxist sprinkled in

Memeflags and Leafs attacking JBP again.
I don't smell anything...


Are you literally retarded? Post a picture of yourself and your age. I want to see with my own two eyes what kind of idiot you are.

You know this is a respectable critique because of the EDM playing in the backgr... erm, foreground

That's not what I'm saying. He's interested in helping the left (and the right) avoid social catastrophe.

>Faith Goldy
She's an idiot. Why would he waste time with her and others like her?

Why are you showing me Johnny Quest cartoons, fuck off and die too

American left-liberal with left-anarchist sympathies, a background doing aid work in Africa, and partially Ashkenazi Jewish heritage here (not bait, I swear).

I like Jordan Peterson a lot. His paranoia about PC culture is silly, but his emphasis on personal development is great. I support 95% of what he does. You kids are paranoid and delusional, as usual.

I do really fucking hate Stefan Molyneux, though.

Because censorship is wrong.
And because he claims to be for free speech.
He literally "shut it down" on her for SPEAKING to white nationalists. Not for being a white nationalist or anything, just speaking to them and not attacking htem enough.

>he's not a 1488 skinhead
exactly the problem with him









He's also pulling people from the RIGHT and drawing them into a lifetime is pacifism and personality quizzes

Says the increasingly nervous Jew.
No one talks like that outside of Druge report comment sections btw.
If you're going to shill on Sup Forums Moshe, know your audience.


More like he's pulling people from the MUH JEWS MUH 1488 MUH ETHNOSTATE MUH ALL NIGGERS MUST HANG

What does PJW say that Peterson doesn't that's right?