This is getting a bit fucking silly now. I would have wanted to see this movie just like I did Blade or Hancock etc...

This is getting a bit fucking silly now. I would have wanted to see this movie just like I did Blade or Hancock etc. but they have got me resenting everything about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Too bad it's a work of fiction

Why would you want see that shit ?

It is like white listening to negro hip-hop, i just dont understand. Your are, and have, better then that.

All movies since The Fifth Element, have been shit. This is the true red-pill.

The is only so long they can keep up this blatant, in your face, anti-white racism before people start waking up en masse.

Whiplash was pretty dope.


The best part about this is that niggers will never notice BuzzFeed's terrible grammar.

>black dollars


created by whitey, no less.

Thanks bandaid


I wouldn't not watch a movie because it's mainly black. The point I'm making is that 10 years ago, this movie would have come out and it was just have been another movie. I used to watch black TV shows and never give it a second thought but now everything is so polarized and chucked in my face, I get annoyed just watching adverts.


Kendrick is pretty redpilled for a nigger tho. Names the jew and preaches against degeneracy and shit. Devout christian too.

Id rather have white people on a white continent with white resources, et cetera instead.
>but with a twist, all the continents belong to the white man.

maybe those BLACK people need to fuck off to BLACK africa

More like Africa belongs to Whites, Arabs, and Chinese who merely permit Blacks to continue living on the continent

I get chills alright. Just not the way they think I would.

>there Black continent
so Europe is white then?

>a continent
more like the dingleberry on Asia



>those pores
>in alignment


Are blacks the least self-aware people on the planet?

Stop resentin my brudda.


Lmao at the line work.

Jesus fucking christ.

Black Americans, please see this movie and be so impressed that you move back to the Mother Continent of Africa.

I hope the movie flops in Asia.


Except this entire movie and everyone in it were paid by whites

one thread at a time please. this is looking less like bants and more like a guerrilla marketing campaign.
search the catalogue first or else youre just a kike marketing man.

The have banned the user reviews? I read them the other day? Only critic reviews are an option.

you're fired

Yes, (((Whites)))

Came here to post this

Huffpo started a rumor that the alt-right was going to give it 0 star reviews. So now they are banning anyone who gives it 0 stars to purge unapproved opinions.

It's real history.

Like Nigeria or something? Why don't they move there?

we have gone full circle.
buzzfeed is now unironically advocating for racial nationalism

Fuck yeah! That's what we've been saying. Someone at BuzzFeed finally gets it.

That movie is almost as good as Conan the Barbarian, almost.

so why dont we all just give it 1 star..... if we wanted to mess with it that is


Jesus fucking christ.

>"Minding there"


Most likely.

I wanna see WHITE people ruling their WHITE country on their WHITE continent minding their* WHITE business thriving with WHITE dollars and WHITE resources.

Im starting to get seriously concerned they dont know that there is no nation named Wakanda, no high tech nigger civilization and no vast black eutopia. Maybe it will cause them to stop the WE WUZ PHAROAHZ N SHIET

>implying you don't do the same with new IPs on the market

Any time a new IP comes out I research the base content so I can see how the book/movie/comic fits into the universe of the story.

Theyre talking about africa, faggot. This is a good thing, we want them to go back.

>super-advance negroid civilisation
>still steeped in tribal barbarism (*spear combat, acting out like animals, dressing like sub-Saharran afroes etc.)
>audience must be incessantly pummelled with how "advanced" and "civilised" these autonomous negroids are

Meanwhile, in the non Judenwood sci-fake, REAL world, Africa is still more Third World than either Calcutta pooes or rural chinkland (the latter of which are now taking their turn at colonising nigs / robbing them blind), and even civilised societies (not made by them), do little more than act out their innate tribalism and chimp out at any opportunity...

PS: Watch "our" pea-brained propaganda schlock or you're a dirty raysiss!


They think niggers built ancient Egypt so they'll believe anything.


>there BLACK dollars

The difference here is that these people think this actually happened. They think Waskanda is a real place.


Kind of disgusted at Marvel using race as a marketing angle, trying to make a movie into a "movement".

Anyone else think this?

Whitey DESTROYED Wakanda... riot and burn down all the stores in the hood.

Fuck you EVIL Whitey!!!

Sup Forums has been giving it 10/10 stars. That's what they wanted, the most perfect movie in history so everyone can see how perfect and flawless it is.

But what was the skin colour of the ones who made the movie exept for the acting?
Pretty sure the director and producer is white without even looking it up...

You cant fucking play it like this IF not this was ENTIRELY made of black folks, then I will give them the credit for it. But how I see it they take pride in their blackness while at the same time being sponsored by people not being black, and therefore it looses all meaning behind what they are trying to accomplish :
>Black people can make good movies too

So... what did Black Panther steal in the movie?

whites don't have nations silly. I thought you stupid goyim understood that.

this. give it raving reviews. push the ethno nationalist points

Commies pretending to be Sup Forums

Lol yeeep

these niggers are acting like theres never been a black superhero before...


White producer. Black director.


I don't understand this. How can they confuse a fictional movie, a capeshit movie at that with actual history? Do blacks watch this as a documentary? What the fuck.

There is no point. It wouldn't make it the best movie ever but it would put it up there and they would use it for eternity (peanut butter)

This. Show them that they can be kangs again, if they free themselves from whitey for good.

>i hate this movie that promotes ethnostates
why are you even here?

Sup Forums loves black panther

long live wakanda

>successful black man
>must be some kind of superhero no other explanation possible

checks out

>their own continent
We must focus on this emotion and exploit it for their justifications to return back to Africa.

How can you question the legitimacy of 10/10 reviews? If all the reviews are 10/10 it looks really normal and not suspicious to the normies. Who could start to question the narrative of the most perfect movie in history?

This movie is the father none of them have. This movie is the country that none of them have. This movie shows how blacks would be without white intervention.

>with THERE black dollars
am i illiterate? isnt it suppose to be their

they actually meant to say three fiddy

Shook seeing?

Also what about Blade, or Spawn, or Steel.

Because niggers are renowned for being incredibly illiterate as all fuck on so many levels. Because of this, they're very impressionable and can easily be manipulated into doing the bidding of the Jew.


I would help nignogs build African cities in Africa so we can convince them to leave peacefully.

Look at the top comments. This Hispanic is bragging about bringing adopted Asian family members to see the movie, and how it's a celebration for "all people of color," with even Asians who are higher-earning than whites in the US to be lured into the "POC"/"let's gang up on whitey" bandwagon. Then a black woman replies to him and says "no, this is for us! let black people have our own movie!" So it demonstrates the internal struggle on the left, with blacks wanting their special privileges, and other non-whites who want to cash in on the ethnic spoils system and the victimhood olympics.

Everything loathsome and sick about the left on full display, and why they will self-destruct. I just hope they don't eat us up first before they start eating themselves up.

>The fifth Element
>A movie where Jews hold the key to prevent human destruction

>not knowing the europeans took a lot of the historical artifacts from egypt to maintain and examine because the egyptians didn't give two fucks about any of it

Wonderful, they can go back to their BLACK continent.


>literally, not raysiss (*Neil deGrassi 2020)

"[T]he Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth -- in no other peculiarity or property except for what God wished.

"Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent."
-Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (Islamic theologist and scientist), 1201~74 AD


If I were a nigger I'd take offense at this


Niggers are too selfish and self-serving to ever work with others. Even against their own kind. It's why they never are able to maintain a community because each one of them is working against each other. For them to work with Hispanics would be an outcry in their eyes.

It's this reason why Sup Forums should overglorify this movie in the reviews and what not. Nigs look retarded as fuck and laughable when they go to ridiculous lengths to try and justify themselves and trying to defend a fictional land with fictional characters as real really puts that on the point.

They delude themselves so easily...

Just Sup Forums alone could not turn it into a 10/10 movie in the ratings. Plus most normies don't look at the score % just the actual score. The lower the better. If a movie is higher rated, psychologically the movie will seem better than it is. It's the way the mind works. I can guarantee this idea was thought out by commies. They would love Sup Forums to give it a 10/10 just like they will.

truly sad cuz in the REAL world, when it's controlled by black people, it's almost always corrupt.

but hey, this hollywood! so it's all flowers and roses! just peachy as the saying goes!

black propaganda from wakanda!

it ain't reality folks ... its a feel good bedtime story

>mfw BuzzFeed believes blacks should start their own country in their own continent


#Blaxit all day

>BLACKS created everything and are better den all da rest of y'all specially whitey. Y'all jes stole ar shiieet.
>ancient muslim scholar documents trip to sub-saharan Africa before colonization, finds no structures greater than mud huts, no other signs of civilization.
>niggers enslaved by every race including their own
>sold by jews to Europeans
how do they claim to be superior but so easily overthrown/subjugated by those they call cavemen?