People started complaining about sjws in video games after gamergate happened, but does anybody remember that Britcucks made a game that was basically multicultural/ white replacement propaganda back in 2002? I was a kid and it annoyed me then, i can't imagine what its like now
The Getaway
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what was this game about? the cover looks good
I only played the second one but I never noticed any white replacement propaganda. Unless you are referring to the fact that there's a lot of niggers, russians and chinks in it, which I imagine is granted when making a game about criminal underworld of London.
A old racist london gangster blackmails a guy into pissing off every ethnic gang in the city so he can get them all on a boat and blow them up. Its foiled and the bad guy makes some patriotic speech before dying, and wonderful multicultural london is saved.
You have to play the first one.
Now I'm glad I didn't.
In hindsight, it's a pretty SJW ending, but it portrayed all the characters as pretty scummy desu, with the exception of Carter.
It was still a great game though.
Is that how it ends? That game was hard, you have to drive on the wrong side of the street and theres no map you have to know your way around London, the health meter is how shot up you look you heal by leaning up on a wall, do you at least fuck that crazy bitch you do the police station level with?
Mass Effect: Andromeda didn't even have white men in it when it first dropped back in 2017.
The Getaway: Black Monday was pretty cool. I only played the demo though.
And now I miss 2004 :-(
New great times will come.
i got stock on the police station mission. never finished the game after that
I played the demo back in the day. Clunky game
Jesus christ Op. You made me go back to many years ago.
Loved the game. Absolutely fucking loved it.
Do you think I would still like it after being Redpilled about niggers and Jews on general?
hardly anyone was woke back then.
Jesus christ. Trying to find the right way only looking at the signals of your car was a fucking pain in the ass.
it was like gta but the driving sucked balls. you could hide behind objects which you couldn't back then in gta
I remember when I reached the porn level while my father was watching
what a fucking time capsule lol i actually liked this game, despite how navigating the world got confusing at times and i think it took me way too time to figure out how to heal myself. i thought the shooting felt good as well. never played the second one.
Doubt it.
Played literally seconds of it at a friend's house. Only thing i remember of it is no HUD besides a blinking turn signal on your car
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