Time to pass /pollack/ Memory down to the Newfags
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There are several subspecies of "human"
This one strikes me as bullshit. Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times. The fact that the US is at one part of the cycle or another says very little about the system at large.
If the US is on the verge of collapse as this image implies, if anything it should represent a haven for Sup Forumsacks wanting to be part of that collapse. I'm about to graduate school, enter a very lucrative and practical field, marry my qt aryan gf and have many children, who will grow up to be at least as intelligent and well-armed as me. I have many friends looking at the exact same future. Why would we leave America, when a collapse is exactly what would allow our posterity to reassert its dominance and assure its destiny?