PriPara, Aikatsu, etc

Through Lala, unity.

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Do japainons also want to die?

I dont know about them, but I want to die

I'll pull the plug on the life support for you, Aoi.

No episode today, right?


>no PAAFEKUTO because of Pokécancer
Feels bad, little girl.

Pokefags are the ones who are dissapointed. They love their Cocotama.

But Elza is shit.


People who still follow the Pokémon anime only deserve to suffer anyway.

The reason I thought Lady was produced in SD was because (I read it somewhere and) they only released a DVD box for it, but it's clearly produced in 720p from the screencaps a watching user has been posting.

What a mysterious charismatic smart girl! I wonder who she could be.

That's Dorothy, she's been around long enough, you should know her name by now.


I know what you're implying, but she could be a totally different character, like Mirei and Puri.

>latest site update

What about it?

Rei's SPR

Someone send that Subaru-kyun postcard to Ako.

What a mysterious charismatic smart girl! I wonder who she could be.



Thought she was pulling her shirt open when looking at the thumbnail. Instead she's showing us something almost as flat as her chest.


Wait until you see Non's Falulu.

Mahiru is pretty well-developed:

>/ai/ throws a fit over Ako not showing up in the Shine Stars leak
>it's a S4 unit



>The city of Roller

Well then why the hell did they have the jobber duo in the initial scans?

Yuzu's SPR song is Neva Giva.

Roller's Spice Chord sure is Dolly Devil

I want to fuck Lala.

Fujisawa M4 chibis.




Now we're talking (to ants).

Fuck M4.

Better than this first glimpse of Yuzu and Lily.


I would if I could.

Don't bully, user. Nobody really LIKES SM all that much.

Sun & Moon at its best is considerably better than Stars at its worst.

She gets a sword?

To behead those who insult Elza-sama.

She's so gay.

Poor Admins at least some people still love them.

Even worse is that the special was shit.

>Pokemon was shit
What a surprise.

Cute Mahiru, what's she blushing about?

That Rica concert was a hell of a lot more entertaining than your average SM episode.

Yes, but this thing was shit by Pokémon standards

True, but it didn't make up enough of the runtime to fill the void of ties and farm animals

It was a live action special with various celebrities promoting the new movie, user. Had nothing to do with the Pokemon TV series, and especially nothing to do with Sun & Moon.

>new movie
Isn't that a reboot that's somehow supposed to be in continuity? What a clusterfuck.

It's an alternate universe story that starts with a retelling of Satoshi and Pikachu's first meeting before continuing into an original story. It's not in continuity with anything, where are you getting THAT from?

The fact that they had never explicitly pulled different timelines for movies yet. But I guess this has to be one, although that defeats the purpose of an anniversary celebration.


I don't have an issue with them promoting new Pokemon as they usually do, but Kasumi, Takeshi, and Shigeru being replaced defeats the purpose of all the other nostalgiafagging.

And they even brought Hayashi Asuca and Oracion back too.

This one has been explicitly said to be an alternate universe since day one.

>that defeats the purpose of an anniversary celebration
They've mentioned several times in interviews that they're celebrating the anniversary by retelling the most important and most iconic story of them all, the initial meeting of Satoshi and Pikachu.

It's nothing overly new. Dragonball did the same for its 10th anniversary.

>>It's nothing overly new. Dragonball did the same for its 10th anniversary.
Tell me when Dragonball replaced Bulma and Krillin and Vegeta with OC donuts steel.

It's not really meant to be nostalgiafagging, though. It's meant to retell this story for modern kids that don't know it. Neither of those three characters had anything to do with Satoshi and Pikachu's first meeting. It's not meant to be a colossal nostalgiafest celebrating the Kanto arc, the focus is explicitly on the first episode only.

I am almost positive that 10th anniversary movie wrote Kuririn out of the story.

But user, they remembered the most important thing to celebrate and thus put a Lucario in it.

pika pika

B-But Hayashi Asuca singing to the tune of Oracion directly appealed to this nostalgiafag!

Yeah. But that's an iconic singer from gen 3 singing a vocalized version of an iconic piece of music from gen 4. The kind of people that scream and bitch about the lack of nostalgic elements tend to mean "shit from gen 1 only" because that's all they know.

>It's a nostalgiafag movie
>Except we'll mix it with stuff with new gens
>And we'll replace characters from back then with donut steels

That's the thing there. They say it is a 20th anniversary movie but one way or another they have to shill for Gen 7 stuff too so it ends up being a weird mix of everything despite all they say.

Notalgiafags won't care because they are removing 3/4 of the nostalgia and ruining it with new stuff
Little kids won't care because they aren't seeing their favorite characters from Alola in the movie.

>The kind of people that scream and bitch about the lack of nostalgic elements tend to mean "shit from gen 1 only" because that's all they know.
Wow it's almost like the movie is in fucking Kanto or something, you know, Gen 1. No shit they will complain about lack of those nostalgic elements. Are they supposed to bitch about no Greninja or Infernape in the movie instead? Dumb fuck.

Again, it's not aimed at the "everything after Kanto was shit" people. It's an original story that starts off by readapting episode 1, and while it has certain other nostalgic elements in it (MOST of which are from Kanto, even) it was never meant to appeal to that kind of people.
Had they tossed in, say, Hikari and Dent as companions to appeal to nostalgia you'd probably hear even louder complaints from the "where's muh gen1" guys.


pikarin, jankenpon

I'm fairly sure Japan has far less nostalgiafags of the type that hate everything remotely recent than you think.

They've gone all out for this event.
They're tallying total scores for three different teams, and at the half-way point the scores will reset and the future scenarios change to reflect the results.
They've even implemented a crude sort of 'Dash' system. You can play the higher stamina versions of the stage and it'll double/triple the points you gain in the stage.

Can see card images on the event pages - Shion's on fire and Mikan has wings. This'll be a fierce battle.

>Neither of those three characters had anything to do with Satoshi and Pikachu's first meeting.
Neither did Team Rocket, but guess who's in it.

Say that to all the shitstorm that have happened for something as simple as a VA getting replaced.

And the best part is that they absolutely nothing of worth in the movie.

Lily is the perfect /m/ waifu

Is that a cycling cap?

Yeah, the director mentioned in an interview the other day that they thought about what it was that truly defined the Pokemon anime, and decided it was Satoshi and Pikachu's bond. That's why they decided to make that the key focus of this anniversary movie, and to start it off by readapting the very first episode of the show, since that's the most iconic showcase of this bond.
That's it. It's no "celebration of Kanto" or anything, it's very specifically about that one episode and its iconic status.

They're in every movie.

Yep, this event is all about biking.

>It's okay when TR does it


So status prevails over storytelling, but only in selective instances?

I was two off a perfect Garmage666 score.

Well... yeah, they're not in the movie because they were characters in Kanto, they're in the movie because they're in every series and every movie.

The movie isn't even out yet, we don't know exactly what their role IS.

>The movie isn't even out yet, we don't know exactly what their role IS.
Except it is out.
And guess what? You could remove TR and LITERALLY nothing about the movie changes because they don't even interact with Ash & co.

It's had some super limited premieres and I highly doubt you went to any of those, user. Those summaries you can find online are so full of holes they don't paint a very complete picture of anything.

Why are you so angry about this movie anyway?

The real reason is that they can't ever drop Megumi Hayashibara.

>It's had some super limited premieres and I highly doubt you went to any of those, user. Those summaries you can find online are so full of holes they don't paint a very complete picture of anything.
If that makes you sleep at night.

>Why are you so angry about this movie anyway?
Who's angry here? We are having a simple discussion about what we think about the movie and we think it did right or not.

>Who's angry here?
Not him, but you seem pretty insistent that this movie you haven't seen is terrible because this and that nostalgic element isn't in it. Sounds pretty angry to me.


It applies to everything.
Really, they should've done a movie about how Rocket-dan gets Pikachu and goes on adventure to become the Pokemon Masters. No one cares about Satoshi and other twerps.

>lol dude u mad
Go back to Sup Forums

I'm not sure what you're even trying to say, user. Neither of us have seen the movie. Neither of us know what it's like. Quick bullet point summaries done from memory that leave out entire characters isn't something to base an opinion around.

Hi is this the pokemon thread?

