Germany, what the fuck?

Germany, what the fuck?

delete this

Hans you have to explain yourself

Confess to your kinkery

Ah the eternal kraut.

Hey cheese lover.


Also just read that sub caption, wtf.


Ah shit man, the Käsetaucheranzugbrottschnitte in combination with the Regenjackentütenkopf is a bad idea.
But each his own

The demoralization of host nations continues.

You guys really are paying for losing. The slow death.

the what now?

I swear, Japan and Germany both tie for the most fucked up fetish porn I've ever seen (with the USA in third place). If there is some sort of shit eating or fisting going on, 6/10 times I hear either German or Japanese being spoken during the video. The USA seems to have the market cornered on both cuck and tranny porn, though.

we focus on exporting stuff.
Your welcome, and expect more innovativ fetish porn in the future

Germany, ten years later as the blackpill sets in... Cheese ^graters and barbed wire.

Germany yes


we need a drawfag in here

Germany is a disgusting place now.

anyone ever fap on acid? shit is so cash. it's even better if you have mastered the art of edging. hours and hours of euphoria whilst being intensified by the lsd. bodygasms galore. and my climaxes are always on par with the first time I ever achieved orgasm. I highly recommend. fapping to femdom, listening to opera, while tripping on acid is one of my favorite things in the world

Kraut's nipple clamps make more sense now


>fapping to femdom, listening to opera, while tripping on acid
truly a man of culture

And rascist Germans whine about immigrants fucking up their country when German masturbators are the country's own worst enemy.

finally some based news out of germoney
keep it up you freaks, you're getting there

dude you sound like some kind of serial killer who eats the organs of his victims while sipping $100 a bottle merlot

Why waste time with masturbating when I would happily suck off all those yummy kraut cocks? ;_; Such a waste ;_;

wtf i believe masturbation machines are real now

hol the fuck up now

u guys don't strangle urselfs with a belt while fapping?

Electric Nipple Clamps

How does one masturbate with cheese or christmas lights?

Asking for a friend.