Did 23andme

>Did 23andme
>Got 98% Ashkenazi

Q predicted this

Do you feel the urge to subvert your host nations culture?

Nazi eh?

How the fuck did you not know?

Your nose must be huge

You can't be European and be Jew. Jew is Neanderthal. European is Cro Magnum Man

Well use your immunity to criticize Jews at every turn then, if you want to stop the Jewish menace.

Ashkenazi is still half nazi, chin up, you can still be an honorable self hating type

>le inspect element meme

Apply for Israeli citizenship. Seriously no joke do it.

that's the ticket

lol but you have a swastika flag!!! HAHAHAHA so funny XD

You'd be surprised by how common this is. If only you knew just how many of us have jewish genes


>Hangs out on pol all day
>Like all the other Jews
Perhaps you guys are the masterrace. Only the truly Intelligent can hang in this vile place.

yeah I got some jew blood too. heil hitler!

I'm probably about 15% Ashkenazi. Probably why I have a high IQ. Sigh. Ah well. Fight the good fight lads.

>Did 23andme
End your life.

This means you can be a co-host on the daily shoah with kike enoch

>thinking ((((they)))) need 23andme to harvest your dna

prove it time stamp and clear google chrome console

True. If you've been in a hospital they probably have your DNA

>jew is neanderthal
What? Jews are jews. Neanderthals are neanderthals and are also extinct.

Lol what

98% ashkenazi is actually incredibly high. How is that even possible unless the people from the original tribe that you're related to never branched out and fucked non-jews? 98% seems impossible.

pleb tier


In you go

Now THIS. This is indisputably a WHITE person.

contintental "whites" are all mystery meat, i only trust scandinavians finns and bongs the rest of you need to provide papers

Kek, why do you include Bongs of all people?



Yeah nah, no hope for you bud

I reckon I'm like half white, quarter ashkenazi and some Mongol in there


oh...right...what did Hitler think of the Irish?

That is irrelevant. He said indisputably. Not "hitler thought they were white".