2,000+ Germans march against mass Muslim migration

Is this the beginning of the uncucking of Hans?

>>Around 2,000 demonstrators gathered in the German city of Cottbus over the weekend to protest mass migration after the city had seen a rise in violence that often involved migrants

>Meanwhile, a counter-march by “Arab refugees and Germans carrying pro-immigrant and anti-fascism placards marched in Cottbus to denounce what they say are attempts by far-right groups to stoke tension in the eastern city after two knife attacks by Syrian teenagers.”


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Once it gets to 200,000 the kikes will be firing up the bombers again

I wonder, how many ISIS sleepercells are here, when does civilwar break out, on wich side does the military stand? You can't prepare that much, hord supplies, get a knife or machete, maybe a fiberglass compound bow whil you still can. I pray for a pre tribulation rapture fristly, a quick and merciful death second. Thinking about the future of my babyson makes me sad, I wish Jesus would take him already.

K Achmed

The rapture is a myth.

>100k population
call me again when it's more than 2% of the population (in an area that voted about 12% voted AfD)

the german state is desperately trying to supress the military cause theyre right wing as fuck. genuine neo-nazi groups among em.

Please be true!

Hurry up krauts, I wanna see something happen while I'm in Berlin

>that German empire wool hat
I want one. It seems pretty comfy.

Dear Hans- Is your media reporting any of this?
Thanks in advance- Joe





>Le sleepercells
Ever since 2001 they've been talking about sleepcells. Never been a sleeper cell attack. You're just a scared little bitch easily startled by fear tactics, like everyone marching

>publish article on Thursday
>talking in past tense, says "over the weekend"
Is this almost a week old news, or are they predicting the coming weekend?


You'd think the Sorbs would be more weary of being replaced.

The French attacks were basically sleeper cells. Kill yourself, Trudeau cuck. It is justified to be fearful of a cult that has been butchering the West for 1500 years.


>mass Muslim migration

b-but let's keep the christian nigerians, zimbabwans, chameroonians,

Germans already tried taking on ZOG twice they cba again

>achmed for naming the Jew
Back to T_Zionald.


You alright there buddy?

Rural and suburban Germans smdh

this is why theyre pushing for the EU army. they cant control this one properly.



>meanwhile more than 1 million of patriots and nationalist marched in Greece

Get on my level hoes

>marched in Cottbus to denounce what they say are attempts by far-right groups to stoke tension in the eastern city after two knife attacks by Syrian teenagers.”
>group of people angry about their kin being knifed are the ones stoking racial tensions
>not the group that actually did the fucking knifing

>implying nordcucks are at BASED MEDS level

>wanting to die instead of fight for your family

Just fucking coup already holy shit.

What are you even waiting for!

>tfw you realize PEDiGA did nothing wrong and despite their reputation, they just want to enjoy a beer on the sidewalk without getting stabbed. too bad it gets harder and harder to judge people on their individual merit under the sexist/racist regime of left-wing identity politics.

theyre underfunded as fuck on purpose

Yeah I recall the "broomsticks not rifles" article.

They need to call up Walther Arms and get a supply chain figured out. The clock is ticking.