The MC of your last watched anime has to defeat Shingo and his EG6 in a gummu teipu deafmachu (gum tape death match) where your hand is taped to the wheel and you can only drive with his hand.
How fucked are they?
The MC of your last watched anime has to defeat Shingo and his EG6 in a gummu teipu deafmachu (gum tape death match)...
i saw that episode yesterday
I guess this was a good time to rewatch initial d after all
I think Dandy could do it
Jokes on you i was just rewatching first stage
about this show. it really intrigues me why I enjoy it that much
>unremarkable characters and dialogue
>0 drama
>comedy is not bad, but its not good
>drawing is bad, animation is bad
>i dont get half they say about racing and cars
why is it so enjoyable
>all that
Universe's collective good taste is combating your shit taste.
>0 drama
you fag, whenever he suddenly disappears and it goes slow motion is the tightest shit
>0 drama
Are you fucking squidding me?
>heartbeat starts playing
>closeup slow motion shot of eyes going from where takumi used to be to wherever impossible place he teleported
>10 minutes of shocked exposition bystander characters explaining what happened
> Ku ku ku, a gammu tapu desu machi you say? Sounds interesting. A game where we can bet our lifes!
Sure, but how about a game of chicken first?
>Rage your dream starts playing
he probably figures something out
royally fucked
>gummu teipu deafmachu
He literally attempted a getaway in SG0 but didn't know why the car wasn't moving while it was in neutral
she'll only need the dog
Would she cordially invite you to fuck her ass?