

It's happening this early?

Probably not seeing as that's not jag

Inb4 both confess at the same time

Why is Kaguya such a pervert?

>Kaguya will never smile at you while pushing you forcefully onto a couch
Why live?

>Preaident's I'm going home face.
Also Kaguya is getting cuter and cuter every episode.

Why is he so best guys?

>Chapter 71: Kaguya wants to do naughty stuff

Where is she grabbing him?

Crotch and hand before that.

That's some carnivore shit right there

Kaguya has been thirsting for too long now, she needs some relief.

How is she going to explain this? No matter how dense one is, she's being way too explicit here.


She´s just trying to clear up the misunderstanding from last chapter, user.By stripping Shiro.

wow we're getting lewder and lewder
soon there'll be lap pillow, and then prez will show kaguya his chest

Truly a genius

Been there, Kaguya fantasized about that.

Post your favorite
>How cute

The only logical explaination is that they're both awkward dumb teenagers that have the hots for each other

Kaguya? More like FULL BAKA

How sad > How lewd > How cute

>mfw I likely won't be home for the dump

I feel bad for Miko, every single time she appears is just to see president and Kaguya doing 'indecent' stuff.

there is only one thing that she can do. JOIN THEM

I always miss the dumps since they start at 2am for me.

There REALLY needs to be a v2 of the happy life game with some of Ishigami's game balance ideas into it Fujiwara went full retard with the events to compensate

>Playing 2nd edition
Fucking casual newfags. Back in my day, Subject F was a race, not a class.

That´s gonna give poor Shiro and Kaguya even more PTSD. Doubt they´d wanna play.


To me they always start at a very good time, but today I probably won't make it.

>implying Kaguya wouldn't want revenge
>pres ends up impregnating every single character, including Ishigami, but her

I love how Ishigami got instagibbed last time and Kaguya knocked up Fujiwara.

Subject F a disgusting cowtit slut.
Remove ramen

They both said they'd never play it again though.

So? How many times has Fujiwara said she wouldn't help Shirogane again?

That's Fujiwara though, she'll change her mind about anything on a moment's notice. Kaguya and Shirogane may change their mind about some stuff, but only if it's to bring them together, and the game didn't do that at all.

>mfw I likely won't be home for the dump
Are you from India?

God dammit user

Oh, user...

Knowing that today was Thursday and new Kaguya was the only thing keeping me going through a shitstorm of a night shift last night


(You) deserve this one.

Reminder that Prez has God-tier tastes.

Can someone explain to me why this is so funny? It's going to be night in India, right? And not being home for the dump likely means that user is going to work soon, which places him in America (I think. Am from Europe, don't feel like checking timezone conversions). But why is that so hilarious?

>grabbing hands this early
these two will have babies before confessing. absolutely degenerate

Go away, Miko.

He truly does

People from India have some kind of aversion to toilets so they routinely shit in the streets or in open fields.
Go to they'll fill you in on the matter.

The pajets take shit(dump) on designated shitting streets outside of their houses.

With that choice you'd wonder if he likes to get dominated. Lucky him, Kaguya seems to have BDSM skills for some reason.

Even if it's not the exact same time, whoever gets confessed to will just admit it right after.


Pretty sure both view themselves on top. A big part of the whole gig is that they're too proud to submit.
Also pic related.

>implying Kaguya wasn´t just thinking about handholding at most since she hadnt been "taught" by Fuji yet.

Fucking A+

That's just an excuse to avoid admitting they're too shy to just confess themselves (and in Kaguya's case, she doesn't know how to do it normally thanks the the Shinomiya teachings). And lets be honest- even if they really did care about dominating each other at this point, once something does happen they'd be too flustered to worry about it.

So if the two got married, will their daily interactions and baby making sessions be psychological 4D chess too?

Yep, but they will both be super-horny during it and who loses gets to be bottom.

>I will dominate today!
>X thinks X will dominate tonight but unknown to X, the position will give maximum pleasure to me thus it's my win!
>But Y must have seen this coming. Y is probably thinking of a way to subvert this & secretly dominate me.
>Wait, if I moan too much, X will be in full control of my pleasure thus it's X's victory!

Just got back home.
Waiting begins

What if both love their partners so much that their goals change to maximizing each other's happiness and their conflict happens to be that several of their plans are mutually exclusive and only maximize their lover's happiness?

That´s basically what they´ve been doing for quite some chapters now. Prez helped out Kaguya and Kaguya canceled her keikakus because she loves him too much.

>t/n keikaku means plan

This, the whole birthday chapter was about her realizing that she wants him to be happy, and that's more important than her games. That's why she went through with giving him the gift despite it being very embarrassing for her.

I really would have loved to see his face when she surprises him with the giant cake though. Too bad she chickened out.

To think she wouldn't have realized and would have lost already if Hayasaka hadn't opened her mouth.

Prez would have probably passed out from happiness and Kaguya could have told him that´s standard for her family or something so not really a guaranteed win.

All she had to do was say the chefs went overboard again.

Is Kaguya finally getting recognition in fanworks?

Here is my outdated collection

We´re not entirely up-to-date with horro- i mean romcom panels.

I'm getting the feeling that Tomo & Jun will fuck before any of the two confess.

Fuck off Tomofag. Keep waiting like a good cuck.

This is the latest version.

Welp, kinda feeling a little bad for Hayato. He messed with the wrong prez. Then again he wouldn´t have been up to the task anyway.

Mark my words, Aka won't give these two a happy ending. It was foreshadowed in the moon gazing chapter.

It foreshadowed drama, but I see this ending no way but happily.
>Implying the Shinomiya Conglomerate could stop the Prez and his A-team if he got serious.

>Implying this story isn't set on Instant Bullet universe and it won't end with the world getting destroyed.

This, i just can´t see Prez losing, he´s way too based.

This. If this is really the author of ib, then we're in for a lot more suffering than we've been through.

People can write different things of different tone.

Hayasaka love interest when?

She already got me.

Now it begins, the painful 2-3 hours of refreshing Sup Forums looking for the weekly thread.

I hope you know that 4koma in Tomo-chan means their relationship is forever in coma

Pretty sure Aka will give us more suffering but it'll pay off in the end


The one in (3;5) kinda looks like she was drawn by Isayama (except better because Isayama is a shit artist but he draws eyes kinda like this)

This. The whole thing was about how he'd never give up on being with her- the series will end with them working together to beat whoever tries to keep them apart (probably Kaguya's father).

Did Reddit decide to start getting in on our threads? We didn't used to have dumbasses making threads before Jag made it.

She's my love interest

They've been in the threads since it went weekly.

Wish they went back to lurking rather than starting the damn threads prematurely then.

To be fair, back then we didn't have that much to talk about. What made us make the tacit agreement of not making Kaguya threads outside the Jag thread was the fear of them becoming cesspools of shitposting and waifu wars, but so far it hasn't been the case.

Kaguya threads back then all just turned into ib threads anyway.

I want to go back to those days, ib hijacks were comfy.


Which Kaguya character's ib would be the strongest

Stalker-chan gets my vote

Aka, please for the love of god don't use the trope of the evil greedy daddy who wants to marry his daughter by force, it would be lame and way too predictable.