Religion BTFO
Scientism itself is a religion, what makes you think your belief is correct over the others? The answer is same for Scientism as it is for any other religion : faith. And so these smug "atheist intellectuals" are in reality the most ignorant hypocrites of all.
>this is what americans actually believe
its believing something that can be seen and recreated vs believing in something because it was written a long time ago.
Do you believe in the big bang theory of universe creation?
Yes I'm going somewhere with this.
Recreate the Big Bang.
I dont believe in the big bang
What parts of your universe origin belief can you recreate, then?
>Do you believe in the big bang theory of universe creation?
Seems consistent with the observed evidence and known physics.
Gervais slipped up here - big time. He acknowledges a universal truth - that man has always, across time, across culture and across the world, found God. Now man is imperfect. Man has created an identity for 'his' God. And this is what Gervais and other atheists get confused about. But it matters not, God has always been found because God has always been there to be found.
Neither do I.
I believe we're living in a hyper-advanced computer simulation, and the universe "booted up" instantly with all the stars, planets, galaxies and their orbits as they are now - no billions of years of formation involved.
>a theory
Jury is still out bro. Science is not settled. But faith in God is.
Ricky Gervais= fatter, dumber version of Simon Pegg
>>a theory
>Jury is still out bro. Science is not settled.
Science is never settled, at any point if you find a contradiction in the model you need to make changes to the accepted known or even throw out the whole system. That's how we improve our understanding, but updating as we expand our ability to observe and our understandings of nature.
>But faith in God is.
That means nothing.
The absolute state of brits. No wonder you're falling to islam and letting them rape your daughters. It's all in the name of allah.
Can you explain to me how an infinitely small, infinitely dense Singularity that spawned all matter, and therefore existed before it, isn't God?
Put another way, how is the mathematical theory of infinity, which is not ever provable physically, not analogous to God?
Why can there not be multiple religions which celebrate the same god? Also many "gods" that were celebrated were not like the all seeing one common today.
>oh, so the God that turns into a swan to fuck hot bitches is fake, but YOUR God who created the natural universe is supposed to be real?
>checkmate, thousands of years of philosophical theism.
>That means nothing.
Are you sure? The religion is all around you. It came before you and it will be here after you. It is hardwired into us and into society. The faith in God we have is something you cannot quantify and so it must mean nothing? Well it matters not. God is here with us right now. With you too. Whether you like it or not. You have already lost. But God still loves you and has a plan for you. Take care of yourself friend.
The 'Gods' were a mixture of man's stupidity and man's corruption. They were an approximation of what many people thought they wanted.
But God - the God - is here.
>he doesnt understand the difference between animism of monotheism
I kinda believe in God but it's kinda hard when it just seems fake. The fact that we are alive is amazing and there are literally millions of factors that if one messed up we wouldn't exist. It's hard to believe that everything fell perfectly align for us to live without some type of aid. It's just hard to justify.
it actually hurts to read something so stupid, fuck
ricky gervais is absurdly overrated
He's ok.
he's not particurarly funny
he's not particularly smart.
He's just ok.
>reeee blasphemer reeeee
none, the same as you.
>Can you explain to me how an infinitely small, infinitely dense Singularity that spawned all matter, and therefore existed before it, isn't God?
God isn't defined as an singularity, so why would you think it is? Well not an expert on all religion I'm not aware of any religion that defines a god as a singularity.
>Put another way, how is the mathematical theory of infinity, which is not ever provable physically, not analogous to God?
Is god a logical construct of humanity to explain a conceptual idea?
>Are you sure? The religion is all around you. It came before you and it will be here after you. It is hardwired into us and into society.
Which means nothing.
>The faith in God we have is something you cannot quantify and so it must mean nothing?
We can quantify faith and how much people have. It's a matter of testing risk to belief. I believe god will protect me from poison, so I'm going to drink poison. Or I think god will protect me so I'm going to live in a floor zone.
> God is here with us right now. With you too. Whether you like it or not.
I'd accept evidence of that if you had any.
>You have already lost. But God still loves you and has a plan for you.
All evidence seem to disagree with that.
>Take care of yourself friend.
I have to because no one else will.
i wouldn't believe in god if i looked like that either
God is real and does exist. The problem is we try to understand god on a human level when in all actuality we can't even begin to fathom what god truly is. Our brains can't do it even if we were before him we wouldn't be able to understand what we're seeing
Is there a problem?
You have to actually believe that your senses are real.
How do you know that they are?
How do you know that what you see is actually there?
What does it even mean for something to "be there"? What if it's all a dream or simulation? How do we know that anything is real?
>1 post by this ID
> Their are so many Gods, therefor yours does not exist.
> Your God and all the others all come from the same ancient myths and legends and are simply reskinned versions of one or two prehistoric Gods.
Pick one.
Can't recall the name for it but their is a term for the minimum about of things you must accept as real or else all discussion devolves into pointlessness.
>*Unsheathes katana*
thats because humans are superstitious retards who probably worshiped the sun and their inner voice as "god" as well
>god isn’t defined as a singularity.
Not the definition I would choose, but for sake of argument:
>Omniscient - contains all the information in the universe
>omnipotent - contains all the energy in the universe
>omnipresent - is everywhere at once by being the only thing in existence.
>created everything
Dems dere makes a God.
Broken clock, twice a day, etc
he's still not Based but his comment is
Exactly. It's called survival of the fittest. While all those other false "gods" faded away, our Lord remain and became the dominant religion of the world based on the truth of His teachings.
>I'm too smart to believe in God, but not smart enough to find God
Every atheist ever.
Oh yeah, it's "our lord" out there right now who's winning the culture war with bombs, trucks, and social media.
Hinduism alone has 330 million gods.
>Not the definition I would choose, but for sake of argument:
>>Omniscient - contains all the information in the universe
>>omnipotent - contains all the energy in the universe
>>omnipresent - is everywhere at once by being the only thing in existence.
>>created everything
>Dems dere makes a God.
So you are defining god as everything, sort of a pointless definition.
You're right, the big bang is just a made up theory based on measurements that they haven't actually made yet but predict they will be able to. It's a theory that says fucking nothing made an entire universe, a universe mind you where there is always an explanation for the cause of something except for the creation of the entire thing. It's rigid skeptical mind controlling bullshit.
Free will has nothing to do with what you describe, of course.
>I’m wrong so I’ll just say it’s pointless
Why are atheists so retarded?
The problem for the big bang with both atheists and theists is they both tend to assume some sort of beginning. What if there is no beginning? No genesis? There is no actual beginning to anything in our universe that we've yet seen. Everything is merely change.
its not about if they exist or not, its about the society and culture and progress built around those systems, some were bad, others led to the greatest civilizations and wealth in history.
the argument that these gods exist or not is completely missing the point.
for example by following judeo christian doctrine,as an individual, it cannot make you a worse person, it will only lead to order in your life. its simple really, mankind has contended with the chaos of the universe since time began. God simplp represents order, in the light, we can create order.
satan represents chaos. in the darkness we are afraid, well our ancestors were because the dark is full of predators.
frfom these simple concepts which are self evident we can see how our ancestors developed these complex ideas of rebirth,god,spirituality,ect. it doesn't make you weak, its not about deceit, itys about order. order is not authority whch is the common line atheists and communists like to blur, to convince others that order means authority which it doesn't. order is simply what we use to thrive. people feel guilty because they know their not perfect, others seem to be scared of the notion they will ultimately be held accountable for their shittyness. it only makes sense they would grip the notion that religion is bulshit , it just alleviates their personal responsibility for their selfishness.
are you retarded?
obviously scientism is a problem, but all visible matter has a direct calculable vector back to a single point of origin
don't become a liberal caricature of a christian, please. fucking god.
The definition is: God = Universe.
I'm not sure that's a useful definition for god(s).
atheism is just one step in jewish mind cucking the christian world. Once you bend over and allow Luciferian jewish academics to hornswaggle you into adopting atheism, you're ready to move to the next phase- postmodernism.
Atheism is a way to get Christians to march willingly and blindly to the gas chamber. This is why pol is a Christian board.
1. Deny God
2. Deny truth
3. be exterminated by Jews.
Brainlet detected.
>tfw pagan
>tfw my spiritual worldview therefore accounts for literally thousands of gods
>Scientism itself is a religion, what makes you think your belief is correct over the others?
Correct. It's the religion of logical positivity. or as Auguste Comte called it- the religion of humanity.
This is an example of atheists being the world's dumbest religious fundamentalists. Every other religious fundamentalist on the planet at least has the self awareness and the honesty to know and admit that they are religious fundamentalists.
Not atheists.
Atheists are moronic narcissistic liars that have adopted a religion of worshiping themselves as God, which is why they never want to admit their religion.
All the other God's were mans attempt to reach the divine. God did not reveal himself until he sent his son, Jesus Christ.
>arguments against my point that Scientism is just another faith-based religion : zero
Try again next time Scientismists.
>its believing something that can be seen and recreated vs believing in something because it was written a long time ago.
God speaks to and guides his people daily. True, the christian church whores for taxes and has made a book into their idol, but actual Christians hear the voice of God all the time.
The leading of the Holy Spirit is why the most red pilled people on pol are Christians. He shows his people all sorts of things that others are blind to.
That would make sense if not for the fact that Christianity is little more than controlled opposition created by and under the control of the Jews.
Science and God are not mutually exclusive. Science is simply the discovery of the rules established by God. All the greatest scientists in history believe in God, 65% of Nobel prize winners are Christians, God and science are complimentary. God is the cause.
>for there are many lords and gods but we serve the creator of all
those 3000 gods exist. They're demons.
I've often wondered if "faith" is a superpower people have. The more spiritual faith put into something the more real it appears or becomes. In order for the idea to stay real, it must be believed it. Its a trashy theory that should be improved on, but memefags it would describe why your Kek has come to be when previously he was considered dead.
>God has always been found because God has always been there to be found
well said. The atheism in Britain is the cause of the decline of the UK. Where there are believers, there's hope. If the UK returns to its faith, its decline will be reversed.
Just admit you disagree with it as a definition because it makes god not only real but interactive.
Jesus could fuck you in the ass and you still wouldn’t beleive in him
>I believe we're living in a hyper-advanced computer simulation
Luciferian belief common among generational satanists.
Jesus denounced the Pharisees (the Jews) on numerous occasions. E.g. en.wikipedia.org
Just because a scientist believes in God, doesn't make him Christian.
You guys are just as egotistical as Atheists. Everything revolves around your "god" and Jesus, right?
You see the hubris here? It's the very essence of ignorance.
The funny thing is that atheists will fairly uniformly ascribe to the big bang theory of the creation of the universe.
The problem with that is the big bang doesn't explain the creation of the universe. It completely breaks down on that point. It only offers a theory of what happened immediately following the creation of the universe.
“Anyone got any ideas on how to better control the goyim?”
>makes religion depicting Jews as hateful conniving greedy satanic God killers
What percent of notable humans or noble winners are atheist?
>Why can there not be multiple religions which celebrate the same god?
I think if you look at history, you'll see that there have been. people have re imagined the same God under a variety of identities, but it's always been the same God that has inspired the search.
The doorway to that God is Jesus Christ. Jesus is like the bouncer at the club- he's the guy that lets you in. that's why the luciferian Jews hate Jesus above all others. They could give a fuck about paganism, Islam, buddhism, etc. Jesus they hate. If you've got any intelligence at all, this ought to tip you off.
You're correct dude that's the measurement that has been made. I'm not denying that measurement, all I'm saying is it's a measurement of something. Why was everything a singular point to begin with? How did it get there? I don't know, it's ok to say that, but a lot of scientists/caricature atheists will say for literally no reason, instead of saying they don't know why it was like that but here is a measurement saying that it was.
>there have been nearly 3000 gods
Some religions have more than that alone.
>It is hardwired into us and into society.
You're correct. It's hardwired into us because it's a survival mechanism. Religion is how humans go from disorganized bands or stragglers into societies.
Atheism doesn't offer an alternative to religion, it just proposes a different religion. Since religion is intrinsic and genetic, we don't have the choice to simply not believe, we only have the choice to believe in one religion or another, not eliminate religion entirely.
>Just because a scientist believes in God, doesn't make him Christian.
I am specifically referring to Christians, not deists or any other believers. The greatest scientists in history, like Newton, Euler, and Faraday were all fervent Christians, who defended Christianity. Even Darwin was a Christian throughout most of his life. And these are historical scientists.
65% of Nobel prize winners are self-identified Christians. Some of the great theories in science were posited by Christians, such as the big bang theory, which was first established by a Catholic priest.
There are countless contemporary scientists that are Christians, such as Francis Collins. You should read some of Francis' Collins books on the subject of the compatibility of science and God.
The greatest redpill of all is that science wouldn't even exist without the Catholic church.
So you and me are both god is what that means, and so is my chair. I just sat on god, is that blasphemy?
The big bang theory was first put forward by Christian.
PSA: there is a weird influx of abhorrently retarded atheists shitposting in many threads right now, threads with nothing to do with religion.
Not sure what to do with this information, but it is strange.
>I kinda believe in God but it's kinda hard when it just seems fake.
Good. there are plenty of assholes trying to sell you a religion so that they can own you. They see you the same way a pimp sees a teen getting off a greyhound in Hollywood.
Jesus Christ is Lord and the understanding of God is internal- it's not written in a magic book nor is it the result of showing up at some building and having some dude tell you what to think.
If you know that God will speak to you internally, and you rely upon that voice to guide you and others that share your faith to talk with and help understand, you'll be good.
Read Blaise Pascal and Soren Kierkagaard.
Is your hair you? If you cut your hair, will you die?
Parts constitute the whole, they are not the whole. Why are you so unrelentingly retarded?
Are there ANY intelligent atheists? I've been through an extensive list of history's most impressive scientists and philosophers, and pretty much all of them held at least some degree of religious faith.
The saying really is true: "A sip from the cup of natural sciences will make you an atheist. Drink all the way to the bottom and you'll find God"
>The greatest redpill of all is that science wouldn't even exist without the Catholic church.
No, it's that the leading of the Holy Spirit is the first step of scientific discovery. The Holy Spirit leads us to all truth, but the churches have tried to blind us to that fact and change our perception to just tghe Holy Spirit will show us how to read or understand the bible.
I'm speaking at the level of material reality.
Of course, God made the universe intelligible in the first place, making science possible. I'm refering to the Catholic church preserving philosophy and science, and establishing all the oldest and best universities in Europe and providing countless amounts of money for research.
I don't know or care.
I don't know or care either way.
The point is, Christians, like Muslims and (theistic)Jews, have this insatiable desire to take credit for things in the name of the religion.
To people on the outside, this looks at best like hubris, and usually like bullshit.
What if you fags are getting the wrong message due to your imperfect(aka HUMAN) minds? Why the ego in the first place? Why do things have to be in the name of God? You think a higher being created you just for someone to stroke his omnipotent and apparently impotent dick? That makes no fucking sense even to a lower animal like humans.
We get it, you need some kinda higher calling to make your actions in the name of your god seem noble and good.
But you see, then there's Jesus. An immortal God spending three days on a cross means nothing. Three days of light human torture means nothing to an immortal being.
But to a man, a lowly moral. Those are the last three days of his life here.
Jesus as a man is a noble and righteous motherfucker. Jesus as the son of God? So what. He's immortal - boo fucking hoo. Nail me to a cross for three days for immortality and godhood, I'll bin and grare it.
We are not taking credit, we are simply acknowledging that God made the universe intelligible and gave us rationality to discover the secrets of his creation. We are not taking credit, how can we taking credit for something God did?
You need ritual and god in your life. The metaphysical is important because it sets us up to strive for something transcendent and can help you self-assess and meditate through prayer. I don't believe shit verbatim and the people who do are few and far between. Atheists on the other hand can't wait to tell you about all that science they don't understand and how you're dumb for not believing it like them.
Science is right.
Ritual is necessary.
Clear up your fucking room, buckerino.
>If you cut your hair, will you die?
It would be extremely painful.
The point being put forward is that god is everything because everything meets a definition of omni-omniness. Or god is defined as everything so when you take everything as a whole it perfectly matches my definition of god also Jesus is real because I defined god as the universe.
People were Christian back in the old days because not doing so meant othracization at best and death at worst as a "blasphemer", the same fucking shit Muslims do NOW.
That's the thing about Christianity. It was doing what Islam does not not merely 200+ years ago. Islam is like Christianity was, which makes perfect sense as Islam is about 600 years younger. It still has a way to go yet.
Confusing the concept of GOD with the concept of organized religion.
Let us assume your argument is true, I wont dispute it. 65% of nobel prize winners and world renowned scientists have been and are Christians, in an era with zero persecution. Your argument is selective at best, and false at worst.
also G. K. Chesterton
But to address your historical argument, it's mostly a myth. Why would the catholic church protect the works of the Greeks and Romans, in addition to establishing universities all over Europe, if they Christians were against science? You are pushing a strawman.
>We are not taking credit, we are simply acknowledging that God
You're taking credit. Don't try and bullshit. That's another thing you're good at. Bullshitting. And you do it passive-aggressively. Because being honest about your desire to keep everyone in the cult would piss people off, so you put on a front.
This works on most people since most people don't tend to overthink things. But to people that like to break shit down into logical portions, it's obvious what you're doing and you're not righteous for doing it. You're devious but convinced through standard cultist brainwashing that you're doing a righteous thing.
You're being used. Pitiful thing. Sheep indeed.