Why are you still drinking alcohol?

Why are you still drinking alcohol?


Why are you still shitposting?

My morals have not changed and I've never been convicted of any crime and I still favour alcohol, what's the crack? Fuck all, I even work for a bloody lager company. No problem there.

It helps loosen me up at the gay clubs, so I can enjoy being barebacked without feeling guilty about having a strangers cum in my ass

the bottle isn't empty yet

My Jewish best friend from high school wants to grab a beer at the pizza place near his house.

people like him is why I drink

Because I'm addicted to it and I invariably find life hideously boring when I don't drink

Cuz it's the only fucking pleasure I get in this world.

I’m not.
Sage /thread

Because life is shit.

Because i'm not a straight edge faggot or some religious shithead, i can legally drink as an adult unlike Burgersharts and i have acquaintances and friends to go out with.
Why aren't you drinking alcohol?

because i have enough self control to have a beer with diner sometimes and not get sloppy drunk

What's it like? A man grunting in exstacy behind you, his cock throbbing inside of you as your boipussy is flooded with hot cum? Does it turn you on when you're in bed later and it's dripping out of you into your underwear or do you feel disgusted with yourself?

I don't drink anymore, haven't for about 4 years. I realized I was using alcohol as a crutch, a social lubricant, liquid courage, and to help reduce anxiety. I realized it was a bad "medicine" because of all the debilitating side effects that go along with it and decided to start working on my issues naturally instead of relying on booze.

Ended up turning to fitness/weightlifting instead, really boosted my confidence that way over the last few years, now in social situations I feel very fluid in conversation, charismatic, and confident without drinking anything, and I know I'll always be in full control of myself at all times.

Overall my happiness has gone way up since I stopped drinking and I'm proud that I don't have to waste money and put myself into potentially compromising situations just so I can feel okay socially.

I'm not, beverage alcohol is a tool of the devil
Any standard that says "drunkenness" is anywhere besides any consumption is arbitrary, so all beverage alcohol is sin

>but muh wine in the Bible
No examples of alcohol consumption are prescriptive, except for Timothy having what was maybe fermented wine for medical reasons
>But wedding feast in cana
it is impossible for Jesus, the second person in the Trinity, to give alcohol to a (read) "well drunk" crowd, even if you believe some alcohol is acceptable
The wine was unfermented, good to taste according to the headwaiter because it was sweet

Because it's the way of my forefathers. Mead was always of great cultural significance, and later the art of brewing beers was perfected by monks as part of theirs. Nothing degenerate about it.

Only overconsumption is degenerate, but that is true for anything.

I once lived with a cop and he told me that most cases of domestic violence, incest, first instances of hard drug use, and murder occurred because of alcohol.

That said he still drank.

Some people can drink and still not go down those paths.

You're right, wine is mentioned several times in the bible and is also part of church-tradition.

Not even your god opposes alcohol, only the god of the muslims does. That's because muslims have literally no self-control.

Because I'm not trying to extend my existence in this shit hole and double plus booze makes it tolerable for a time period

You misread me, my God is against alcohol

Only soyboys drink estrohol


I thought gays just "spat" it in the toilet? gosh

I drink alcohol because I realized how shit the world is becoming and it helps numb the pain


I guess I drink because I'm lonely. I used to think I drank because life had all these crazy stressors like money trouble and shit like that, but now all that is gone, and I still feel like drinking.

this pic is retarded. if that was me i'd just drink until the bottle was empty, and then break the bottle into small pieces (hint: it's made of glass retard) so at worst i had a chain and small piece of glass which i would sand to make it smooth.

looks like the chain is just on the paper label anyway...

PS i drink all the time and i love it.

I want to quit after this weekend. Can't wait for the blue-black tinged dreams where sick people scream at me in dead languages while poking me in the neck and balls. That's always fun.