
Other urls found in this thread:^N225

who have been the biggest losers in this stock crash?

what is the symbol?


Dow down 760 now

Q predicted this

>when the average person's retirement savings goes up in smoke while Schlomo pulls up in a bugati

Please crash the economy so that degeneracy stops

He literally did in a thread last night

Is it that big investors doing massive selloffs and betting big vix to earn double?



its drumpf's economy again

blumpf didnt even try and keep it at 25K. fat lazy laissez faire jews



A little bit closer to being able to get a good deal on some equities again. About time.



The idiots trying to sell their stocks in an era of massive business growth and investment.

>in all fields

ah damn it

What the fuck am I shilling? Death?

Stock market is utterly FINE, for now.

Shit was 17000 til Trump became Pres, then it went parabolic growth like a rocket to 26000.

It's overdue for a hard correction. Nothing to worry about yet, even after all this downward movement it still sits at a stellar 23000.

Expect it to drop more. Probably even down to 20k.

If it cracks 17k and moves even lower, that's when you can post your ron paul gifs.

wtf are you talking about?

>imma improve the economy
>cannot accept that his failures bring him to anything higher than what he predecessors left
why have a higher market when you can suck jew dick? you stupid indebted fuck
>it's only at 8K, this doesnt affect you and what more do you want
nationalist globalist currency coming




>ron paul .gifs

Eh hem... its doom paul

post archive m8

oy vey

i love this. i fucking love this. nobody ever fucking learns. cant have three terms of dems even though they win pop votes. every fucking time. cant wait til the jap land markets open

kys, he doesn't control the market you fat shekel fuck


he doesnt control anything. he gives them everything they want. point to me an economically successful republigoyim. or a non tanking one that wasnt a democrat. i dont need to kms. youre already spiritually dead and bringing everybody else down with you. enjoy the dust and shoe leather and cannibalism

how have we not learned our lesson by now? how many crashes have been caused by investors dropping their balls and running for the hills?

>calls me a jew
youre a fucking market merchant

the problem is that bummer kept it 17000 artificially, it may be overdue for massive growth (which is good), but people only pay attention to the massive drop that comes after, especially the zog apparatus media

>never increase it please
all debt and joblessness and crashes come under you


Good I hope it crashes and burns.


Dude this bubble is decades in the making and has nothing to do with the left/right divide and more to do with the gutting of our economy by kikes.

Stupid jew phone


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

and who loves debt and zog and revenue cuts the most

Both parties are equal hands of ZOG.

I feel like there's some kind of cosmic thing preventing me from ever finding a job let alone one I'd feel that I was good at, and wasn't miserable slave labor but shit like this keeps on happening.

nope. remember all the whining the jew lobby did with obama?

Ive noticed that actual jews are more frequently democrat fwiw

>actual Jews

How many of you actually do day to day trading?

>In B4 everyone on Sup Forums is a financial wizard millionaire trading daily on the stock floor.

that doesnt matter. hitler made the unbiblical haavara. you whine about iran. tank stocks. put in a jew college. move embassies. pardon rabbis. are usurers. the left doesnt care if it buys things with taxes. we share them. jews hate that and are greedy with this and markets

Obviously, none you retard.

How about all the jewish media support he gets? The whole elections system is theater. Sup Forums used to be wise to this but the_donald retards turned this into a mainstream partisan board.

Why is the market crashing? Is it Soros? Is it the Jews? Is it the democrats? Why now before midterm elections is the market free falling?


You're talking about one man against the entire apparatus. If you expect sweeping change over night then you're dead ass bud. I don't give a shit about you or what you've done, I care about what's happening up THERE. This is a mere consequence of that.

And regardless of whether you're a jew or not the market is still important to our country. What are you saying? That we gtfo and drain the system of its life, sacrificing the state of our country in hopes revolution or whatever will follow? That may be true, but destroying the country is the last thing we need. The US has enemies, BIG ones too, don't think for a second they'll turn a blind eye to our crisis.

Because the US (((service))) economy is a meme. It's not productive in any real sense, it's been extracting from the world through it's control of trade routes, its military prowess and the petrodollar. The debt in the world is cartoonishly unsustainable and its all going to implode one day. I think this crash has a lot more to do with China then

>le jews are punishing Trump for the meme memo.


this faggot is getting desperate

if it fluctuates naturally that's what was meant to happen, whether they go up or down or sideways. Thinking we can hold such a dynamic system in one place for so long is going to get us fucked.

>market lost 2% of its value again

Post pink wojacks otherwise kill yourselves you retarded faggots

Selling seized assets from human rights abusers and the corrupt.

That isn't support bud. It is downright hate and ridicule. This place is not a monolith eithrr

He even activated good ole W.

>claims futures are down -725
>futures with FV is +74


Call me when it hits Obama era lows.
Pro-tip you can't, because it won't,

The poster I was replying to was saying jewish lobbies complained about Obama, i said "what about the media support he gets?"

When it comes to Trump, if the kikes didn't want him to be in power they wouldn't give him coverage at all. They know it only works in his favor, even if it makes him infamous.

Why can't we talk about a news story without most posts being
>this is trumps fault!
>nu-uh it was Obama
This honestly has very little to do with either of them. That's not how the economy works.

sorry, i didn't catch that?

>up 74

What the fuck are you smoking?

genius tier, and true

Can you provide a source for this. This is potentially huge

hf define deception you absolute mongrel

See you this time next week.

This is all about fears of inflation and higher interest rates which the tax cut only made worse. If you want to blame Obama you could because his stimulus did the same thing, the only difference is when he did it, that's exactly what the market needed because we were in a recession. Trump poured gasoline on a fire when it was at its peak. It was utter retardation.

satanic trips cannot lie

lol its fine goys until it hits 17K, are you kidding man? If it hits 19K people will freak the fuck out and the Nevertrumpers will command for Trumps head calling it Obama Market and Trump will be accused of fucking it with unneeded tax cuts.

Legit this and some vague economic growth numbers and wage increases is all Trump has.

17k by next Thursday? Sheeeeit

If triples the DJI hits 30,000 by the end of April.


what part of negative coverage turns anyone to his except the people who already support him? it's part of the psychology "if you repeat it enough times, people will begin to believe it."

While I would love that to happen, it sounds like something a CBTS larp would say

Wew, I was just about to put some in. I've been waiting since the damn election for it to come down.


No source. Just a theory that's been developing lately.

These market moves are not what they're implying they are. Every trader on earth didn't wake up last Friday and become suddenly concerned with interest rates, triggered by the Feds decision to NOT RAISE RATES. The fact that every news outlet is peddling that lie is terrifying. Bonds, equities, metals, oil, the dollar itself, and all major foreign markets are dropping at the same time. Where is the flight to safety? Even fucking btc got hammered at the same time like fucking clockwork.

Gold finally ticked up today which is reassuring that the market hasn't just broken. Basically in looking for an explanation for these moves, globalists shorting everything kinda makes sense. The idea that some nigger like Alwaleed had an enormous portfolio seized and it's being liquidated actually makes the most sense.

Everything across the board dropped similarly. Like a massive portfolio was being unwound and the money from selling it went somewhere we don't know about(like the US or Saudi budget). While every talking had said "rate hikes rate hikes rate hikes that aren't happening plus correction correction correction".

This sounds plausible. Good post. Also check'd.

>i hope it crashes
Shadilay senpai

It's a terrible profession.
People on the NYSE floor only make about $120,000/year which is pretty much nothing for New York and it took them 10+ years to get there.
They could have went to medical school in the same amount of time and have been making in excess of $200,000 or even more than $500,000 depending on the specialty, and able to live in an area where the cost of living isn't very high.
Pro stock traders are morons.
Kids, you can't make it in the finial world if you don't have connections. Anyone who fell for this meme needs to change course immediately.

Obama was literally the affirmative action president.

Nikkei 225 (-3,39% currently, market open)^N225

Weren’t they down like 500 then the DOW went up the next day?

What exactly are futures? Just the best guess?

Stock market keeps rising:
>That's not Trump!
>That's not Trump!
>That's not Trump!
Fed raises interest rates and it falls:


You can trade all night but the final call wont go in till the morning, and there's a running ticker of that activity

Futures are a promise to buy/sell at a future date.

I pay $100 for something tomorrow that I sell to you for $150 today. If it goes well, I make $50. If price rises, I lose.

>no more sushi to COMP anymore

theyre tarded and dont know how to read the website

heres a tip brainlets: dow closed at 23,860.46

i work at taco bell how does this affect me?

It won't